Title: Procedures For Successfully Carrying Out A Liver Transplant
1What Exactly is A Liver Transplant?
2Liver Transplantation is a type of surgery which
is carried out to remove an infected or
dysfunctional liver and replacing it with a
functional and healthy liver. The surgery has
been carried out by surgeons all over the world
since 40 years and have carried out the majority
of surgeries in a successful manner. During a
transplant a patient's entire liver is removed
and is replaced with either a full grown liver or
a part of a it which grows after some time to
full form.
3Under What CircumstancesA Person Has To Get A
Liver Transplant?
4People whose liver becomes dysfunctional are
likely to die if they do not get a transplant.
Various types of liver diseases can cause liver
failure out of which the most common disease is
Cirrhosis in which the liver cells suffer from
cuts or scars which results in the liver cells
becoming dead. Cirrhosis is a disease which is
caused by prolonged symptoms of Hepatitis C.
5There are other conditions like Bile Duct
diseases, primary biliary Cirrhosis, Atresia and
primary sclorosing which cause the liver to fail
because of excess bile juice secretion. Also,
Disease like Wilson Disease and Hemochromatosis
which are hereditary diseases cause the Copper
and Iron levels in the liver to rise to dangerous
levels respectively. Also, Alcoholism and Liver
Cancer are the reason for a person to get a liver
6What is Cirrhosis?Cirrhosis is a disease which
affects most of the patients who their livers
transplanted. Most of the the adults suffer from
Cirrhosis which requires them to get a liver
7How Cirrhosis Affects The Liver In
Adults?Cirrhosis is a transformation disease
which over the time replaces the liver tissues
with the scar tissues which disables proper
functioning of the liver. The scar tissues
inhibits the blood flow into the liver which
prevents it from processing the drugs, hormones
and various nutrients. This inhibition reduces
the ability of the liver to produce proteins and
other chemicals which are necessary for the body.
8What Is The Most Common Reason For A Child To Get
A Liver Transplant?
9The most common liver disease among children is
Biliary Atresia which is the cause for getting a
transplant. The disease is related to the bile
ducts which carry out the bile enzyme out of the
liver. When these duct are not present or are
damaged there is high possibility of having liver
Cancer or Cirrhosis.
10What Is A Liver Donor Operation?
11The donor of the liver is operated by making a
incision in the upper abdomen area of the body.
If a child has to be transplanted with a liver
then only 25 of the portion of the donor's liver
is taken out.
12But if The patient is an adult then about 60 of
the liver is taken out from the donors body.
Usually, surgeons take out the right portion of
the liver for transplanting it to the patient.
13The Blood Vessels in the liver are separated from
the body and the portion of the liver to be used
is cut out and taken to another operating room
where it is fitted in the recipient's body. The
operation of the donor usually takes 6-8 hours
for completion.
14What Are The Symptoms Indicating You To GetA
Liver Transplant?
15The Prolong or worsening of the following
symptoms is the indication for a person to get
their liver transplanted - Itching- Increased
tendency To Bleed- Forgetfulness And Confusion-
Abnormal storage of fluid known as Ascites in the
abdomen area.- Blood in Vomit- Gray colored
Stools- Dark Colored Urine (tea colored)
16How Can A Liver Be Procured For A Transplant?
- There are 2 choices for a patient for a Liver
transplant -
- 1. Cadaveric Transplant
- 2. Donor Transplant
17Cadaveric Transplantation
- In this type of transplant the donor of the liver
may be a victim who has suffered serious injuries
in an accident which has caused his/her brain to
stop working but his/her heart beats. In this
situation the donor is declared legally dead
because of the dysfunctioning brain. The person
is put on to a life support system in the
Intensive-care Unit (ICU). The reasons for the
death of the person are kept confidential and are
only known to the doctors. The liver of the
patient is used for transplanting it in to the
person in need of it.
18Living Donor Transplant
- patient who are at the last stage of the disease
require a live donor liver transplant. A segment
of the donor's liver is removed and is planted in
to the body of the recipient. Mostly family
members who are blood related donate their liver
to the patient. The liver grows back to the
normal size with in weeks after the operation.
It is important for the patient and the donor to
be stable in their health which may cause serious
concerns over their lives as the operation
involves a lot of blood loss chances and other
complication which can be controlled only if a
person's health is at the required level.
19What Tests are neededBefore a Liver Transplant?
