DDoS Defense by Offense - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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DDoS Defense by Offense


IP Profiling is used by Cisco to protect from distributed denial-of-service ... left bar which is the actual break down is worse for the good clients than the ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: DDoS Defense by Offense

DDoS Defense by Offense
  • Michael Walfish, Mythili Vutukuru, Hari
    Balakrishnan, David Karger, and Scott Shenker
  • Presented by
  • Boris Kurktchiev and Kimberly Yonce

  • What is a Distributed Denial of Service attack?
  • DoS attacker cripples a server by sending
    legitimate looking requests that consume
    computational resources (e.g. CPU and disk
    space). This type of an attack is usually
    performed on the application layer.
  • DDoS is the same thing as DoS but instead of
    having a single point of attack the victim is
    bombarded from different locations on the
  • Examples - Bots attacking websites by
    requesting large files, making queries of search
    engines, and issuing computationally expensive

  • Speak-Up a victimized server encourages all
    clients, resources permitting, to automatically
    send higher volumes of traffic.
  • Why do we want to do this?
  • The good clients crowd out the bad ones, thereby
    capturing a much larger fraction of the server's
    resources than before.

The Present Situation
  • Over-provision Massively a company can
    theoretically purchase enough computational power
    in order to withstand such massive attacks.
    However, in most cases they purchase large link
    capacity and try to conserve computation.
  • Companies are going to 3rd party providers and
    are paying 12,000 and upwards a month for DDoS
  • Companies such as ATT, MCI and Prolexic absorb
    the bandwidth/computational costs of a DDoS.

The Present Situation
  • Detect and Block this approach tries to
    distinguish between good and bad clients. The
    techniques employed in this category are powerful
    because they seek to block or explicitly limit
    unauthorized users, but their discrimination can
    err. For example, they cannot handle
    heterogeneous requests easily.
  • The three most commonly used techniques are IP
    profiling, CAPTCHAs and capabilities.

The Present Situation
  • Detect and Block
  • IP Profiling is used by Cisco to protect from
    distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks by
    performing per-flow-level attack analysis,
    identification and mitigation to block specific
    attack traffic.
  • CAPTCHA an acronym for "Completely Automated
    Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans
    Apart" is a type of challenge-response test used
    in computing to determine whether or not the user
    is human by usually using distorted images.
  • A capability refers to a value that references an
    object along with an associated set of access
    rights. A capability is a communicable,
    unforgeable token of authority. A capability is
    typically implemented as a privileged data
    structure that consists of a section that
    specifies access rights, and a section that
    uniquely identifies the object to be accessed.

The Present Situation
  • Charge all clients in a currency here an
    attacked server gives a client service only after
    it pays in some currency (e.g. CPU, memory cycles
    or money).
  • Speak-Up is such a service and we are going to be
    discussing it exclusively for the rest of the

  • Speak-Up implements the Charge all clients in a
    currency method of protection. In order to do
    this Speak-Up utilizes a server front end called
    the Thinner.
  • Thinner protects the server from overload and
    performs encouragement. This is achieved by
  • Virtual auction when the server is overloaded
    the Thinner causes each new client to
    automatically send a congestion controlled stream
    of dummy bytes on a separate payment channel.
    When the server is ready to process the request
    the thinner selects the client that has sent the
    most bytes.

  • In order to achieve this Virtual Auction Speak-Up
    implements the Thinner as a web front end. The
    Thinner performs encouragement by giving
    JavaScript to unmodified web clients that makes
    them send large HTTP POSTs. The POSTs are the
    bandwidth payment used in the Virtual Auction.
  • Note that Speak-Up relies on the availability of
    upload bandwidth of the clients.

  • How much bandwidth does a client need in order to
    be serviced?
  • Speak-up helps good clients no matter how much
    bandwidth they have. It either ensures that the
    good clients get all the service they need or
    increases the service they get (compared to an
    attack without speak-up), by the ratio of their
    available bandwidth to their current usage, which
    is expected to be extremely high.

  • How much bandwidth do we need in order to be
    unharmed by the attack?
  • This depends on the server's spare capacity when
    not attacked. For example, if a server has 50
    spare capacity then the legitimate clients can
    retain full service if they have the same
    aggregate bandwidth as the attacking clients. On
    the other hand, if the spare capacity is 90 then
    the legitimate clientèle needs only 1/9 of the
    aggregate bandwidth of the attacking clients.

