Title: Are you using your learning resources
1Are you using your learning resources????
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2Environmental Laws, Economics, and Ethics
Chapter 2
3(No Transcript)
4(No Transcript)
5Environmental History of U.S.
6Environmental History of U.S.
Some conservationists were influential in raising
environmental concerns later in this period.
7Environmental History of U.S.
Several presidents, particularly Theodore
Roosevelt, used this Act to establish 43 million
acres of forest reserves.
8Hatch Velchy Valley In in Yosemite before it was
dammed by congressional approval in 1913 to
provide water for San Fransico
9John Muirs Sierra club lost the battle to
prevent the damming, but the National Park
Service was created in 1916 in response to public
10(No Transcript)
11Environmental History of U.S.
Different worldviews
12Environmental History of U.S.
13Environmental History of U.S.
14Environmental History of U.S.
15Environmental History of U.S.
16U.S. Environmental Legislation
- National Environmental Policy Act
- dictates ALL federally proposed actions draft an
environmental impact statement.
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18Addressing New Environmental Problems with
Government Policies
Problem identified
Regulations implemented / enforced by states
19- environmental laws that have passed
- Clean Air Act (1970) (Amended in 1990)
- Clean Water Act (1972)
- Marine Mammal Protection Act (1972)
- Endangered Species Act (1973)
- Energy Policy and Conservation Act (1975)
- Federal Land Policy and Management Act (1976)
- National Forest Management Act (1976)
- Toxic Substances Control Act (1976)
- Soil and Water Resources Conservation Act (1977)
- Medical Waste Tracking Act
- Food Quality Protection Act (1996)
- Farm Security and Rural Investment Act (2002)
20- What has been their effect since 1970?
- 8 National Parks, National Wilderness
Preservation System
- Substantial soil erosion reduction
- Many endangered species fairing better
- Emissions of many pollutants reduced
21Economics and the Environment
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23Economics and the Environment
- National Income Accounts
- Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
- Net Domestic Product (NDP)
- NDP GDP - depreciation / capital expenses
24Economics and the Environment
- National Income Accounts
- Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
- Net Domestic Product (NDP)
- NDP GDP - depreciation / capital expenses
External costs rarely considered
25Economics and the Environment
- Cost-benefit analyses can be used to determine
the optimum amount of pollution - Optimum amount of pollution the amount of
pollution that is economically most desirable - The economic optimum is where the marginal cot of
pollution and the marginal cost of pollution
abatement intersest
26Economics and the Environment
- Marginal cost of pollution the added cost for
all present and future members of society for an
additional unit of pollution
27Economics and the Environment
- Marginal cost of pollution abatement The added
cost for all present and future members of
society for reducing one unit of a given type of
28Economics and the Environment
- Cost-Benefit Analysis shows tat the optimum is
at the intersection
29Goldilocks and the Three Bears?
- If more pollution than the optimum is allowed
the social cost is too high - If less than the optimum amount of pollution is
allowed, the pollution abatement cost is
unacceptably high
30Economics and the Environment
31Economics and the Environment
- Common problems with economic analyses
- Reduction in quality of life and natural beauty
difficult to assess. - Fails to consider unexpected catastrophic
environmental damage. - Is Goldilocks a Democrat, a Republican, a
socialist, a citizen, a lobbyist or a politician?
32Economics and the Environment
- Economic strategies for pollution control
- Command and control regulations
- Pollution-control laws that work by setting
limits on levels of pollutants
2) Incentive-based regulation Pollution control
laws that work by establishing emission targets
and providing industries with incentives to
reduce emissions
33Economics and the Environment
- Case-in-Point Environmental Problems in Central
and Eastern Europe
34A cost-Benefit Websitehttp//www.envirovaluation.
- Environmental Valuation Cost-Benefit News
- Empirical Cost-Benefit and Environmental Value
Estimates - All News
- NonEnv
- Links
- PolEc
- NYMetroRE
- EnvRE
35- Environmental Ethics
- What are your values concerning the stewardship
of natural resources. - Where would you place yourself along this
spectrum of worldviews?