Title: Diabetic Ketoacidosis in Children
1Diabetic Ketoacidosis in Children
- Keystone, July, 2008
- Arleta Rewers MD, PhD
- Robert Slover MD
- Review the incidence and pathophysiology of DKA
- Define the role of patient self-monitoring
including blood ketones testing and the
healthcare professional advice in preventing DKA - Describe current approaches to the clinical
diagnosis of DKA, including the role of ketone
body levels - List treatment options for DKA
- Hyperglycemia BG gt 200 mg/dl (11 mmol/l)
- (young or partially treated children, pregnant
adolescents may present with euglycemic
ketoacidosis) - Venous pH lt7.3 and/or bicarbonate lt15 mmol/L
- mild DKA pH lt7.3 bicarbonate lt15
- moderate pH lt7.2 bicarbonate lt10
- severe pH lt7.1 bicarbonate lt 5
- Glucosuria and ketonuria/ketonemia (ß-HOB)
4Incidence of DKA at onset
- Wide geographic variation in DKA rates at
diabetes onset 15 -70 - More common in developing countries
- DKA rates inversely related to incidence of type
1 diabetes
5Diabetic Ketoacidosis at Diagnosis of DM in
Youth The SEARCH for Diabetes in Youth Study
Incidence of DKA at the time of diagnosis
- SEARCH is multicenter study
- In 2002 began population-based ascertainment of
incident cases of DM in youth younger than 20
years - Incidence
- Overall - 25.5 (CI 23.9-27.1)
- Type 1 - 29.4 ( CI 27.5-31.3)
- Type 2 - 9.7 ( CI 7.1-12.2)
Rewers A et al., Pediatrics, May 2008
6Risk factors for DKA at onset
- Age lt12 yrs
- No first degree diabetic relative
- Lower socioeconomic status
- High dose glucocorticoids, atypical
antipsychotics, diazoxide and some
immunosuppresive drugs - Poor access to medical care
- Uninsured
7Prevalence of hospitalization and DKA at onset
Colorado children, 1978-2001
Rewers et al., ADA 2003
8DKA in children with established T1DM
- The risk of DKA varies from 110 to 1100 /p-yr
- Poor metabolic control or previous DKA ? risk
- Adolescent girls
- Children with psychiatric disorders, including
those with eating disorders - Lower socio-economic status
- Lacking appropriate insurance
- Inappropriate interruption of insulin pump therapy
9 Predictors of Acute Complications in Children
With Type 1 Diabetes A Rewers, HP
Chase, T MacKenzie, P Walravens, M Roback M
Rewers, RF Hamman, G Klingensmith
Cohort of 1,243 diabetic children from BDC -
age 0-19 years - residence in the six-county
Denver area - outpatient visits between
1/1/1996 - 1/1/2001 Average follow-up 3.2
years Total follow-up 4,000
person-years DKA events 320 DKA
incidence 8 / 100 person-years
10Incidence of DKA in established patientsBDC
Cohort, 1996-2001
Incidence /100 p-yrs
Age years
11Proportion of Children with Recurrent DKA
- 60 of DKA episodes occurred in 5 of children
who had 2 or more events
of DKA events
12Diabetic KetoAcidosis (DKA)
