Lesson 4 Decisions, Looping, Arrays, and Searching - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Lesson 4 Decisions, Looping, Arrays, and Searching


Understand and apply the rules of logic to complex True/False expressions. ... Case 0 'Discover card. Messagebox.Show('$1500', 'Credit Limit:') Case 1 'MasterCard ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Lesson 4 Decisions, Looping, Arrays, and Searching

Lesson 4 Decisions, Looping, Arrays, and
  • Microsoft Visual Basic .NET, Introduction to

  • Plan the solution to a programming problem.
  • Understand and apply the rules of logic to
    complex True/False expressions.
  • Write advanced lf-Then-Else End If statements.
  • Write Do-While and Do-Until statements.
  • Create program loops that depend on logical
  • Declare and use arrays.
  • Use built-in functions for a variety of tasks.

  • Algorithm
  • Array
  • Binary search
  • Concatenation
  • Counting statement
  • Data structure
  • Debugging line
  • Declarations
  • Element
  • Error trapping statements
  • Flag
  • Index
  • Items collection
  • Lifetime
  • Linear search
  • Member
  • Mod

  • Private variable
  • Running total
  • Sentinel
  • Stepwise refinement
  • Subroutine
  • Subscript
  • User interface
  • Visibility

Approaching a Problem
  • Collect information.
  • Create the user interface.
  • Develop the algorithm.
  • Subdivide the problem.
  • Choose data structures.
  • Write the code.

Collect Information
  • Start by getting all the information you can
    about the problem. Talk to the users who will run
    the program. Find out what they want. Do not
    assume that you know more about their problems
    than they do. Gather as much information as you
    can, but expect to revise your solution later to
    meet unexpected or newly discovered needs.

Create the User Interface
  • The user interface is how the user will interact
    with the program. It is what the user keys and
    clicks. It is what the user sees as output. You
    can create a Visual Basic program that is "all
    show." Design the forms used to enter data.
    Design the forms that display the information.
    Once these samples are created, return to the
    user. Find out if your mock solution is what the
    user expects.

Develop the Algorithm
  • Solve the problem completely on paper. If you
    cannot solve a problem with paper, a pencil, and
    a calculator, you probably will not be able to
    program the computer to solve the problem. The
    step-by-step solution to a problem is called an
    algorithm. The word algebra comes from the same

Subdivide the Problem
  • Subdivide each section into smaller and smaller
    tasks. Once youve divided the problem, each part
    can be approached individually. Usually these
    smaller problems are easy to solve. Even if they
    are not, you have at least modularized the
    problem, and you can tackle the tough parts later
    in the process. This process is called stepwise

Event Procedure
  • An event procedure is a subroutine connected
    with an action performed on an object like the
    Click event of a text box or button. When a
    button or menu item is clicked, the code
    associated with that event is executed. The Click
    event is one of many events that an object may
    respond to.

Choose Data Structures
  • A data structure is a way to organize data. The
    simplest way to represent data is to use
  • Another important data structure is the array. An
    array is a list of values referred to by a single
    variable name. Values in an array may be numbers
    or strings, or they may represent complex data
    types that include many pieces of information.
  • Other data structures organize data according to
    relationships between the individual data items.

Write the Code
  • Writing the code may be the very last thing you
    do. Or it may not be. Be flexible. It may be wise
    to develop an algorithm and write the code to
    solve a particular piece of the problem before
    the user interface is designed or before a data
    structure is chosen. You may need to experiment
    with different solutions or different data
    structures to find the one that fits best.

  • Don't be afraid to start over. The things you
    learn in your first attempt will make your second
    attempt better.

ListBox and ComboBox
  • The ListBox control is a display tool that lets
    you display lists of values. It also allows the
    user to select items from the list for further
  • The ComboBox control is closely related to the
    ListBox control. When you select an item from the
    Class Name box in the Code window, you are using
    a combo box. A combo box is like a text box, but
    it supplies the user with a list of suggested

Items Collection
  • The entries displayed in a list box or combo box
    are called items. All the items together form the
    Items collection. A collection is itself an
    object that contains other related objects. In
    this case, the objects of the collections are the
    entries in the list box or combo box.

