Title: Geometry Goal 3
1GeometryGoal 3
- Grade 8
- NC SCOS objectives
- Sandra Davidson
- NBCT EA Math
2NC SCOS objectives (5 weeks)
- 3.01 Represent problem situations with geometric
models. - 3.02 Apply geometric properties and
relationships, including the Pythagorean
theorem, to solve problems. - 3.03 Identify, predict, and describe dilations in
the coordinate plane.
31. The Race (NCTM Navigating Geometry)
- Five students in our class want to determine who
is the fastest runner. The race will take place
on a large square on the playground. All
students will begin on X and run to their
assigned point B, C, D, E, or F. The first
person to reach their spot will be the winner. - Is this a fair race?
- Why or why not?
- Is segment XB the same distance as segment XD?
4Looking for Squares (Connected
Mathematics-Looking for Pythagoras)
- Use the 5x5 dot paper to draw 8 squares and find
the area of these squares. Begin by drawing the
smallest square you can by connecting the dots to
make a square with an area of 1 unit. Next draw
a 2x2 square and find the area. Continue until
you have found 8 possible squares and their
areas. Some of these squares will be tilted
squares. - How is the area of each square related to the
side length of each square?
52. Perfect Squares and Square Roots (p.146 and
12 1 22 4 32 9 42 16 52 25 62 36 72
49 82 64 92 81 102 100 112 121 122 144
Can you make a square out of 16 blocks or 49
blocks? Yes, because they are perfect square
numbers. The square root of 16 is 4. The square
root of 49 is 7. Place each of these perfects
squares on the number line. Can you place v32 on
a number line? Yes, it falls between 5 and 6 on
the number line!
63. Solving Equations with Perfect Squares
- v64
- v121
- 2v16 5
- v(916) 7
- -v25 (v16)
- 2v(100-75)
- v64/4
A chessboard contains 32 black and 32 white
squares. How many squares are along each side of
the game board?
7 4. Irrational numbers numbers that cannot be
expressed as a fraction, and decimals that
neither terminate or repeat. p,v3
- Natural numbers the counting numbers 1,2,3
- Whole numbers the set of counting numbers plus
zero 0,1,2,3 - Integers the set of counting numbers and their
opposites plus zero -3,-2,-1,0,1,2,3 - Rational numbers numbers that can be expressed
as a fraction, and decimals that either terminate
or repeat. 8.325, 0.141414 - Irrational numbers numbers that cannot be
expressed as a fraction, and decimals that
neither terminate or repeat. p,v3
8Locating Irrational Numbers thru Estimation
- State whether the number is rational, irrational
or not a real number, then place it on a number
line. - v4
- v72
- -v-2
- -v36
- v22
- Name the two integers that each square root lies
between. - v40
- -v72
- v200
- -v340
- Clothes Line Activity
95. Review the Real Numbers (p.156)
- Rational numbers numbers that can be expressed
as a fraction. - ¾
- -5
- 16
- 3.5
- v16
- -6.325
- Irrational numbers numbers that cannot be
expressed as a fraction. - p
- v3
- v15
- What about this? v-9
- This is not a Real Number!
Play Radical Match
106. Pythagoras
- Pythagoras, a Greek mathematician who lived in
600 B.C., had a devoted group of followers known
as the Pythagoreans. The Pythagoreans had many
rituals, and they approached mathematics with an
almost religious intensity. Their power and
influence became so strong that some people
feared that they threatened the local political
structure, so they were forced to disband.
However, many Pythagoreans continued to meet in
secret and to teach Pythagoreans ideas.
11Discovering the Pythagorean Theorem (Adapted from
Connected Mathematics Looking for Pythagoras)
12Discovering Pythagorean Theorem (cont.)
- 1. Using a centimeter ruler, measure the length
of each hypotenuse on the worksheet, to the
nearest tenth. Record this measurement in the
table in Column 3. - 2. Draw squares on each of the legs of the
triangles. Record the area of the squares in
Column 4 and 5. - 3. Using the pre-cut squares, determine which
square would match the length of the hypotenuse.
Trace this square on the hypotenuse. Record this
squares area in Column 6. - 4. Using a calculator, find the square root (to
the nearest tenth) of your answer in Column 6.
Record this answer in Column 7.
13Discovering Pythagorean Theorem (cont.)
