Breakout Session Wrap-up - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Breakout Session Wrap-up


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Title: Breakout Session Wrap-up

Breakout Session Wrap-up
  • RA43
  • James Shannon, IATA

Thank you.
  • Your questions have shaped the
  • IS Participation Guide
  • SIS website (
  • Future webcasts
  • This presentation (not all questions answered
    here, clarifications, more details, etc)
  • Agenda
  • General Key Takeaways
  • In-depth IS
  • Migration
  • IS Participation Guide
  • E-Invoicing

The Big Green Box
Interface ACH
Interface ICH
Supp. Doc.
Invoice PDF
Supp. Doc.
Billing Outward
Billing Record DB
Supp. Doc.
Supp. Doc.
Validation Correction (IS-WEB)
Billing Value Confirmation
Value Determination Auto-Billing
Digital Signature
Usage File
Digital Signature
Billing Carrier
  • Will existing RA systems be able to provide the
    file formats required for SIS?
  • Not without system changes.
  • Is SIS replacing my RA system?
  • No. It is our policy that we dont replace any RA
    system. Even IS-WEB is a complement to an RA
    system, not a replacement.
  • What will I be charged for _______?
  • The charges are listed in the Airline Business
    Case, on the IS website.

  • When will __________________ be available?
  • Further details
  • Record structures
  • Validated fields
  • As part of the IS Participation Guide (ISPG) end
  • IS-XML is an ongoing development from now
    onwards (job of E-Invoicing WG and E-Invoicing
  • Other record structures will be finalized by
    release of ISPG.
  • NO modifications to ISPG because a carrier finds
    it difficult to make necessary changes to
    support SIS.
  • Working practices and best practices might
    change. Wording might change. No material
    changes, though.

  • Will there be a special general meeting called to
    discuss IS implementation?
  • The SIS team will be planning the next phase
    soon, and this is part of the agenda. The RAWG
    will make the decision.
  • Tools for migration
  • Were investigating the best way to assist in
    your migration, such as a website that will
    perform file validations and provide a list of

  • Old IDEC processes (sending receiving) during
    the migration period will be exactly the same as
  • Same schedule (once per month, not once per week
    as IS-IDEC)
  • Same reports
  • Same validation
  • iiNet
  • Training Help
  • IS Participation Guide is an IT implementation
  • Business processes are discussed where these
    intersect with IT implementation
  • IS User Guide to be released
  • Online help provided to IS-WEB users based on the
    current page

  • When is the mandate date?
  • The IATA Board of Governors and FinCom support a
    mandate date.
  • But no specific date until IS launches and is
    proven to be usable, with sizable volumes going
    through Integrated Settlement.
  • SIS estimates that this will be Sept 2012.
  • Why cant we just have a single go-live/mandate
    period (big bang)?
  • The WGs discussed this and realized its not
    feasible for the industry.

  • SOX Auditing Controls
  • IS will be an invoicing system, not an accounting
  • Any controls you have in place today will have to
    reviewed during migration
  • SIS will take into consideration publishing a
    document detailing our internal controls
  • IS and the RAM
  • IS follows, and will follow in the future, RAM
  • For example, IS has no check on of iterations
    of correspondence this is not in the RAM
  • Should the RAM be updated in the future, IS will
    be updated

  • How will suspensions and late submissions work
    with IS?
  • These processes have been discussed extensively
    with the Miscellaneous WG and the ICH Ops WG
  • More details will be shared in Athens (the ICH UG

In-depth IS
  • Same as today.
  • ATCAN will submit to IS on your behalf if you
    choose to use ATCAN.
  • Otherwise you submit directly to IS.
  • Use IS-XML (IS-WEB). Specific charge category and
    charge code defined.
  • Still a U billing category. Not
    displayed/analyzed with M invoices in IS.
  • Error Reporting
  • Not like todays IDEC
  • Robust
  • Doesnt stop after the first error
  • Provides summary information

In-depth IS
  • Maximum amount for BMs CMs (billing memos
    credit memos)?
  • Despite example of max amount for pax prime
    billings (99,999), no max amount for BMs CMs.
  • Technical limitations (record structure) limits a
    BM or CM to 9 digits (999,999,999)
  • Daily Submission of Files
  • We will ensure we allow enough invoices to
    support separate invoices for primes, RMs, etc.,
    every day