  • In many fonts, a lowercase L is nearly
    indistinguishable from the numeral 1 or an
    uppercase I (eye). The context should tell you
    which to use. The three-letter prefix for the
    name of a list box is lst, except each character
    is lowercase.

  • Initialize the ComboBoxes
  • cboCapacity.Items.Add("30 gallon")
  • cboCapacity.Items.Add("40 gallon")
  • cboCapacity.Items.Add("50 gallon")
  • cboPower.Items.Add("Natural Gas")
  • cboPower.Items.Add("Electric")
  • cboPower.Items.Add("LP Gas")
  • cboWarranty.Items.Add("1 year")
  • cboWarranty.Items.Add("5 years")
  • cboWarranty.Items.Add("8 years")
  • cboWarranty.Items.Add("10 years")

  • The single quote character starts a comment.
    Comments are normally displayed in a green font.

Final Appearance of frmWaterHeater
  • To enter repetitive code, select the part of the
    code that repeats. Select EditCopy from the menu
    bar, or press CtrlC to copy the selected code.
    Move the cursor to the beginning of the next line
    and paste the code by selecting EditPaste or by
    pressing CtrlV. Once the code is copied a
    sufficient number of times, go back and edit each

  • lstQualifying.Items.Clear()
  • lstQualifying.Items.Add(cboCapacity.Selecteditem)
  • lstQualifying.Items.Add(cboPower.SelectedItem)
  • lstQualifying.Items.Add(cboWarranty.Text)

Program Decisions
  • The simplest version of the If statement takes
    only a single line
  • If condition Then statement
  • NOTE
  • The one-line If statement is the original
    version. Many early versions of BASIC were
    limited to this kind of If.

Boolean or Logical Expression
  • An expression that, when evaluated, results in a
    True or False answer.
  • If the condition tested is True, the statement
    or statements following Then are executed. If the
    condition tested is False, the statement(s) after
    Then are skipped. In either case, the statements
    following the If statement are executed.

Other Versions of the If Statement
  • If condition Then
  • Statement (s)
  • End If

Other Versions of the If Statement
  • If condition Then
  • Statement(s) of the True branch
  • Else
  • Statement(s) of the False branch
  • End If

Nesting If Statements
  • If Age lt 2 Then
  • Person "Infant"
  • Else
  • If Age lt 5 Then
  • Person "Toddler"
  • Else
  • Person "Older Child"
  • End If
  • End If

  • If Age lt 2 Then
  • Person "Infant"
  • ElseIf Age lt 5 Then
  • Person "Toddler"
  • Else
  • Person "Older Child"
  • End If

Three Ifs
  • If Age lt 2 Then Person "Infant"
  • If 2 lt Age And Age lt 5 Then Person "Toddler"
  • If Age gt 5 Then Person "Older Child"

Select Case Statement
  • Select Case textexpression
  • Case expressionlist
  • Case expressionlist
  • Statement(s)
  • Statement(s)
  • Case Else
  • Statement(s)
  • End Select

Simple Example
  • Select Case Choice
  • Case 1
  • txtShowOne.Visible True
  • Case 2
  • MessageBox.Show "Show Two"
  • Case Else
  • MessageBox.Show "Not one or two."
  • End Select

  • Select Case Age
  • Case Is lt 2
  • Person "Infant"
  • Case 2 To 5
  • Person "Toddler"
  • Case 6 To 12
  • Person "Preteen"
  • Case 13 To 19
  • Person "Teenager"
  • Case 20,21,22
  • Person "Young adult"
  • Case Is gt 22
  • Person "Older adult"
  • End Select

Adding Items to the Items Collection
  • Dim Index As Integer lstCardList.SelectedIndex
  • Messagebox.Show("Selected index"
    Index.ToString, "Index")
  • Select Case Index
  • Case 0 'Discover card
  • Messagebox.Show("1500", "Credit Limit")
  • Case 1 'MasterCard
  • Messagebox.show("2000", "Credit Limit")
  • Case 2 'VISA
  • Messagebox.Show("3000", "Credit Limit")
  • Case 3 'VISA Gold
  • Messagebox.Show("3500", "Credit Limit")
  • Case 4 'Platinum
  • Messagebox.Show("5000", "Credit Limit")
  • Case Else
  • Messagebox.Show("Illegal Entry")
  • End Select