- 160,000 Admissions to private hospitals/year
- Cost over 1 billion annually
- 65 lt19 years old
- Main cause of death in children with diabetes
(approximately 85) - Cerebral edema in 69
13Cost of hospitalization of a diabetic patient
HCIA-Sachs, 1998 Claims Data Warehouse,
represents 2.5MM lives and 150 health plans
14 Diabetes Care 2006 291150-1159
15 What are the presenting complaints?
- Gastro-enteritis
- Vomiting - but no diarrhea
- Dehydration - but excessive urine
output ! - Respiratory distress
- But no lung findings
16Signs of DKA
- Vomiting
- Increased urination
- Abdominal pain
- Fruity odor to breath
- Dry mouth and tongue
- Drowsiness
- Deep breathing
- Coma
- Death
17Mortality in Children with DKA
- 0.15 USA
- 0.18 Canada
- 0.31 UK
- 80 of deaths occurs in association with signs of
CE - Other causes
- hypokalemia / hyperkalemia
- thrombosis
- intracranial bleeding, infarction
- sepsis and other infections, e.g., mucormycosis
- aspiration pneumonia
- pulmonary oedema, ARDS
18Physical Exam
- Perfusion
- Vital Signs - including weight
- Hydration
- Mental Status
- Evidence for insulin resistance
19Initial Laboratory Evaluation
- Venous pH
- Serum Osmolality
- Phosphorus
- Calcium
- Anion Gap
- Glucose
- Ketones
- Sodium
- Potassium
- Chloride
- HCO3
Always perform in an ill child
- Serum Osmolality
- 2NaK (glucose/18) BUN/2.8
- Serum Na
- Corrected Na
- measured Na (1.6)(glucose - 100)/100
- Anion Gap
- Na (ClHCO3)
- Normally 12/-2 mmol/L
21Cerebral Edema
- Major cause of death in childhood DKA
- 20 with cerebral edema die
- 20 with mild to severe neurologic outcomes
- At risk
- Initial pH lt 7.1
- Baseline mental status abnormal
- Newly diagnosed, lt 5 years old
- Rapid rehydration (gt 50cc/ kg in first 4 hrs)
- Hypernatremia/ persistent hyponatremia
22Age distribution of affected children
23Time of onset of Neurological Compromise (hours)
Timing of Onset of Cerebral Edema in DKA
of patients
Muir A, et al, Diab Care. July 2004
24Symptoms and signs of cerebral edema
- Headache
- Decreased or worsening level of consciousness
- Slowing of the HR
- Increase in BP
- Sudden onset/return of vomiting
- Warning signs occur before the onset of CE
25 Clinical Factors Associated with Cerebral Edema
- Prolonged Illness
- Severe acidosis - low PA CO2
- Severe dehydration
- Bicarbonate therapy
- Persistent hyponatremia
- Excessive fluid admistration
26Cerebral edema
- CE occurs in 0.3- 1 of all episodes of DKA
- Initial 24 hours of treatment
- Younger children (lt 4 yrs)
- Delayed diagnosis
- Greater dehydration and acidosis, lower pCO2
- Insulin given before fluids
27Etiology of CE
- Vasogenic - excessive accumulation of water and
solutes in the interstitial space, due to
dysfunction of the blood-brain barrier - Cytotoxic - excessive accumulation of water and
solutes in the intracellular space, due to
dysfunction of cell-volume regulatory mechanisms - Both forms may co-exist
28Excessive Free Water
- Corrected Na Na(measured)1.6 (glucose-100)/100
- Calculated sodium is low and falling in many
cases of cerebral edema - ADH levels rise 5-50 times in DKA and contribute
to increase in free water and hyponatremia
29Cerebral Edema
- Know what to look for
- Altered mental status/ severe headache
- Recurrence of vomiting
- Changes in pupil size, seizures, bradycardia
- Clinical worsening despite improving lab values
- CT/ MRI changes may not be seen in early cerebral
30Cerebral Edema Bedside Score
Caveat note that patient needs to be
significantly affected to meet diagnostic
Muir Diab Care 2004 271541-46
31Timing of presentation of cerebral edema
32Treatment of cerebral edema
- Mannitol 1 gram/ kg IV over 30 minutes
- Elevate the head of the bed
- Decrease IVF rate and insulin infusion rate
- Pediatric ICU management
- Do not delay treatment until radiographic
33Diagnosis and prevention of DKAin outpatients
34Why do ketones develop?