In-depth IS
  • Deletion of files before re-uploading, automatic
    resubmission of invoices
  • You must delete a file via IS-WEB before
  • You must manually submit an invoice
  • There are control issues here. These are legal
    invoices. WG members have said they want these
    actions to be conscious decisions, not something
    that might happen accidentally.
  • The IS Member Profile
  • You can post-date changes
  • You can view the audit trail of what was changed,
    when, and by whom

In-depth IS
  • 10 alphanumeric invoice number
  • Invoice number in IS will be 10 alphanumeric
  • This is mandatory, but can be padded with blanks
    (e.g. 54321 )
  • Increased to ensure any future enhancements
  • Invoice number blocks for non-IS, pax, cargo,
    misc, UATP
  • Can handle daily settlement (no plans for daily
    settlement at this time)
  • Availability
  • IS will be 24x7
  • Some processes will take x hours. Some will
    happen at a certain time (such as ICH settlement).

In-depth IS
  • FIM Billings
  • In case of original FIM billings, linked coupon
    numbers will not be provided as a breakdown but
    supporting documents will be attached
  • A FIM is a prime billing, in and of itself
  • Received File Choices
  • Predetermined by your carrier (in the airline
  • Defined at billing transaction level (Pax prime,
    pax rejection, etc)
  • Everything available via IS-WEB
  • Member Profile Permissions for Aggregated
    Carriers (e.g. LH/LH Cargo)
  • One account per designator/accounting code,
    separate accounts

In-depth IS
  • Validation
  • Failed invoices can be rolled over within a given
    month potential currency conversions prevent it
    from being useful in the following month
  • Coupons are in currency of listing. Converted to
    currency of billing at invoice level. IS will
    validate the math is correct, but not the rate
  • Reject Memo Breakdowns
  • RM Reason Code affects validation done
  • For some reason codes (e.g. ISC Reclaim), a
    coupon breakdown is required. For others (e.g.
    Incorrect Sample Constant), its not.
  • If tax breakdown was provided on the original
    prime coupon billing, and that coupon is
    rejected, the coupon and its attached tax
    breakdown records must be provided.

In-depth IS
  • Is IS designed for daily settlement?
  • No action has been taken by ICH/ACH toward daily
  • However, IS has been designed with this
    possibility in mind.
  • Can I send an invoice to IS for ICH or ACH
  • Yes. You can specify which clearinghouse will be
    used. This will be validated.
  • You can also specify B (bilateral) to send the
    invoice to the other party and skip the
  • What do we have to attach to a RM?
  • This will be defined in the RAM. SIS will not
    check this.

  • Can a non-IDEC carrier migrate directly to
  • Yes.
  • Is it possible that Ill receive two IDEC files
    from a given airline in a single period?
  • Yes. One IS-IDEC (weekly) and one old IDEC
    (monthly) (e.g. Pax primes in one, RMs in
  • Can a carrier migrate in the middle of the month?
  • Yes. At the beginning of any period.
  • There will be some notice required.

  • After Ive migrated, can I choose to received old
  • No. (This would minimize the primary benefits of
    using IS.)
  • What you will receive on IS-IDEC versus old IDEC
    will depend on the migration status of your
    interline partners.
  • Can I migrate only Pax?
  • Yes. But at some point before the mandate date,
    you need to migrate Cargo.
  • Will a migrated billing carrier be required to
    send paper for a given period of time? How long?
  • The RAWG expects that this will be 3 months. See
    RA43 Agenda Item P16.
  • There are no plans for discussion or change of
    the 3 month timeframe.

  • How will the billing carrier know who has
  • The billing carrier shouldnt care. It can submit
    IS-IDEC for any record type it is able, to any
    billed carrier.
  • How will the billed carrier know who has
  • The billed carrier will be able to search for
    invoices and see which have been received via IS.
  • The ICH will show all settled invoices and
    differentiate the IS invoices from the non-IS
    (F12) invoices.
  • The ACH will show total values, and, as today,
    this must be reconciled as invoices come in (via
    IS or via mail).

