Title: Fargo Flood Control
1Fargo Flood Control Southside
Flood Protection Landowner Meeting, Maple
Prairie September 18, 2008
225th Street South
St. Benedict
Cass Co Hwy 16
Wild Rice River
Interstate 29
1997 Spring Flood South of Fargo
Interstate 29
Rose Coulee
25th Street South
Red River
Cass Co Hwy 81
Wild Rice River
1997 Spring Flood South of Fargo
4Southside Flood Control
- Provide Protection from overland flooding that
threatens the majority of properties south of
I-94. - Prevent extensive expansion of South Fargo
Floodplain and mandatory flood insurance
requirement. - Provide growth area, helping to keep our regions
economy healthy
Interstate Hwy 94
West Fargo
Southside Flood Control
Preliminary 100 500 Year Floodplains
Interstate Hwy 29
6Southside Flood Control
West Fargo
76th Avenue
Cass Co Hwy 81
Existing 100 500 Year Floodplains
Proposed 100 500 Year Floodplains
7Southside Flood Control
Wild Rice Levee Alternative with Channel
Extensions, Recoverable, and Supplemental Storage
876th Avenue
Cass Co Hwy 81
1997 Spring Flood South of Fargo
9Maple Prairie
Base Option 0.4 M
Option 1, Levee 1.3 M
10Maple Prairie Resident Feedback
11Maple Prairie
Resident Feedback
12Maple Prairie
Resident Feedback
13Maple Prairie Concerns Raised
- Levee footprint 31 slope preferred
- Loss of trees/land
- Are there other options? Floodwall, Raise 76th,
Levee North of 76th - Larger culvert(s) through 76th
- Snow removal
- Property value reduction
- Interior drainage
14Maple Prairie
Option 2, Floodwall 3.7 M
15Maple Prairie
Option 3a, Road Raise 2.6 M
Option 3b, Road Raise/Realignment 1.5 M
16Maple Prairie
Technical Committee Preferred Option FEMA
Protection North of Maple Prairie
17(No Transcript)
18(No Transcript)
19Project Schedule
Development of options east of University Drive April-June 2008
City Commission Selection of preferred base alternative July 14, 2008
Public input meetings April 15 - September 2008
Environmental Assessment July December 2008
Consultant Selection July - December 2008
Begin Design December 2008
CLOMR Submittal July December 2008
CLOMR Approval March 2009
ROW Acquisitions October 2008 October 2009
Permitting September 2008 April 2009
Special Assessment District September December 2008
Begin Construction June 2009
Functional Completion March 2011
Final Completion July 2012
20Southside Flood Control
Questions / Discussion