- 5. Look for a pattern in the relationship among
the area of the square drawn on the legs and the
area of the hypotenuses square. Make a
conjecture about the relationship you discover. - 6. What is the relationship between your answers
in Column 3 and 7? - 7. Draw a triangle on your paper with leg lengths
of 2 and 4. What would be the length of the
hypotenuse? Use your answers to questions 1 and
2 to help determine the answer. - Follow-Up Activity
- On the second worksheet are right triangles with
the hypotenuse square drawn. Use the
relationship you discovered above to find the
area of the square and then find the length of
the hypotenuse.
147. The Scarecrows formula The Wizard of OZ
- After receiving his diploma the Scarecrow recites
the mathematical theorem - "The sum of the square roots of any two sides of
an isosceles triangle is equal to the square root
of the remaining side." - Is the Scarecrow's theorem true?
- In actuality, the Pythagorean Theorem states "The
square of the Hypotenuse of a right triangle is
equal to the squares of the two remaining
15Pythagorean Proof (adapted from Navigating
through Geometry NCTM)
- In the center of your graph paper draw a right
triangle with legs measuring 3 and 4 units. - Draw a square along each leg. Color the small
square blue and the other square green. - Along the bottom of your paper cut out a 3x3,
4x4, and 5x5 square. - Color the 3x3 blue, and the 4x4 green.
- Cut the blue and green squares and fill the 5x5
square. Does the 5x5 fit the hypotenuse?
16Penny Drop Game
- Work in groups of three.
- Place the large coordinate grid on the floor.
- Each student drops a red/yellow disc on the grid.
Find the distance between the two that land as
matching colors using the Pythagorean Theorem.
Record this distance as your score, only the two
students with matching colors score on that
round. Highest score wins.
178. Whats Your Angle, Pythagoras?
- A reading and writing activity.
- Complete the questions using complete sentences
and proper writing conventions.
18Pythagorean Triples What do you think is meant
by the term Pythagorean triple?
- Cut out graph paper (cm) strips with lengths of
3, 4, and 5 units. - Can you form a right triangle with the strips?
- Cut out additional strips with lengths of 6, 7,
8, 10, 12, 13, 16, 17, and 20. - Verify that 5-12-13 is a Pythagorean triple by
forming a triangle with your graph paper strips.
Continue to complete the table.
19Given one Pythagorean triple, 3-4-5 triangle, how
can you find new ones?
- Find the missing values in each set of
Pythagorean triples. - 30, 40, ?
- 15, ?, 25
- ?, 44, 55
- The numbers 6 and 8 are two numbers of another
Pythagorean triple. Compare the side lengths of
this triangle with those of the 3-4-5 triangle to
find the hypotenuse. - Use what you have discovered above to discover
some new Pythagorean triples.
209. Using the Pythagorean Theorem(MathScape
Roads and Ramps)
- Suppose you are going to make a ramp for your
school. It will start at the sidewalk and end at
the top of a stairway that leads to the front of
the school. The ramp is to cover a horizontal
distance of 40 ft. and a vertical distance of 5
21Using the Pythagorean Theorem(Connected Math
Looking for Pythagoras p.41)
- Choose a scale and make an accurate scale drawing
using a ruler to solve this problem. What is the
length of the ramp? - Use the Pythagorean Theorem to solve the same
problem. - How do your two results compare? Do you think
one method is more accurate? Explain. - How long would a banister for the ramp be if it
needs to extend past each end of the ramp by 1
22Real World Pythagorean worksheet
- A guy wire is 25m long. It is attached to an
anchor on the ground 7m from the base of the TV
tower. How tall is the tower? - John left his campsite to go on a bike ride. He
plans to keep in touch with his father by a
walkietalkie system which has a range of 5
miles. John walks 4.3 miles north and then 2.4
miles east. Will he be able to talk to his
23Review Real World Pythagorean
- 3. A ramp is designed to help individuals in
wheelchairs move from one level to another. What
is the height of the ramp?
24Review Real World Pythagorean
- 4. Mark is building a pyramid with a square base.
Each side of the base is 7 feet long. The
isosceles triangles that make the sides of the
pyramid have an altitude of 6 feet. If Mark is
53 tall, can he stand up in the pyramid?
25Review Real World Pythagorean
- 5. A conveyor belt moves boxes up this ramp. If
the ramp has the dimensions shown, how far do the
boxes move along the belt?
26Review Real World Pythagorean
- 6. Pat believes that Interstate 36 makes a right
angle with Interstate 18 in Stewartsville. She
is traveling along I-36 and plans to get on I-18
in Stewartsville and then travel down I-18 to
Morton. She is now 38 miles from Stewartsville.
Morton is another 15 miles from Stewartsville.
