Title: Dong Ding Oolong - Chineseteaart.com
1Dong Ding Oolong - Oolong Tea
Price(50 grams) US12.60
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One of the most famous and finest Formosa Oolong
is Dong Ding Oolong. The leaves of this tea are
carefully hand-picked from Mount Dong Ding in
Taiwan. It is believed that Dong Ding
Oolong tea plants are actually a specimen of
Wuyi strain that have been carefully selected and
re-planted in Taiwan. As with most Taiwanese
Oolongs, the frangrance and taste of this
tea is wonderfully sweet and will leave you
craving for more.
Other names
Dong Ding Mountain Oolong
The naturally sweet, fruity aroma is strong and
captivating, while the taste is full-bodied,
refreshing and sweet with a flavor that is
reminiscent of a mouth-watering peach. Delicious.
Evenly and tightly rolled tea leaves. The
infusion is yellowish green in color.
Nan Tou, Taiwan
Harvest Period
Winter 2012
Tea Link http//www.chineseteaart.com/dong-ding-o
olong-oolong-tea-p-39.html Picture come from