  • Won't small Web sites still be harmed?
  • Yes, they will. However, the idea is that since
    we have good prevention methods for defending
    against large but dumb bot net attacks, the
    attackers will start using smaller but smarter
    bot nets in order to achieve their goals, thus
    making speak-up applicable for small websites as

  • If we are using so much bandwidth won't we damage
    the network as a whole?
  • It inflates traffic only to servers that are
    currently under attack, which is a very small
    fraction of servers, thus the increase in total
    traffic is minimal.

  • What are the minimal conditions for Speak-Up to
    work to our advantage?
  • Adequate link bandwidth the protected service
    needs enough link bandwidth to handle the
    incoming request stream.
  • Adequate client bandwidth the good clients must
    have in total roughly the same order magnitude
    (or more) bandwidth as the attacking clients.

  • What are the ideal conditions for Speak-Up?
  • No predefined clientèle otherwise the server
    can install filters or use capabilities to permit
    traffic only from their clients.
  • Non-human clientèle if the clientèle is
    exclusively human, one can use proof of humanity
  • Unequal requests we can charge clients
    more/less depending on the requests.

Robustness to Cheating
  • A theorem that describes Speak-Up in action. Note
    that the theorem assumes that requests are served
    in a perfect regularity pattern (i.e. every 1/c
  • In a system with regular service intervals, any
    client that continuously transmits an e fraction
    of the average bandwidth received by the thinner
    gets at least an e/2 fraction of the service,
    regardless of how the bad clients time or divide
    up their bandwidth.

Robustness to Cheating
  • In order to explain the theorem were going to
    use the following notations
  • X a client
  • t number of auctions X must wait
  • k number of auctions X wins
  • t1 number of auctions that occur until Xs
    first win, t2 number of auctions that occur
    until Xs second win, etc.
  • Think of the bandwidth that X delivers for every
    auction as dollars.
  • Thus,
  • This is due to the fact that in the first auction
    1 dollar is spent to defeat it, in the next
    auction 2 dollars is spent to defeat it, etc.
    This continues until ti-1 dollars are spent to
    defeat it.

Robustness to Cheating
  • Therefore,
  • dollars are spent to defeat X before it wins.
  • Also, the total dollars spent by the other
    clients over the t auctions is at least
  • Adding the t dollars spent by X, the total number
    of dollars spent is at least

Robustness to Cheating
  • Thus the fraction of the total spent by X, which
    we called e, is at most
  • It follows that
  • i.e. X receives at least an e/2 fraction of the

Robustness to Cheating
  • One weakness of the theorem is that it is an
    unreasonable assumption that requests are served
    with perfect regularity.
  • An example of this would be if many request
    fulfillments are bunched in a tiny interval
    during which X has not yet paid much, bad clients
    can cheaply outbid it during this interval.

Robustness to Cheating
  • Also, the theorem assumes that a good client pays
    at a constant currency rate. This is not true.
  • First the payment channel is implemented in TCP
    which means that the client has to accommodate
    TCP's slow start before it gets a bigger chunk of
  • Second the payments are made using a series of
    large HTTP POSTs during which there is an
    inactive period of time which amounts to two RTTs
    between the Thinner and the client.

Robustness to Cheating
  • The theorem can account for this behavior due to
    the fact that if a good client has a small
    fraction of the total bandwidth (causing it to
    spend a lot of time paying), and if the HTTP POST
    is big compared to the bandwidth-delay product,
    then the client's fraction of service is not
    noticeably affected (because the waiting periods
    are smaller than the time spent paying at full

Robustness to Cheating
  • So why is the theorem good? We make no
    assumptions about the attacker's behavior.
  • The fact that the theorem depends only on the
    total bytes sent (in an interval) by other
  • Also, the theorem assumes that we are dealing
    with smart attackers, who know exactly when to
    send more traffic to the auction. (e.g. When a
    good client's bid is small).

Robustness to Cheating
  • So what does this mean for us? - It means that we
    have to increase the amount of provisioning we
    have to do in order to be able to absorb such
    smart behavior. However, the amount which is
    required is still far less than without the use
    of Speak-Up.