Pat has found a country road going from her
present location straight to Morton. If she gets
off the interstate, how many miles will she save.
27Review Real World Pythagorean
- 7. How high up on the house does the ladder
- 8. Stop Sneaky Sally as she tires to steal from
first base to second base. If it is 90 ft.
between bases, how far must the catcher throw the
ball to get her out at second?
2810. Real World Algebra - Pythagorean Theorem
- Choose a level and complete the worksheet for
that level. - (level I) p. 109-110, do problems 1-10
- (level II) p. 111-112, do problems 1-10
- (level III) p. 113-114, do problems 1-10
(complete 6)
2911,12. Review and Test
- Internet Practice A
- http//regentsprep.org/Regents/math/fpyth/PracPyth
.htm - Textbook Practice (choose one from each section)
- Section A
- (level I) p. 292 (1-7)
- (level II) p. 292 (8-15)
- Section B
- (level I) p. 293 problems 31 and 33
- (level II) p. 293 problem 32
- (level III) p. 293 problems 30 and 36
- Analyze the Wheel of Theodorus (p.54-55) C.M.
Looking for Pythagoras Labsheet 5.1
Test Tomorrow
3013. Dilating Figures (using a center
point) (Navigating through Geometry - NCTM)
- Sheri found a good way to change the size of a
figure. She is dilating pentagon ABCDE 200 to
get a second pentagon ABCDE. - Describe how you think Sheri is making her
drawing. - Complete the dilation, using T as the center.
- What do you notice about the two figures?
- What is the scale factor?
31Using Scale Factors(NCTM Navigating Geometry)
- Draw rays from the projection point through the
vertices. Multiply the length of this line by
the scale factor given to locate the vertices of
the new scaled figure.
Using point P as the projection point and a scale
factor of 2, locate the scaled image ABC of
triangle ABC.
32Using Scale Factors (cont.)
- Draw rays from the projection point through the
vertices. Multiply the length of this line by
the scale factor given to locate the vertices of
the new scaled figure.
Use point P as the projection point and a scale
factor of 3/4, locate the scaled image ABCD
of rectangle ABCD.
3314. Dilating Figures (using Coordinate Points)
- The dilated image of figure QRST is figure
QRST. - What is the ordered pair for each coordinate
point? - What is the scale factor for the dilation
34Let Your Little Light ShineNC DPI Strategies
- List the ordered pairs for each point labeled on
the graph. Now create a dilation of the
lighthouse. - Using a scale factor of ½, ¾, 2, or 3, make a
list the new ordered pairs. - Draw a second lighthouse on a new sheet of graph
paper. - What happened to the area of the small rectangle
near the top?
3515. Coordinate Plane Dilations NCDPI Classroom
- Working in groups of four students, you will be
assigned the ordered pairs of a specific shape. - Each student in the group will be given a
different scale factor, and will draw their
scaled shape on graph paper. - Use patty paper to compare angles for congruency
and measure side lengths for proportionality. - Each group will then create one large graph of
the original shape and all four dilations.
3616. Dilation Match Game
- Your group has been given several sets of
different dilations on graph paper index cards.
Each card has an original figure and a dilation
of the original. - Your group will get a set of index cards. One
person will be the checker for the group. Each
set of cards will have an answer key that only
the checker is allowed to see. - The different scale factors are on cardstock.
Lay the scale factor cards out so they can be
easily seen by everyone in the group. - The group then looks at the graphs and matches
each one with the correct scale factor. When the
group feels all graphs and scale factor cards are
matched correctly, the checker determines if
they match the answer key. - First group to match all scale factor cards to
their dilations, wins!
3717. Dilation Assessment (Indicators Rotation)
- Copy NCDPI Indicators on cards and place at
different stations around the room. - Students rotate at 1 min. intervals around the
room, completing each indicator, writing their
answer on an answer sheet.
3818. Project - Cartoon Dilation
- Find a simple cartoon figure about 3 or 4 inches
tall. - Trace the figure onto graph paper and list more
than 50 coordinate points for the figure. - Enlarge the figure by a scale factor or 2 or 3,
making a new list of coordinate points. - Graph the new coordinate points on new graph
paper, enlarging the figure by dilation. - Outline and color as a finished product.
- Balanced Assessment Middle Grades
- Connected Mathematics, Looking for Pythagoras
- Exemplary Mathematics Assessments Tasks for
Middle grades - Mathscapes
- NCDPI Strategies
- NCTM Navigating Through Geometry Grades 6-8
- Real World Algebra
- Whats Your Angle, Pythagoras? by Julie Ellis