- No carbohydrate intake
- fasting
- gastroenteritis
- Atkins diet, neonates fed high-fat milk
- Prolonged exercise, pregnancy
- Lack of insulin activity
- onset of diabetes (insufficient secretion)
- interruption of insulin delivery in established
pt - Increase in insulin resistance
- infection, illness, surgery, stress
- Alcohol, salicylate ingestion, inborn metabolic
35Treatment of Mild DKA to Prevent Progression
Key Early Detection
- Check blood ketones (?-OHB) for a person with
diabetes any time - A SMBG is gt300 mg/dL (16.7 mmol/L)
- An illness or infection is present
- Unusual symptoms are present
- It is realized a shot/bolus was missed or bad
36Old Paradigm Check urine ketones New Paradigm
Check blood ?-OHB
- Blood ?-OHB tells you how you are doing at the
time of the test. (Urine may have been in bladder
for hrs) - Urine ketone levels may not accurately reflect
the severity of the ketonemia - A person may not be able to void
- Some (teens) give false urine test results
37Hand-held deviceAbbott/MediSense
38Disadvantages to Urine Ketone Testing
- The results are not real time
- The readings are qualitative color comparisons
indicating high, medium or low levels - Short shelf life (typically 90 days on opening a
vial) - Sulfhydryl drugs, including the ACE inhibitor,
Captopril, may cause false-positive results - High doses of Vitamin C may cause false-negative
results - Method does not detect the major ketone body
39Interpretation of Blood ?-OHB
?-OHB level (mmol/L) lt 0.6 normal
gt1.0 hyperketonemia 0.6-1.0 take extra
insulin fluids 1.0-1.5 as above recheck
in 1 hr and, if no improvement, call diabetes
provider 1.5-3.0 call diabetes provider
STAT gt 3.0 sick KETOACIDOSIS gt Go to ED
40Sick Day Management A Randomized Clinical Trial
Laffel L, et al. Diabet Med 2005
- 123 participants, age 322 years
- 61 randomized to home blood ß-OHB testing
- 62 randomized to home urine Ketostix testing
- All participants trained on their sick-day
guidelines - Outcomes
- ER visits
- Hospitalizations
41Patients who monitor blood ß-OHB test more
often than those who test for ketonuria
Laffel L, et al. Diabet Med 2005
42Lower incidence rates of ER use/hospitalizations
in patients using blood ß-OHB monitoring vs.
Ketostix 6-month follow-up
p  0.05
Laffel L, et al. Diabet Med 2005
43Use of Blood ?-hydroxybutyrate Levels at the
BedsideDuring Treatment of DKA
Normal state postprandial
acetyl CoA
Krebs cycle
Normal state postprandial
fatty acids ( glycerol)
fatty acyl CoA
acetyl CoA
Krebs cycle
Normal state postprandial
fatty acids ( glycerol)
fatty acyl CoA
acetyl CoA
Krebs cycle
acetoacetyl CoA
HMGCoA synthase
acetone ?-OHB
Ketosis in DKA - alternative source of energy
? fatty acids
glucose ?
fatty acyl CoA
acetyl CoA
Krebs cycle
acetoacetyl CoA
HMGCoA synthase
acetone ?-OHB
48- Is bedside ß-OHB monitoring using hand-held
device as accurate as reference laboratory method
49Correlation between venous whole blood ß-OHB
levels measured using Precision Xtra and serum
levels using Cobas Mira Plus (Roche)
Laboratory reference ß-OHB mg/dL
Bedside meter ß-OHB mmol/L
Rewers A et al. Diabet Technol Therapeutics,
50Bland-Altman plot showing good agreement between
ß-OHB levels measured using Precision Xtra and
Cobas Mira Plus (Roche)Mean difference 0.18
(C.I. -1.18-1.53)
Rewers A et al. Diabet Technol Therapeutics,
20068671 also Byrne H, et al. 2000 Wallace
TM, et al. 2001 Ham MR, et al. 2004 Khan ASA,
et al. 2004
- Real-time bedside measurement of ?-OHB is
generally as accurate as reference laboratory,
especially at levels up to 3.0- 4.0 mmol/L
52- Is capillary blood ß-OHB monitoring superior
to testing urine for ketones ? -
53Measurement of Ketones
- Urine ketone measurements use a dip stick
method based on a chemical reaction with