Debugging Line
  • A debugging line is a line of code included in
    the program to let the user know what is going on
    as the code is executed. In the final version of
    the application, there is no need to display the
    value of Index. Open the Code window, locate the
    Messagebox.Show statement that displays the value
    of Index, and put a single quote at the beginning
    of the line. This is called commenting out a line
    of code because the single quote character turns
    the whole line into a comment. Commenting out a
    debugging line is better than deleting it
    because, when the program is modified, the line
    may once again be needed.

Programming Skills
  • Characters or strings can also be used to select
    different cases, as shown below
  • Select Case FirstName
  • Case "Groucho"
  • Statements(s)
  • Case "Harpo"
  • Statements(s)
  • Case "Chicko"
  • Statement(s)
  • Case Else
  • Statements(s)
  • End Select

A Lesson in Repetition
  • For loops are called definite loops because the
    starting point, the upper limit, and the
    increment are all known before the loop begins.
    But it is not always possible to know the number
    of repetitions necessary for a loop before the
    loop begins. You may need to process records from
    a database until you run out of data. Or you may
    need to process data from the keyboard until a
    special ending value, called a sentinel value, is
    entered. For these situations, use an indefinite

Do While
  • Do While condition
  • Body
  • Loop

Do While Example
  • In the loop below, the value of x is initialized
    to 1 before the loop starts. The condition x lt
    100 is evaluated before the body of the loop is
    executed. Since the condition is True, the
    statement in the body of the loop is executed.
    The value of x is reassigned to 2 1 1, or 3.
    The Loop statement at the end sends the program
    flow back to the top of the loop. At the top of
    the loop, the condition is tested again to see if
    it is True. Since it is still True, the loop
  • x 1
  • Do While x lt 100
  • x 2 x 1
  • Loop

Do-While Testing at the End
  • Do
  • Body
  • Loop While condition

An Example
  • Dim PopBottles As Integer
  • Do
  • PopBottles CInt(InputBox("Enter the number of
    broken bottles"))
  • Loop While PopBottles gt 0

  • Do Until condition
  • Body
  • Loop
  • Example
  • X 1
  • Do Until x gt 100
  • x 2 x 1
  • Loop

  • X 1
  • Do
  • Body
  • Loop Until x gt 100

  • To test divisibility, you use the Mod operator.
    The Mod operator divides one whole number by
    another and returns the remainder of the
    division. Five mod three is two since three goes
    into five one time with a remainder of two. If
    two numbers are divided and the remainder is 0,
    the first number is divisible by the second.
    Fifteen Mod five is 0 because five goes into
    fifteen evenly, leaving a remainder of 0.
  • To test to see if a number is even, divide it by
    two. If the number is divisible by two, then
    number Mod two will equal 0. If the number is
    odd, the remainder is one.

The Goldbach Conjecture
  • Take any positive whole number. If the number is
    even, divide it by two. If the number is odd,
    multiply it by three and add one. Goldbach
    claimed that the series of numbers generated by
    applying these two rules always ends with a one.
  • For example, if you start with the number 7,
    since it is odd, multiply by 3 and add 1. The
    result is 22. Since 22 is even, divide by 2. The
    result is 11. The sequence generated is 7, 22,
    11, 34, 17, 52, 26, 13, 40, 20, 10, 5, 16, 8, 4,
    2, and 1.

