Microbiology - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Microbiology Chapter 15 The Immune system: Specific defenses Specific immunity The immune system is a network of cells and organs that extends throughout the – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Microbiology

Microbiology Chapter 15
  • The Immune system Specific defenses Specific
  • The immune system is a network of cells and
    organs that extends throughout the
  • body and functions as the third line of defense
    against invaders. It is a specific
  • response and it generates specific chemicals to
    counteract invaders.
  • 1. Foreign substances are antigens
  • 2. Proteins made by the body in response are
    called antibodies

Microbiology Chapter 15
  • Two types of immunity
  • 1. Active the individual own immune system
    produces the immunity
  • A. Naturally acquired by disease
  • B. Artificially acquired vaccination
  • 2. Passive either have antibodies passed from
    mother to child or having immune globulin
    administered medically

Microbiology Chapter 15
  • Antigens The body can recognize materials as
    non-self or foreign material. These materials are
    called antigens.
  • Generally protein or large polysaccharides,
    nucleic acids or lipids are antigenic only if
    combined with protein or polysaccharides
  • 2. Any cell, part of a cell, or chemical that
    induces an immune response bythe B-cells or
    T- cells (lymphocytes), is called antigenic.
  • 3. Usually large molecules 10,000 mw, in many
    cases the antigen is some particular part of a
    cell like a cell wall polysaccharide, capsule
  • flagella, or fimbriae

Microbiology Chapter 15
  • Antigens The body can recognize materials as
    non-self or foreign material.
  • 4. Viral protein, pollen, other protein (egg or
    milk protein) can cause an immune response and
    are antigenic.
  • 5. Antibodies tend to react with specific parts
    of an antigen called and antigenic determinant
    or epitope. Size and shape lock-key just like
    in enzyme substrate interactions.
  • 6. Small molecules that are too small to cause an
    immune response are called haptens. Penicillin
    is an example. By itself, too small to be
    antigenic, but
  • it combines with serum proteins and then can
    become antigenic (penicillin allergy )

Fig. 15.8
Microbiology Chapter 15
  • Antibodies are produced by Lymphocytes
  • 1. T or B cell lymphocytes recognize foreign
    material as antigens.
  • 2. They have receptor sites on their cell surface
    that bind antigens in order to eliminate them as
  • 3. The antibody molecules are large proteins that
    are specific in size and shape to interact
    chemically with their particular antigen.
  • Antibody structure several kinds of antibodies
    (chart on pg ____)

Microbiology Chapter 15
  • G M A D E
  • 1. IgG Monomer, simple antibody, Y shaped,
    composed of two heavy
  • chains and two light chains,
  • a. The y ends have a variable region, amino
    acid sequence can vary, thus allowing specific
    interaction with their specific antigen they
  • have two antigen binding sites
  • b. Constant region, on the molecules stem, this
    c region is called
  • constant, it can be different (actually have 5
    different c region types
  • giving 5 different types of antibodies)
  • c. IgG- most prevalent ab, found in blood and it
    is called monomer for
  • its simple shape
  • d. When acting on antigen, enhances
    phagocytosis, neutralizes toxins
  • e. Since it is small, it passes the placenta and
    provides passive
  • immunity to infants

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Microbiology Chapter 15
  • G M A D E
  • 2. IgM Pentamer, composed of 5 monomers (5 Y
    monomer units)
  • a. Large and stays in blood stream or attaches
    to blood cells
  • b. The first kind of ab to appear after an
    antigenic challenge
  • c. Involved in clumping (agglutination)
    reactions, works with complement and clumps
    antigens and cells, so the can be easily
  • d. Kind of reaction seen with ABO blood grouping

Microbiology Chapter 15
  • G M A D E
  • 3. IgA Secretory antibody, secreted along
    epithelium linings
  • a. Found in respiratory tract, GI tract,
    mothers milk
  • b. Localized protection
  • 4. IgD function not well known, found on b cell
    surfaces, may function in initiation of immune
    response (B cell activation)
  • 5. IgE bound antibodies, found on surfaces of
    mast cells, stimulates inflammatory response,
    may be a trigger for allergic response

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Microbiology Chapter 15
  • The immune response B cell immunity (Humoral
    immunity) Know for test
  • The B cells are lymphocytes that develop from
    stem cells located in the red bone marrow.
  • 1. In embryonic development, stem cells
    differentiate into b cells
  • 2. Some move to thymus gland and become T cells
  • 3. Both B and T cells later migrate to other
    lymph tissue (lymph nodes, spleen)
  • 4. When B cells are exposed to antigens, they
    are activated, they start to divide and become a
    clone of many effector cells called plasma cells

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Microbiology Chapter 15
  • The B cells are lymphocytes that develop from
    stem cells located in the red bone marrow.
  • 5. The plasma cells produce the antibodies that
    counteract the specific antigen that activated
    the original B cells
  • 6. Theory of antibody production Clonal
  • a. During development the B cells undergo
    tremendous genetic
  • recombination that results in literally millions
    of different receptor sites on their surfaces.
    These receptor sites are able to bind with the
    specific shape of specific antigens.
  • b. Because of the tremendous number of potential
    genetic combinations on the gene regions that
    code for these antigen recognition sites
    millions of possibilities result millions of
    genetically different B cells

