Title: EGovernment :
The next step... Can we handle it local??
- Johan van der WaalAdvisor to the board of the
2What does the citizen want?
3Results (1) finding it!
Can I find fast enough where I have to be?
4Results (2) What do we expect from a contact
5Results (3) contribution of ICT to this point
6Results (4) ambition level
- I think government has to pay more attention to
internet and - e-mail
7Results (5) Being there!
66 of the responding citizens doesnt even know
that his city is online.
8Results (6) Trust
I trust government is concerned about my data and
is handling privacy well
9Results (7) Services (1)
When Government is leading in providing service
to me its not in line with the privacy I expect
10Results (8) Gap
I think the distance between government and the
citizens will reduce by internet and e-mail
11Results (9) Democracy
I think democracy will be improved by the use of
internet and E-mail
- High expectations from citizens
- Government is paying more attention to privacy
then citizens want - Citizens trust local goverment for all their
services - Ambition level must be higher
- Pay more attention to marketing and communication
of your government services
13What do they really want?
- More channels
- Skills and knowledge
- Fast services
- 24/7, whenever they want
- Transparancy and being open
- Service on demand
1410 trends in e-government
- Life-events
- Special groups
- Theme
- Pro active srevices
- Public private partnership
- GIS applications
- e-gov e-business
- Mixture as meeting place for all kind of services
- customization
- mobile (m-government)
15Trend 1 Life events
- Ukonline
- Singapore
- Ontario (Canada)
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19Trend 2 Special groups
- Students
- Seniors
- Disabled
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23Trend 3 theme
- Foodsafety.gov
- Energy.gov
- Healthfinder.gov
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27Trend 4 pro-active
- Scale plus Australia
- AmsterdamMail
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30Trend 5 PPP
- Australië Maxi
- North Carolina
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33Trend 6 GIS
- San Diego
- Sacramento
- Helsinki
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38Trend 7 E-gov E-biz
- Shopping cart Pennsylvania
- Arkansas
- Bush campaign
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42Trend 8 mix
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46Trend 9 customization
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49Trend 10 M-Government (SMS, WAP, Handheld)
- India (Andhra Pradesh) Wap
- GSM-Parking in Groningen Netherlands
- Malta
- Inspectionteams with palm
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53 NNMC Fire Inspection
54Dutch proud..
- Number 1 on the Dutch E-Gov list
- www.dordrecht.nl
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58Point of change
- From technology driven and efficiency and
government orientatedTO - Service on demand, service first, personalised,
change of governmental thinking - Remember what the citizen really want(and can
59Can we handle it local?
- Thats the big question if we really can handle
this all by ourselves or will we be better to
take advantage of coöperation and
sharing.SOCITM, VIAG, KommITS etc. are national
societies who can help national, but the
influence of the EU will need an international
exchange too. So that we as members of the
societies can share all whats done international.
60Bob Dylan Times are changin
- If your time to you
- Is worth savin
- Then you better start swimmin
- Or you'll sink like a stone
- For the times they are a-changin'.
- For the loser now
- Will be later to win
- For the times they are a-changin'.