Title: Third InterAmerican Meeting of Ministers of Culture
1 - Third Inter-American Meeting of Ministers of
Culture - and Highest Appropriate Authorities
Report of activities carried out by the OAS
Technical Secretariat in support of the
Inter-American Committee on Culture (CIC) Work
Lenore Yaffee García Director, Department of
Education and Culture Organization of American
November 14, 2006 Montreal (Quebec), Canada
Organization of American States - Department of
Education and Culture
2Activities carried out by the OAS Technical
Secretariat in support of the CIC Work Plan
- Overview of the Presentation
- OAS Technical Secretariat and Culture Ministerial
process - Mechanisms for Cooperation
- Accomplishments 2005-2006/ Horizontal cooperation
Department of Education and Culture
Organization of American States
3The OAS Technical Secretariat responsibilities
within the Culture Ministerial Process
Set hemispheric priorities and mandates
Fosters political dialogue, serves as Technical
Secretariat. Assist member States to implement
and monitor the CIC Work Plan.
- Provide opportunities for policy dialogue and
- Follow up on Summit and Ministerial mandates
- Infuse technical knowledge
- Help translate the informed dialogue into
concrete cooperation strategies, with the
assistance of the OAS Technical Secretariat.
Department of Education and Culture
Organization of American States
4Summary Inter-American Cooperation in Culture
- We recognize the important link between
development and culture and we agree that support
for culture in its many dimensions contributes
to, among other things, the preservation and
protection of national heritage, the enhancement
of the dignity and identity of our people, the
creation of decent jobs, and the overcoming of
poverty. - Declaration of the IV Summit of the Americas
- Mar del Plata, Argentina, November 2005
Department of Education and Culture
Organization of American States
5OAS Secretariat and Development
- Executive Secretariat for Integral Development
(SEDI) - CIDI Strategic Partnership for Development
- building human capacity,
- strengthening institutions,
- contributing to the development of sound policies
in the sectors in which we work. - Priorities in culture draw from Summits of the
Americas and Ministerial meetings of culture
Department of Education and Culture
Organization of American States
6Main functions - OAS Technical Secretariat
Department of Education and Culture, SEDI
- Maintain institutional memory, informs the
appropriate bodies (CEPCIDI, OAS Missions, SIRG) - Support CIC Authorities in developing CIC Work
Plan and other substantive documents to
facilitate CIC decision making and coordinate
- Support horizontal cooperation by developing
knowledge-sharing activities in cooperation with
host countries. Compile the Permanent Portfolio
of Promising Programs to share best practices.
- Facilitate dialogue and coordination, within OAS
and with other international, regional and
sub-regional institutions identify opportunities
for collaboration with civil society - 5. Contribute to mobilizing additional
resources through the elaboration of project
Department of Education and Culture
Organization of American States
7Support to the Inter-American Committee on
Culture (CIC)
- Second CIC Meeting, August 2005. CIC Work Plan in
light of the mandates from the Mexico
Ministerial. - Special CIC Meeting, March 2006. Present project
proposals, approve CIC Work Plan and look ahead
to the Third Ministerial of Culture. - Ministerial Preparatory Meeting (August 2006)
- Constant communication and periodic meetings to
plan and monitor work plan (5 meetings during
Department of Education and Culture
Organization of American States
8Mechanisms for constant communication and
- Constant coordination and communication with CIC
Authorities - CIC Meetings
- Reports to OAS member States, through Missions
and other appropriate forums (CEPCIDI) - CIC Web site (bilingual)
- CIC Virtual Forum
CIC Web page www.oas.org/udse/cic
CIC Authorities Virtual Forum www.oas.org/udse/
Department of Education and Culture
Organization of American States
9Horizontal cooperation efforts Promising
Programs in Culture
- Countries identify their successful and cutting
edge programs taking into account - Criteria
- Sustainability (more than 5 years)
- Effectiveness (evaluations)
- Adaptability (flexibility to be shared and
adapted to other environments) - Generated useful materials (reports, lessons
plans, training courses) - Innovation (cutting edge)
Department of Education and Culture
Organization of American States
10Horizontal cooperation efforts Promising
Programs in Culture
- Portfolio of Promising Programs in Culture
(Ministerial Edition) - Organized following 4 Ministerial themes
- The Preservation and Presentation of Cultural
Heritage - Culture and the Enhancement of Dignity and
Identity - Culture and the Creation of Decent Jobs and
Overcoming of Poverty - Culture and the Role of Indigenous Peoples.