20 - Your medical history would be examined by
the specialists and various tests would be
performed to ensure the safety during the
operation. - Doppler Ultrasound test is carried
out to find out if the blood vessels coming from
and going to the liver are working properly.-
Pulmonary Function Study is done to determine
whether the lungs are able to exchange carbon
dioxide and oxygen or not. - Computer
Tomography test uses the X-rays and computer
generated images of the liver which would help
the doctors determine the condition of the liver
so that they can carry out further procedures.-
Echo-cardiogram test is also done to get a
detailed evaluation of the condition of the
Heart. - Apart from all these specific tests
which require specialized machinery, the doctors
carry out blood tests to determine various
symptoms and ability of blood like clotting
ability, blood type, AIDS and Hepatitis detection
and biochemical status of the blood is done.
21What Is Done After The DoctorsFind A Matching
- When the doctors find a matching liver for you,
the transplant coordinator would contact you.
After you have been informed about the matching
liver you should not eat or drink anything until
you reach the hospital for the transplant. You
would be informed about any further instructions.
An Electrocardiogram test and a chest X-ray would
be performed before your transplant operation
begins. The surgical resident and the
anesthesiologist would meet you in the operation
theater. If the test done approve the transplant
to be carried out then you would be operated
otherwise you would be sent back and would not be
called again until a matching liver is found.
22What Are The Procedures During The Time Of The
- During the time of surgery your diseased liver is
removed from your body by the surgeons who
disconnect the bile ducts and blood vessels from
it and replace it with the new liver. The blood
which was present in the liver which was taken
out would be sent in to the body with the help of
a machine. After the liver is connected to the
bile ducts and the blood vessels the blood in the
body would automatically start flowing through
your liver. This operation would last for around
6 to 12 hours during which you would be made
unconscious by injecting a dose of anesthesia in
your body.
23What Are The ProceduresAfter The Surgery?
- After you undergo the surgery you will have to
stay at the hospital for one to three weeks until
you become strong enough to be discharged and to
make sure that your liver is functioning
properly. You would have to consume medication
for the prevention of any kind of infections in
the liver. The doctor would perform regular
checkups during your stay at the hospital. - During the time your Liver Transplant Surgeon
will tell you about the procedures and routines
which you have to follow so that you keep
yourself healthy and away from any kind of
infections. After few days or a week you will be
provided liquid meals for sometime and eventually
would be switched on to solid food. - The patients have to take the immunosuppresive
medications for their entire life to prevent any
kind of immune rejection in the liver which can
have harmful effects on rest of the body.
24What Complications Can Occur In A Liver
Transplant Surgery?
- There are basically two common type of
complications which occur after a surgery, i.e.
Infection and Rejection.
- A patient is more prone to get infected rather
than suffering from rejection. This is because of
the anti-rejection medicines which are prescribed
to you. These medications increase the risk of
getting liver infections. Thought this problem
does not persists for a longer period of time but
is very much likely to occur if proper care is
not done.
- Our immune system works to prevent any alien
substances or elements from entering our body or
fights the harmful substances which can cause
harm to our health. Sometimes it is not possible
for our immune system to distinguish between our
newly transplanted liver and the unwanted
invading elements. This makes the immune system
to attack the liver and destroy it by ceasing its
functions. This is known as rejection. Some or
the other kind of rejection occurs among 70 of
the patients which is treated with the help of
anti-rejection medicines in most of the cases.
27What Side Effects Can A PatientSuffer After The
Liver Transplant?
- The rejection Preventing drugs are the main
reason for any kind of side effects among the
patients who have got a liver transplanted in
them. - Most Of The Side Effects Include
- - Nausea
- - Diarrhea
- - Fluid Retention
- - Incresed Blood Pressure
- - Headaches
- To Check whether your new liver is functioning
properly or not they conduct blood test for
testing various conditions in the blood quality.
Your are recommended to eat a healthy diet
containing fresh vegetables and less fats and
28Important Info
- It should be noted that liver transplant can be
some times dangerous for a person's health if
they have other diseases outside the liver or
have active alcoholic and smoking habits. Any
kind of septic infections may also result in the
prevention of a liver transplant in a person.
Therefore, most of the transplants are performed
on people who have Chronic Liver Cancer Disease.
29- Dr. Arvinder Singh Soin is one of the Pioneers of
Liver Transplantation in India and the world. He
has conducted more than 1500 Liver transplants
and over 12000 Bil Duct, Gall Bladder and other
complex liver surgeries all over the world.
30Contact Us Liver Transplant IndiaDr. A.S.
SoinHepatobiliary and Liver Transplant
Surgeon,Chief Hepatobiliary and Liver Transplant
Surgeon Chairman,Medanta Institute of Liver
Transplantation and Regenerative Medicine.Sector
38, Gurgaon, Haryana 122001, IndiaTel
NumbersMedanta-The Medicity (Gurgaon, Delhi
NCR)(91) - 124-4855-222, 0124-4855-444Fax 91
-124 4834111Website http//www.livertransplanti
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