Title: Unit 1: Industries, Texts
1Unit 1 Industries, Texts Audiences
- 1.1How the Media Industry is structured.
2What Makes Up The Media Industries?
New Media
3How The Media Industry is Structured.
- Overview / Background history
- Who owns what?
- Scope and objectives of operations.
- Regulations of the industry
- Range of products - within and across
4- Horizontal Integration
- The acquisition of competitors in the same
section of the industry. - Vertical Integration
- The ownership of every stage of the production
process (i.e. Production distribution
exhibition), thereby ensuring complete control of
a media product)
5- www.mediachannel.org/ownership/chart.shtml
- www.mediachannel.org/ownership/granville.shtml
- www.thenation.com/special/bigten.html
- www.thenation.com/special/2006_entertainment.pdf
6The Film Industry
7The Film Industry
- Golden Age of Hollywood Studio System
- Big Six
- Mergers Monopolies
- Products
- Vertical/horizontal integration
8Golden Age of Hollywood
- 1920s-1950s - The Studio System
- Film companies
- Producing movies primarily on their own film lots
with creative staff on long term contracts - Pursuing vertical integration through
ownership/control of distribution Theatres.
9- 8 Major Studios
- MGM, Paramount, RKO, Warner, Fox, United Artists,
Columbia, Universal - Paramount Case 1948
- Studio System scheme was in violation of the
Antitrust (Competition) laws of America - Forced separation of movie production and
exhibition companies.
10Six Majors in Film
- 20th Century Fox
- Time Warner
- Beuna Vista Motion Pictures(owned by Walt Disney)
- Pixar, Miramax, Touchstone
- Paramount (owned by Viacom)
- Dreamworks, United International Picturesjoint
venture with Universal Studios MTV, Nickelodeon.
11- NBC Universal (owned by General Electric
Vivendi) - Universal International Pictures
- Working Title London
- Sony Pictures Entertainments
- Columbia Tristar, Jim Henson,
- MGM (Metro Goldwyn Mayer)
12Warner Bros
- A fully integrated, broad-based entertainment
company - A global leader in the creation, production,
distribution, licensing marketing of all forms
of creative content across all current and
emerging media and platforms - Standing at the forefront of every aspect of the
entertainment industry from feature film , TV,
home entertainment production and worldwide
distribution to DVD, digital distribution to,
animation, comic book s, licensing ,
international cinemas and broadcasting.
13- Established by the 4 Warner brothers in 1923
- 1st synchronized sound feature film The Jazz
Singer - 1927 - Subsidiary of AOL Time Warner
- Revenue 31.8 billion
- Divisions include
- Motion Picture, TV, Home Entertainment Group,
Consumer Products, DC Comics, Theatre, Cinema.
15REGULATION Film Industry
- United States antitrust law
- prohibits anti-competitive behavior (monopoly)
and unfair business practices.
16- Production Code of America (Hays Code)
- http//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Production_Code
- 3 Principals
- Not to lower moral standards
- Present correct standards of life
- Law should not be ridiculed
- Abandoned in 1967 replaced by MPAA Film
Classifications - G. PG. PG-13. 17. NC-17
- http//www.mpaa.org/FlmRat_Ratings.asp
- Local National
- Tabloid Broadsheet
- Dailies Sundays
- Industry Newspapers
- UK Brands
19News International
- 4 National Newspapers
- 1 local newspaper - The London Paper
- Parent Company News Corporation
- Revenue 13.5 billion
20News Corporation
- Self Regulation
- Voluntary code - PCC
- www.pcc.org.uk
- Legal control
- Libel
- Jepordise State Security
- Prejudice a Fair Trial
- Campaign for Press Broadcasting Freedom
- www.cpbf.org.uk
22Competition Commission
- Role of the CC
- The Competition Commission (CC) is one of the
independent public bodies which help ensure
healthy competition between companies in the UK
for the benefit of companies, customers and the
economy. The CC replaced the Monopolies and
Mergers Commission in 1999.
- (Author Surname, date of work)
- Citation of entire works
- (Author Surname, Date of Work, page no.)
- Quotations from works
- It is through a semiotic approach to the
interpretation of photography that it can be
shown to create an impression of the irrefutable
and natural from what is really a matter of
interpretation and cultural attitudes (Barthes
1973) - And..
- Flaherty, despite Nanook, seems never to have
understood how films are made and never created
any alternative to the normative practices of
which he remained in ignorance. (Winston 1995
- Include ALL books, Journals, Magazines,
Websites, Films.
26Books Author Surname, Initial. (date of
publication). Title. Place of Publication
Publisher Barthes, R. (1993). Camera Lucidia. New
York Vintage Articles Essik, K., (2000)
France Hammers Yahoo, The Industry Standard
(Europe), 23 Nov 2000 Websites Film Council
(2000). The Structure of the Film Council
online, London Available from
(accessed 20 Dec 2000)