Setup Implementation
  • The Thinner is written in C as an OKWS (Web
    server, specialized for building fast and secure
    Web services) service using the SFS toolkit (a
    secure, global network file system with
    completely decentralized control). All of this
    was run on top of a Linux 2.6 kernel bed.

Setup Implementation
  • When the server becomes overloaded the Thinner
    starts issuing requests to the clients using
  • This causes the client to send two HTTP requests
    (1) the actual request to the server, and (2) a
    1mb HTTP POST that is dynamically constructed by
    the browser and holds dummy data (the 1MB limit
    ensures compatibility with most browsers)
  • The second request is the payment channel
  • If the client wins the auction, request (2) is
    terminated and request (1) is given to the
  • Otherwise (2) completes, thus no service is
    provided yet and the Thinner continues to issue
    JavaScript to the browser making it send more
  • The process continues until the client wins an
  • The Thinner correlates the client's payments with
    its request via an id field in both HTTP

Setup Implementation
  • All of the experiments are run on the Emulab
    testbed (experimental network environment of
    clustered PCs).
  • The tests were run on a 3 Ghz Xeon processor with
    2GB of RAM.
  • The clients used a custom Python Web client to
    connect to the Thinner using various network
    topology setups.

Setup Implementation
  • All of the experiments run for 600 seconds
  • All the clients are connecting from different
    hosts in the Emulab environment
  • Each clients requests are driven by a Poisson
    process of rate ? requests/s.
  • A client never allows more than a configurable
    number w (the window) of outstanding requests.
  • This is used to model good (G) vs. bad (B)
  • Bad clients send requests faster than good
    clients, and bad clients send requests
    concurrently. (?40 w20 for bad vs. ?2 w1 for

Speak-Up in Action
  • The following figure shows how Speak-Up allocates
    the server's resources in proportion to its
    aggregate bandwidth.
  • There are 50 clients which are connecting to the
    Thinner over a 100Mbits/s LAN.
  • Each client has 2 Mbits/s of bandwidth
  • Also the amount of good clients is changed

Speak-Up in Action
  • Server allocation when c 100 requests/s as a
    function of G/(GB) where G good and B bad
  • Results with using Speak-Up turn out close to the
    ideal line.
  • Without Speak-Up, bad clients capture more of the

Speak-Up in Action
  • The next figure investigates the different
    provisioning regimes.
  • G (good clients) and B (bad clients) are fixed
    and we measure the server's allocation when its
    capacity c is lt,,gt than the minimum value of c
    at which all good clients get serviced.

Speak-Up in Action
  • Server allocation to good and bad clients and the
    fraction of good requests that are served when
    Speak-Up is OFF or ON.
  • As c increases the number of good requests served
    also increases with all good requests being
    served when c200.

Speak-Up in Action
  • The following figure shows us Speak-Up's
    performance when good and bad clients share a
    bottleneck link (l) vs. the bandwidth
    proportional ideals.
  • There are 30 clients, each with c 2 Mbits/s and
    they are connected through l.
  • Where the bandwidth of l 40Mbits/s
  • Also, there are 10 good and 10 bad clients that
    connect directly through a LAN.
  • The server's capacity is c 50 requests/s

Speak-Up in Action
  • Bottleneck service refers to the portion of the
    server captured by all of the clients behind l.
  • The left bar which is the actual break down is
    worse for the good clients than the middle bar
    which shows the bandwidth-proportional
  • This is because the bad clients hog l and crowd
    out the good clients.

  • The research seems to focus primarily on Web
    traffic and its properties (e.g. HTTP) and does
    not mention if it will be useful for any other
    situation or protocol. (They do mention the
    availability of some tools that allow UDP to be
    protected, but do not go in depth as to whether
    that is true or not).
  • The researchers have not done a market survey,
    thus all their findings are theoretical.

  • There is no good way to accommodate clientèle
    (good and bad) coming from the same location.
  • There is extra hardware (the Thinner) that has to
    sit in front of any server we want to protect by

  • Based on the figures shown earlier, we can
    recommend Speak-Up for use by bigger companies
    who can afford the extra bandwidth capacity it
    requires and also, does not have clientèle coming
    from the same sources. A good example would be
    Yahoo! or MSN web portals.
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