  • Airline-by-airline Migration Schedule
  • SIS would not be able to support all airlines
    signing up in a single month, but we believe this
    is a low risk, as it is unlikely that all
    airlines will be ready at the same time
  • A migration manager will be part of the project
    in order to schedule migrations and manage
  • We intend to accommodate airlines as much as
    possible to ensure there are no delays due to SIS
  • Migration of Miscellaneous Invoices
  • Practically, the Misc WG expects that all Misc
    invoices will be migrated at the same time
  • Technically, there is no structure to migration
    you can migrate any charge category/charge code
    at the same time, or you can submit some of the
    same charge codes via F12/Recap Sheet and some
    via IS

  • Will IS provide a way to download RMs for
    non-migrated carriers?(or any other billing
  • Yes. But in a displayable format (HTML, PDF,
    etc), not in a structured-data (machine-readable)
  • After migration, can I submit things that I
    received before migration?
  • Yes. After youve migrated then all processes can
    go through IS.
  • If an item is in correspondence, then I migrate,
    do I have to upload all previous attachments?
  • No. This is a choice made by the carrier entering
    correspondence onto IS-WEB.

  • If we receive a billing via IS, but havent
    migrated, do we have to reject via IS?
  • This would be similar to the rule for RMs an RM
    received via IS has to be rejected via IS.
  • But, no, there is no rule that a prime has to be
    rejected via IS. The rules will be defined in the
  • Does the structured approach of migration
    (migrate primes, then RMs, etc) apply to Cargo,
  • Yes.

IS Participation Guide
  • How will the ISPG be distributed?
  • Itll be available publicly on the SIS website.
  • A bulletin will be sent out to announce it.
  • What do we do if we have questions?
  • There will be a series of instructional webcasts
    with QAs after the release.
  • There is always the SIS website which has the
    ability to email the team.

E-Invoicing File Uploads
  • IS will not be a legal archive.
  • If you need to archive invoices/attachments/digita
    l signatures/etc, then you will need to download
    these and archive them yourself.
  • IS will offer an optional service to archive your
  • Will you check if we apply VAT correctly?
  • No.
  • Do we still get the Forms 1, 2, and 3?
  • You will still get the Form 1 (Summary of
    Invoices) report and the Form 3 (Statement of
  • No Form 2.

E-Invoicing File Uploads
  • Will the reconciliation process change?
  • No. You can download or print the invoices from
    SIS. And you still get the Form 3 from ICH. The
    difference is you dont have to wait for the
    paper to arrive.
  • Do the supporting documents have to be
  • Yes. Supporting documents to billings through IS
    must go via IS and be in an electronic format.

E-Invoicing File Uploads
  • There can be exceptions to the neutral file
    format rule.
  • A participant can unilaterally choose (via the
    profile) to accept additional file types from all
    other participants.
  • We attach a large volume of supporting documents
    today. Will we have to scan all of these?
  • Probably not.
  • The RAM is being re-written to minimize the need
    for supporting documents (no copies of the paper
    coupon, for example). This is driven by RAWG.
    With electronic RAM, the rule changes could be
    made before end of 2010.
  • Most of what you attach are in your system to
    begin with. Dont print them just to scan them.
    The system can create a PDF or a CSV file.

Linking Supporting Documents
  • Attachments will have to be associated with
    invoices or records
  • Attachments can be uploaded one-by-one via IS-WEB
  • A zip file with many attachments can be uploaded
    to IS and
  • Manually associated via screens on IS-WEB
  • Contain attachments in a defined folder structure
    so that IS can automatically associate the
  • Contain an index file that matches attachments to
    records so that IS can automatically associate
    the attachments
  • ? SIS, Kale, and the Working Groups analysed
    potential options and the above were chosen as
    the easiest ways to attach considering existing
    systems and scanners

Linking Supporting Documents
  • Documents can be uploaded before or after the
    billings are uploaded
  • You can specify that a billing or invoice should
    have supporting document in the IS-IDEC record
  • This will make it easy to search for and upload
    documents via IS-WEB

Last Questions?
  • Email
  • SIS Website
  • ?
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