- Contains 45 programs (25 new or updated
programs, 20 from previous editions) from 14
countries and 3 non-governmental organizations
Department of Education and Culture
Organization of American States
11Horizontal cooperation efforts Knowledge-sharing
- Member States, through the CIC, identify programs
of interest to determine the workshops and other
collaborative activities. - Host country determines its capacity and sets
dates to hold a knowledge-sharing activity - Identification of resources (Past activities have
included funds from OAS/CIC, OAS Human
Development Fund, other international
organization support, and host country funds) - Selection of participants (Usually technical
personnel from the Ministries and Appropriate
Authorities in the member States, or, through the
OAS Human Development Fund, through an open
competition) - Mixed group, with equitable regional
Department of Education and Culture
Organization of American States
12Knowledge-sharing workshops Portfolio of
Promising Programs in Culture
- Resources from
- OAS Reserve Subfund in Culture
- A one-time contribution (seed funds). US190,000
- All resources have been expended or committed in
support of CIC- programmed activities. - OAS member State support and leadership
- 2004-2006 Canada, Mexico, Chile, Trinidad
Tobago, Honduras - Other international organizations and OAS
Departments - Convenio Andres Bello, OAS Department of
Education and Culture, Fund for Human
Development, Department for Development Programs
and Policies
Department of Education and Culture
Organization of American States
13Knowledge sharing workshops 2005-2006
Community-based cultural preservation Mexico,
September 2005
Cultural Information Systems Three Subregional
Workshops - Caribbean, Trinidad, March 2006 -
Central America, Mexico, July 2006 - South
America, Chile, Sept. 2006
Rescue and promotion of indigenous and popular
crafts Honduras, December 2006
Department of Education and Culture
Organization of American States
14Knowledge-sharing Workshop Community based
cultural preservation
- Hosted by CONACULTA and the National Institute
for Anthropology and History of Mexico (September
- Shared Mexicos experience with its Proyectos
Integrales de Conservación del Patrimonio. - Participants from 10 countries selected
through a competitive selection process. - Mexicos methodology, sharing experiences and
existing approaches, application to own contexts.
- Outcomes Jamaica, involvement of local
communities in proposal to recover historical
downtown Kingston. Costa Rica, working sessions
to explore use of methodology
Department of Education and Culture
Organization of American States
15Knowledge-sharing Workshops Cultural Information
- Cultural Information Systems (Trinidad, March
Mexico, July and Chile, September)
- Sub regional workshops to share experience
of Canada, Mexico and Chile in the development
and maintenance of their Cultural Information
Systems - Participation OAS member States and sub
regional and international organizations
(CARICOM, Convenio Andres Bello, UNESCO, OEI,
UNDP) - Outcomes
- Built new working relationships among
technical officials in countries - Identified specific needs for each region
- Included international organizations,
facilitating future coordination. - Next Steps Colombia offered to host a
synthesis and programming meeting. January 2007.
Department of Education and Culture
Organization of American States
16Knowledge-sharing Workshop Rescue and Promotion
of Indigenous and Popular Crafts
- Honduras, December 4-8, 2006
- To share Honduras experience with its
Programa de Rescate y Promoción de la Producción
Artesanal, Indígena y Tradicional de Honduras
(PROPAITH) aimed at rescuing the indigenous
artisan tradition and developing mechanisms to
support craftspeople in the production and
marketing of their products. - 12 participants from all regions have been
selected through a competitive process.
Department of Education and Culture
Organization of American States
17Road ahead Third Ministerial of Culture and
List of Priority Activities
- Four main topics in CIC Work Plan derived from IV
Summit of the Americas - Preservation and presentation of cultural
heritage - Culture and the creation of decent jobs and
overcoming poverty - Culture and the enhancement of dignity and
identity - Culture and the role of indigenous peoples
- List of Priority Activities 2007-2008 emerging
from the Third Ministerial
Department of Education and Culture
Organization of American States
18- The OAS Technical Secretariat looks forward to
continuing to support the culture agenda of the
OAS member States through its support for the
Inter-American Committee on Culture (CIC) and its
authorities. - THANK YOU!
- Department of Education and Culture
- Organization of American States
Department of Education and Culture
Organization of American States