1Husbands and Wives
- Where Love Is In The Home theres happiness
joyharmonybliss contentmentpeace.
2Love of Husband
- Husband agapao (Eph. 525,28,33)
- Balances headship with selflessness as
Christ loved the church - Communicates by words and actions
- Poor communication is the main problem in 86 of
all troubled marriages
3Love of Wife
- Wife phileo (Tit. 24) directed at great
problem of feeling absence of affection - Both words apply to each but a reason for the
different words
4Honor His Wife
- The weaker vessel physical, emotional,
position, more delicate (1 Pet. 37). - Understanding the difference
- Men are from Mars, Women are From Venus (John
Gray) - Solve, not share - Talk, not solutions
- Think and react - Feel and respond
- Fix it without help - Share feelings
- Hunt, shoot, bag go home - Shopping
5(Readers Digest, Feb. 1988)
6Shes glorious But shes not Sarita from
Kiniwata. I heard she was homely.
7You think eight cows were too many?...Do you
ever think what it must mean to a woman to know
that her husband has settled on the lowest price
for which she can be bought?... When the women
talk, they boast about what their husbands paid
for them. One says four cows, another maybe six.
How does she feel, the woman who was sold for one
or two? This could not happen to my Sarita I
wanted Sarita to be happyBut, I wanted an
eight-cow wife.
8Wife - Honor Husband
- Honor his position/responsibilities (Eph.
533) - As the church honors its head (Eph.
528-33) - Shown by way she speaks to and about him
9Husband - Cherish Wife
- As his own body as Christ the church (Eph.
528,29) - To keep warm, as of birds covering their young
with their feathers, Dt. 226 (Vine) - He protects her and provides her needs
10Wife - Obey Husband
- Headship likened to Christ over the church (Eph.
522-24) - Gods plan for happiness
- But I want you to know that the head of every
man is Christ, the head of woman is man, and the
head of Christ is God (1 Cor. 113) - obedient to their own husbands, that the word
of God may not be blasphemed (Tit. 25 1 Pet.
11Acronym of L-O-V-E
- Listen
- Communication involves talking and listening
- Overlook faults
- Major on the positive minor on negative
- Value Opinions
- Be considerate of others
- Express yourself
- Speak well of and to one another
- Wives Have you heard these words Love,
honor and obey? - Husbands Have you heard these words Love,
honor and cherish? - Thats what God teaches, and thats what we
promised! -