Title: Whats Percolating on College Campuses
1Whats Percolating on College Campuses?
- Lisa Bickerdyke
- Melissa Folsom
- Lauren Pipitone
- Mary Katherine Saladino
- In this presentation the focus is on the uses of
caffeine on college campuses in the forms of
caffeinated beverages and cocoa. - There are other forms such as diet pills or
caffeine pills that people use as forms of
caffeine, but those methods are not being
3What is Caffeine?
- Caffeine - a bitter white alkaloid, C8H10N4O2,
often derived from tea or coffee and used in
medicine chiefly as a mild stimulant and to treat
certain kinds of headaches (dictionary.com, 2003)
4Other Important Definitions
- Stimulant - something that temporarily arouses or
accelerates physiological or organic activity
(dictionary.com, 2003) - Addiction - a compulsive physiological and
psychological need for a habit-forming substance
the condition of being habitually or compulsively
occupied with or involved in something (Webster,
2002, p.33)
5A Cup of History
- Most popular drug
- Found in over 60 species of plants
- Coffee, tea, soda, and cocoa most popular
- Coffee 75
- Tea 15
- Soda and cocoa 10
6A Second Cup
- Occurs naturally in coffee beans, tea leaves, and
cocoa - Philosophers turn to caffeine to fuel ruminations
- Theodore Roosevelt used it as medicine everyday
of his life
7Cup o Joe?
- As the lips of a smoker long to pucker up to a
cigarette, or the veins of a heroin addict sigh
for a needle, some people crave caffeine or a cup
of coffee like a major addiction (Gates, 2003) - Caffeine is the most widely used mood-altering
drug in the world said Dr. Roland Griffiths
8Cup o Joe?
- More than 80 of college students consume
caffeine - Average of about 280 mg a day
- Drink twice as much soda as milk
- Male 3 to 4 cans a day
- Female 2 cans a day
- Stay awake in class
- Stay awake to study
9Survey Results
- How many years have you attended college?
- Have you had any major tests this semester?
- If so, how long did you study for?
10Survey Results
- Do you wait until the last minute to study?
- Do you drink caffeinated beverages to help you
stay awake? - If so, do you feel it helped?
11Survey Results
- How often do you drink caffeinated beverages?
- Function as well without it?
- Increase of caffeine since college?
- Is caffeine an addiction?
12The POP! on Soda
- Account for more than a quarter of all drinks
consumed in the US - More than 15 billion gallons were sold in 2000
- Diet colas pack more caffeine in them
- Contains more sugar than cookies, candies, and
ice cream combined
- Increases the metabolic rate
- Pain killer
- Anti-oxidants against cancer
- Sleepiness
- Reduce risk of Parkinsons disease
- Helps with skin problems
- Lower blood pressure
- Relieve symptoms of asthma
- Addicting
- Osteoporosis
- Sleeplessness
- Arthritis
- Ulcers and upset stomachs
- Aggravate PMS symptoms
- Glaucoma
- Birth defects
- Affects fertility
- Jitters
15Brewing over Caffeine
- Memory
- Alertness
- Depression and aggression
- Anxiety
16 17References
- Aaron, B. (September 16, 2003). Craving caffeine
.Retrieved November 22, 2003 from
/2003/09/16/3f67357167b2f?in_archive1 - Braun, S. (1996). Buzz The science and lore of
alcohol and caffeine. New York Oxford University
Press. - Dictionary.com. (2003). Retrieved October 23,
2003, from http//www.dictionary.com. - Doyle, C. (August 27, 2002) Be careful with
caffeine. Retrieved Novermber 22, 2003 from
health/2002/08/27/hcoff27.xml - Edelson, E. (January 7, 2003). Caffeine tied to
sleepless students. Retrieved October 2, 2003
from http//www.hon.ch/News/HSN/511139.html - Gates, A. (May 1, 2000). Caffeine abuse common in
college. Retrieved October 2, 2003 from
-00cm/05-01-00cm-5.asp - Mercola, J. (April 19, 1998) US teens drinking
more soda. Retrieved October 2, 2003 from
htm - Spiller, G. (1998). Caffeine. New York CRC
Press. - Squires, S. (February 27, 2001). The amazing
statistics and dangers of soda pop. Retrieved
October 2, 2003 from http//www.mercola.com/2001/m
ar/10/soda_pop_dangers.htm - Webster, M. (2002). Websters Unabridged
Dictionary. Weston, Florida Paradise Press. Inc. - Weinberg, B. A., Bealer, B. (2001). The world
of caffeine The science and culture of the
worlds most popular drug. New York Routledge.
www.stanford.edu/group/ itss/year2000/