Title: City of Fargo,
1City of Fargo, Southeast Cass Water Resource
District, Southside Flood Protection Environm
ental Assessment Agency Scoping Meeting December
9, 2008
50th Avenue South
Rose Coulee
Red River
University Drive
1997 Spring Flood Fargo, Moorhead
University Drive
Rose Coulee
Cass Co Drain 53
25th Street South
1997 Spring Flood South of Fargo
Rose Coulee
Interstate 29
25th Street South
Red River
Cass Co Hwy 81
Wild Rice River
1997 Spring Flood South of Fargo
525th Street South
St. Benedict
Cass Co Hwy 16
Wild Rice River
Interstate 29
1997 Spring Flood South of Fargo
6Interstate 29
St. Benedict
Cass Co Hwy 16
Cass Co Drain 47
Wild Rice River
1997 Spring Flood South of Fargo
7Southside Flood Control
- Provide Protection from overland flooding that
threatens the majority of properties south of
I-94. - Prevent extensive expansion of South Fargo
Floodplain and mandatory flood insurance
requirement. - Provide growth area, helping to keep our regions
economy healthy.
Interstate Hwy 94
Southside Flood Control
West Fargo
Red River
Cass Co Hwy 6
1997 Spring Flood Areas Inundated With
Floodwater and Estimate of Areas Protected
by Emergency Measures
Interstate Hwy 29
Cass Co Hwy 14
Wild Rice River
Sheyenne River
Cass Co Hwy 16
Red River
Cass Co Hwy 18
Interstate Hwy 94
West Fargo
Southside Flood Control
Preliminary 100 500 Year Floodplains Red and
Wild Rice Rivers
Interstate Hwy 29
10(No Transcript)
11Southside Flood Control
North Dakota State Climate Office
12Project Flood Control Methods
- FEMA levees floodwalls
- Channel extensions
- (Red River drain improvements)
- Floodwater storage inside of project
- Pump stations
- Control structures
13Southside Flood Control
Wild Rice River Levee Alternative
Base Project
14Issues Raised With Base Alternatives
- Red River Wild Rice River impacts (Higher flood
levels) - Lost storage (Concern storage impact will simply
move impacts upstream) - Properties east of Hwy 81 and upstream receive no
15Southside Flood Control
Wild Rice River Levee Alternative with Channel
Extensions Supplemental Storage
16Wild Rice River Levees Alternative Red River
17Southside Flood Control
Wild Rice River Levee Alternative Selected
Plan River Stage Changes 100 Year Flood
18Interstate Hwy 94
Southside Flood Control
Interstate Hwy 29
Preliminary 100 Year Floodplain
19Interstate Hwy 94
Southside Flood Control
Interstate Hwy 29
Preliminary 100 Year Floodplain with Line of
20Interstate Hwy 94
Southside Flood Control
Interstate Hwy 29
After Project Preliminary 100 Year Floodplain
Red River
1997 Spring Flood Burritt Kennedy, Lemke and
Harwood Groves Area
22Modifications to Base Project
- 32nd to 40th Avenue South
- Pursue primary protection through backyards
- South Acres
- Include in primary protection alignment
- Channel Extension Alignment
- Chrisan West
- Include in primary protection alignment
- Maple Prairie
- Include in primary protection alignment
23Modifications to Base Project
- Mini Bypass (Wild Rice River)
- Pursue mini bypass alignment
- to protect additional properties
- Storage Plan Drain Improvements
- Pursue storage along Drain 27
- Chrisan East
- Pursue secondary protection
24Option 1 - River Side Permanent FW
32nd to 40th Avenue Backyard Options
25Wild Rice River Area Options
Option 1 No Wild Rice River Crossing
Option 1 No Wild Rice River Crossing Option 2
(Base) Wild Rice River Crossing Option 3
Option 2 Wild Rice River Crossing
Option 3 Mini-Bypass
26Southside Flood Control
STORAGE SUMMARY Existing effective storage
6,000 Acre-Ft Base project 0
Acre-Ft Channel extension/storage 2,000
Acre-Ft Supplemental storage 4,000 Acre-Ft
27Southside Flood Control
Red River Channel Extension Options
28North Dakota
Red River Channel Extension
Red River
Typical Red River Cross-Section
29Southside Flood Control
Wild Rice River Levee Alternative with Preferred
25th Street South
University Drive
Rose Coulee
Red River
1997 Spring Flood South of Fargo
31Project Schedule Next Steps
- Environmental Assessment
- Conditional Letter of Map Revision (CLOMR)
- Permitting
- Special Assessment Process
- Development of Final Design
32Southside Flood Control
Questions / Discussion