Title: Possible Architectural Principles for OGSAUK and other Grids
1Possible Architectural Principles for OGSA-UK and
other Grids
- UK e-Science Core Programme Town Meeting
- London Monday 31st January 2005
- Defining the next Level of Services for
e-Science - Geoffrey Fox
- Community Grids Lab
- Indiana University
- gcf_at_indiana.edu
2Goal Clarify Infrastructure sowe can focus on
So wecan focushere
Clarify these areas
3Two Core Grid Service Structure
Application Specific Services
Generally Useful Services
Other System Services
Partial Interoperability Layer ??
WS-I Based Core
WSRF Based Core
Core System Services
4What are the two Cores?
- WS-I Core is WS-I (XML, WSDL, SOAP, WS-Security
(partial as WS-Security is work in progress),
UDDI), WS-Addressing, WS-RM, BPEL - Assume this gets updated every now and then as
specifications and best practice evolve - WS-I Core adds WS-Eventing as this comes from
IBM and Microsoft and similar to
WS-BaseNotification - WSRF Core perhaps includes XML, WSDL, SOAP,
WS-Security (same caveats as above),
WS-Addressing, WSRF, WSDM, GSI .?
5Why are there two Cores?
- As there is no clear Web Services standards, it
is hard to generate interoperability among
different Web Service-based Grids under
development around the world - WS-I only selects 4.5 (.5 from Security) out of
60 WS- specifications generated over last 1-5
years - One core would be best perhaps but two is less
than 260 potentially possible - The two cores are not easy to reconcile for both
technical and political reasons - Both cores can be expected to be technically
strong over next two years - Existing successes show that both cores satisfy
current Grid application requirements
6Filling the void with islands of agreement
- SSG/P are Standard Service Groups or Profiles
which are functionalities supported by agreed
groups of services and features - Can be specific to one or other core
- Can be independent of core or easily adapted to
either core - Service Interaction and Management
- Portals
- Database Access
- Job Submission
Possible near termIslands
7Characteristics of the Two Cores
- The two cores have somewhat different design
philosophies - WS-I core approaches complexities of
distributed systems by set of broad minimal
specifications that are aimed at easy scalability
of common infrastructure and are agreed by broad
community (including IBM and Microsoft) - WSRF core is more prescriptive and so enhances
potential interoperability between different
complex Grid services - Remember MPI PVM dominated for several years
only 6 of 128 MPI functions used by real people - But we are at the beginning and so I would say
they are different as opposed to better or
simpler or .. - We can expect experience to suggest a common core
merging these ideas but this is years away? - Useful to study a possible interoperability
framework - Either in terms of best practice for building
services that work with either or - By building filters that map SOAP messages
between specifications (WSDM to and from
WS-Management etc.)
8Some near term Possible Actions
- Get community organizations to clarify two cores
and their process for evolution - Certainly should involve WS-I and GGF W3C EGA
etc. also could be important - OGSA-UK and OMII could decide to follow one other
core or to be interoperable with both - Suggest other large Grids align themselves with
one or other (or both) tracks - Start thinking about new islands of agreement
between two cores or within a particular core - Just as WS-Eventing close to WS-BaseNotification,
perhaps could define WS-BaseDM close to WS-Man - Example of activities helping core
9Interoperability Principles I
- Can we draw a line in sand defining where
dependencies on core and lower level services and
features ends - JSDL (for jobs), CIM (for devices), GML and some
OGC services (for geography), VOTable (astronomy)
are above the line - Easiest for properties but services also needed
10Interoperability Principles II
- We should try to develop interoperability
principles that help define the line in the
sand - Should be quite easy to separate application
properties from any system issues below the line - Application services are harder as they can
involve system services (e.g. OGC services
involve discovery and metadata) - WSDM illustrates possible difficulties as it
appears to mix service interaction and properties - Good for building integrated systems doubtful
for interoperability - On other hand, WS-Management, Transfer,
Enumeration, and Eventing define service
interaction profiles that appear largely
independent of resource properties - Good for defining a clear line in the sand
- Doubt if these are a complete set of interaction
profiles it would be useful to address this - Can Semantic Web technologies be used to support
separation of service interactions and
meta-data (which is roughly data) - Of course WSDM is an open standard and all the
others are not considered as such yet
11Possible near term Islands of Agreement
- Portal Profile common for both cores
- WSRP and JSR168 (generalized to WS168)
- Database Access separately for each core
- Management and Service Interaction for WS-I
- WS-Management, Enumeration, Transfer, Eventing
- and perhaps some guidelines for use of CIM
- Job Submission for both cores
- Grids need islands in area of high performance
data transport and advanced security