  • lstDisplay.Items.Clear()

  • Dim x As Integer
  • Do
  • x CInt(InputBox("Enter a positive whole
    number", "Goldbach", "7"))
  • Loop Until x gt 0
  • lstDisplay.Items.Add(x.ToString)
  • Do While x ltgt 1
  • If x Mod 2 0 Then
  • x x / 2
  • Else
  • x 3 x 1
  • End If
  • lstDisplay.Items.Add(x.ToString)
  • Loop

  • Dim x As Integer, y As Integer, Largest As
  • x 1
  • Do
  • x x 1
  • Largest x
  • y x
  • lstDisplay.Items.Clear()
  • lstDisplay.Items.Add(y)

  • Do While y ltgt 1
  • If y Mod 2 0 Then
  • y y \ 2
  • Else
  • y 3 y 1
  • End If
  • lstDisplay.Items.Add(y)
  • If y gt Largest Then
  • Largest y
  • End If
  • Loop
  • Loop Until Largest gt 1000

Programming Skills
  • The section of the code shown below
  • If y gt Largest Then
  • Largest y
  • End If
  • These lines compare the current value of y with
    a value stored in Largest. If the value of y
    exceeds the value of Largest, the value of y is
    saved in Largest. This allows the programmer to
    find the largest (or smallest) item in a list and
    save that value for later processing.

The Counting Statement, x x 1.
  • Algebraically, this is not a valid equation, but
    it works fine in a program. It is not an equation
    at all, but it is an assignment statement.
    Evaluation starts on the right side of the equal
    sign. The value of x is found, one is added, and
    the result is assigned back to the variable x.
    This is a common statement that may occur several
    times in the same program.

Running Total Total Total x
  • Evaluation starts on the right side of the equal
    sign. The value of Total is fetched from memory.
    The value of x is added to the Total and the
    result is assigned back to the variable, Total.
    What normally happens in a checkbook is that a
    total is written at the top of the page, then
    check amounts are entered on each line and
    subtracted from the running total. Running totals
    are common in programs.

  • An array is a list of values referred to by a
    single name. Arrays make it easy to access a list
    of related values. Arrays store lists of names,
    values, or objects. An array is an appropriate
    data structure anytime you want to hold a list of
    values in memory for further processing or
  • You declare an array in a Dim statement by
    following a variable name with a number enclosed
    in parentheses.
  • Dim ClassList(45) As String
  • Dim Scores(10) As Integer

Putting Values into an Array
  • Dim ClassList(10) As String
  • Dim Index As Integer
  • For Index 0 To 9 'Valid indices from 0 to 9.
  • ClassList(Index) InputBox("Enter name"
  • Index.toString "")
  • Next

The Out-of-Range Error Message
Linear Search
  • Dim Target As String
  • Target InputBox("Enter the target")
  • For Index 0 To 9
  • If Target ClassList(Index) Then
  • Exit For
  • End If
  • Next
  • MessageBox.Show(Index.ToString)

Scope of a Variable
  • The scope of a variable is its visibility and
    its lifetime. The lifetime of a variable is when
    it does and does not hold valid values. Most
    variables have a limited life. They come into
    existence at the beginning of an event procedure
    and disappear when the procedure ends. They
    reappear when the procedure is again executed.
  • The visibility of a variable is the point at
    which the value of the variable is available to
    use or change. A variable declared with a Dim
    statement in one event procedure is normally not
    available (visible) in another event procedure.
    Such a variable is a private variable.

Final Placement of Controls on the Form
  • Dim FirstName(5) As String
  • Dim Current As Integer
  • Current is used to keep track of the next empty
    space in the array. Visual Basic automatically
    initializes its value to 0. It is also used when
    names are added to the array. When the value of
    Current exceeds the last valid array subscript,
    the program refuses to accept further input.
    Current is declared in Declarations along with
    the array because its lifetime must equal the
    lifetime of the form.

  • If Current lt 5 Then
  • FirstName(Current) InputBox("Enter a first
  • lstDisplay.Items.AddFirstName(Current)
  • Current Current 1
  • Else
  • MessageBox.Show("Array capacity exceeded!")
  • End If

  • lstDisplay.Items.Clear
  • Dim Index As Integer
  • For Index 0 To 4
  • FirstName(Index) " "
  • Next
  • Current 0
  • btnEnter.Focus

  • Dim Target As String, Index As Integer
  • Dim Found As Boolean
  • Do
  • Target InputBox("Enter the name for which
    to search")
  • Loop Until Target ltgt ""
  • Found False 'Initialize the Boolean
  • For Index 0 To Current - 1
  • If Target FirstName(Index) Then
  • Found True
  • Exit For
  • End If
  • Next