Microbiology Chapter 15
  • The B cells are lymphocytes that develop from
    stem cells located in the red bone marrow
  • c. Recognition an antigen enters the host, only
    one or a few b cells have a site on its surface
    that fits that antigen (better the fit, the
    betterthe immune response) antigenic
    selection antigen selects its B cell
  • d. The specific matching b cell is now activated
    and undergoes cell division into many cells (a
    clone) Clonal selection
  • e. See pg ___ -know this for the test be able
    to diagram andexplain

Microbiology Chapter 15
  • i. Recognition
  • ii. Activation
  • iii. Proliferation
  • iv. Differentiation (plasma cells, memory cells)
  • v. Production of antibodies (secreted into
  • vi. Memory cells long lived cells, survive and
    can respond very quickly if encounter antigen
    again (immunological memory)

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Microbiology Chapter 15
  • The first reaction recognition - activation
    proliferation - etc. Takes
  • time - This is the primary response 1 to 2
    weeks (pg____)
  • Secondary response is very quick memory B cells
    can respond
  • quickly to produce more b cells and antibodies,
    just a few days
  • How does the body know the difference between
    self and non-self
  • material??
  • Still a mystery self tolerance, the forbidden
    clone?? Maybe
  • the B and T cells that are exposed to self
    antigens are destroyed in fetal development when
    they pass through the thymus gland (clonal

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Microbiology Chapter 15
  • T cell response
  • T cells T lymphocytes, cell mediated immunity
    just touch on it a little
  • 1. T cell activation is different than that of B
  • 2. The antigen that is presented to the T cell is
    first processed by antigen presenting cells
    usually a macrophage
  • a. Macrophage encounters antigen ingests it,
    digests it and then seperates it into antgenic
  • b. Antigenic determinants migrate to the
    phagocyte cell surface
  • c. Antigens are held on surface of the phagocyte

Microbiology Chapter 15
  • 3. The correct T cell encounters the antigen on
    the phagocyte and is activated
  • 4. T cells then can divide and differentiate into
    different types of T cells
  • (be able to list and give a function)
  • a. T-helper cells (Th) most prevalent, secrete
  • (interleukins chemical messengers between
    cells of the immune system) see pg ____
  • b. Cytotoxic T cells (Tc) destroy target cell
    when in contact
  • (virus infected cell killed before virus can
  • c. T suppressor cells (Ts) may regulate the
    immune response, turns it off when not needed
  • d. Td delayed hypersensitive cells cause
  • reaction associated with hypersensitivity, and
    some of the problems with tissue rejection

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Microbiology Chapter 15
  • Diagnostic Immunlogy
  • Many diagnostic tests in microbiology are based
    on immunology
  • 1. Ag Ab reactions can b used to determine
    presence of infection or an exposure to an
  • 2. Hiv test, Hep C are used to determine exposure
    to these viruses
  • 3. Clinical immunology (serology) is the branch
    of immunology involved with identifying cause of
    diseases based on the presence of antigens or
    antibodies in serum of patients
  • 4. a good diagnostic immunological test should
    meet two criteria
  • a. Specificity test will indicate the presence
    of only one particular antibody or antigen ,
    wont react with even closely related Ag or Ab
  • b. Sensitivity can detect even tiny amounts of
    antibodies or antigens in serum

Microbiology Chapter 15
  • c. Titer the serum, with antibodies, is diluted
    and the dilutions are tested for antigens. The
    highest dilution that still tests positive (a
    visible reaction) with the antigen is the titer
  • 5. Agglutination test easy to see and read, type
    of test for blood types.
  • a. Whole cells are tested for presence of
    antigens on their surfaces
  • b. Antiserum is added, if positive (specific ag
    ab reaction), clumping or aggregation of cells
    occurs ( blood typing pg ___)
  • c. A,B,O blood groups, rh factor testing ( Photo
    atlas, in lab, page 108-109)
  • i. A a ag, antib ab
  • ii. B- b ag, anti a ab
  • iii. AB both a and b ag and no anti a or b ab
  • iv. O neither a or a antigen, both anti a and
    anti b ab

Microbiology Chapter 15
  • 6. Elisa test (EIA test) enzyme linked
    immunosorbent assay (pg 532)
  • a. Widely used in clinical labs, adaptable for
    direct assay to detect presence of antigen or
    indirect assay by testing for the presence of
  • b. These tests can be easily automated and
    results determined by a computer
  • Direct ELISA (photo atlas pg 110 111) handout
  • 1. Ab for a specific Ag attached to the plastic
    microtiter well
  • 2. Test Ag is added, if it binds, then add
    enzme-linked ab
  • specific for the test ag
  • 3. Then a substrate that is specific for that
    enzyme is added.
  • This will produce a specific color change
  • 4. The enzyme and substrate are selected so that
    a specific
  • color is produced that can be detected in the
  • using optical density reader

Microbiology Chapter 15
  • ii. Indirect like the HIV test.
  • Known antigen is attached to the well. Test
    antiserum is added. If it is complementary to
  • antigen, it binds. p.532
  • Other tests
  • Complement fixation test pg 529
  • Fluorescent AB pg 530,
  • Precipitin,
  • Western blot test (confirmatory for HIV after
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