  • If Found Then
  • MessageBox.Show(Target.ToString " found
    at " Index.ToString)
  • Else
  • MessageBox.Show(Target.ToString " not in
  • End If

Binary Search
  • The binary search is a powerful algorithm to
    find a target in an ordered list. If you use a
    linear search to find a target in an unordered
    list of 100, you will have, on average, 50
    comparisons before you find the target. Each time
    the If statement compares the target to an item
    in the list, it is a comparison. The number of
    comparisons is proportional to the number of
    items in the list. If there are n items in the
    list, it takes an average of n/2 comparisons to
    find the target in an unordered list.
  • The binary search can find an item in an ordered
    list of 100 with no more than seven comparisons.
    It can search a list of 1000 items with no more
    than 10 comparisons. The linear search would
    average 500 comparisons with a list of 1000.

Binary Search
  • The reason the binary search is so efficient is
    that, with every comparison, the list is cut in
    half. The search starts by comparing the target
    with the middle of the list. If the target is
    equal to the item examined, the search is over.
    If the target is alphabetically less than the
    middle, the bottom half of the list is thrown
    out. The list is redefined to include just the
    items in the top half of the list and the process
    is repeated. With every comparison, the list of
    the remaining items is cut in half. Every time
    the size of the list doubles, only one additional
    comparison is needed to complete the search.

Binary Search, Setup
  • Dim Target As String
  • Dim High, Low, Md, Position As Integer
  • 'Assume lstDisplay is filled with names and
    Sorted True
  • Position 0
  • Low 0
  • High lstDisplay.Items.Count - 1

Binary Search, Loop
  • Do While Low lt High
  • Md (Low High) \ 2
  • If Target lstDisplay.Items(Md) Then
  • Position Md
  • Exit Do
  • ElseIf Target lt lstDisplay.Items(Md).ToStrin
    g Then
  • High Md - 1
  • Else
  • Low Md 1
  • End If
  • Loop

Binary Search, Finish
  • If Low lt High Then
  • MessageBox.Show("Found " Target
  • at position" Position)
  • else
  • MessageBox.Show("The Target has not
  • been found.")
  • End If

Festival of Strings
  • The planning and execution of a programming
    application can be broken down into the following
  • Collect information from the user about the
    intended use of the application.
  • Create the user interface and show the result to
    the user. Alter the design in accordance with the
    user's needs.
  • Develop the algorithm used to solve the problem.
    Work the problem out with paper, pencil, and a
    calculator before trying to solve it on the
  • Subdivide the problem by breaking it into smaller
    and smaller pieces. Plan the interaction of all
  • Choose data structures to represent the data
    processed in the program. This choice may be
    determined by the algorithm and must be carefully
    made to optimize both run time and storage space.
  • Write the code needed to solve each small
    problem. If the planning is careful and complete,
    the code will fit together like a puzzle.

  • A combo box lets the user choose an item from a
    list. It is most like the text box control.
  • There are several versions of the If statement.
  • Logical expressions used to build the conditions
    tested in If statements can be combined using
    And, Or, and Not.
  • The Select Case statement replaces a series of
    If- Then statements.
  • The Do-While and Do-Until statements build
    indefinite loops. These loops are controlled by
    conditions within the loop itself.

  • Arrays are lists of values referred to by the
    same name. The elements or members of the array
    are uniquely selected by specifying an index or
    subscript value.
  • A linear search is used to search for a target
    value in an array. It works by sequentially
    searching every item in the list. The average
    number of comparisons made by the linear search
    while searching for a target among n elements of
    the list is about n/2.
  • A binary search can search an ordered list with a
    handful of comparisons. The maximum number of
    comparisons is the value of x in the equation 2x
    n, where n is the number of items in the list.

  • If the Sorted property of a list box is set to
    True, the elements of the list box are always
    displayed in alphabetical order.
  • Visual Basic uses a large number of functions to
    handle special jobs involving mathematics and
    string manipulation.
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