acetoacetate. E.g., Chemstrip from Roche
Clinistix, Ketostix , Keto-Diastix from Bayer) - Blood ketone testing that specifically measures
ß-hydroxybutyrate are available for use in the
laboratory (e.g., Sigma, Cobos from Roche) and
a hand-held meter (Abbott / MediSense)
54Blood ß-OHB testing is superior to urine ketone
testing in detecting ketosis
Gold standard plasma ß-OHB by reference
laboratory method (KONE Delta Automatic Analyzer)
Guerci B , et al. Diabetes Care 2003 Similar
data Taboulet P et al. Eur J Emerg Med 2004
55Advantages Blood ß-OHB vs. Urine Ketone Testing
- ?-OHB is a better marker of ketosis than
acetoacetate - ?-OHB is real-time while ketonuria is usually
old news - Ketonuria doesnt accurately reflect severity of
ketonemia - A dehydrated person may not be able to void
- Some people are too ill or exhausted to do the
urine test - Some patients (teens) give false urine sample
- Urine ketone strips spoil after opened gt6 months
56?-hydroxybutyrate is a better indicator of
metabolic status when detecting and treating DKA
Schade DS, Eaton RP Special Topics in Endo and
Metab 198241-27
57ß-OHB in diagnosis of DKAin ED
58ß-OHB helps to diagnose DKA in patients with
known or new diabetes seen in ER
59Capillary blood ß-OHB vs. venous pH in 118 newly
diagnosed children
no DKA compensated acidosis
Prisco F, et al. Pediatr Diabetes 2006
60- Can bedside ß-OHB monitoring replace repeat
measurements - of pH, bicarbonate and pCO2 during treatment
of DKA?
61Correlation between baseline ß-OHB and other
biochemical indicators in 68 children with DKA
Pearson correlation coefficients (p lt0.05 for
Rewers A et al. Diabet Technol Therapeutics,
62Time series analysis showing that bedside ß-OHB
levels correlated very closely with
time-dependent levels of venous blood gases
plt0.001 plt0.0001
Rewers A et al. Diabet Technol Therapeutics,
- While the initial measurement of pH,
bicarbonate and pCO2 is warranted, real-time
bedside measurement of ?-OHB may replace repeat
measurements of blood gases in treatment of DKA
64- Can bedside ß-OHB monitoring shorten duration
of DKA treatment ?
65 In most newly-diagnosed children with ketosis,
capillary ketonemia resolves sooner
than ketonuria
N 99
Prisco F, et al. Pediatr Diabetes 2006
66In children with DKA, capillary ketonemia
resolves on average 11
hours sooner than ketonuria
Example of an individual treatment profile
pH gt7.3 ß-OHB lt1.0
pH gt7.3 No ketonuria
i.v. insulin U kg/h
Noyes KJ, et al. Pediatr Diabetes 2007,
confirming Vanelli M, et. Al. Diabetes Care 2003
- Real-time bedside measurement of ?-OHB may
help to optimize treatment of DKA and shorten the
duration of hospitalization
68Initial Laboratory Evaluation
- Venous pH
- Serum Osmolality
- Phosphorus
- Calcium
- Glucose
- Ketones
- Sodium
- Potassium
- Chloride
- HCO3
Always perform in an ill child
- Monitoring
- Management requires close attention to detail
- Use a flowsheet to track vital signs labs, rates
of insulin, fluids, dextrose - Neurological status
- consider neuro checks q 1 hr
- How does the patient look TO YOU?
- Assess, reassess and then assess again
- Consider ICU admission for closer monitoring if
- Severe DKA (pH lt 7.1 or lt 7.2 in young child)
- Altered level of consciousness
- Under age of 5 years
- Increased risk for cerebral edema
- Caution with meds that may alter mental status
71Fluid Therapy for DKA
- Assume 10-15 dehydration
- Begin with a 10-20 ml/kg bolus of NS
- Replace calculated deficit evenly over 36 hours -
generally 1.5 x maintenance for the next
several hours is appropriate - Do not exceed 40mls/kg in the initial 4 hours,
or 4 L/m squared in 24 hours
72DKA - Fluids
- Double bag system
- ¾ NS at 1.5 x M until glucose below 300 mg/dl
- D10 ¾ NS to be mixed with ¾ NS to achieve
desired glucose concentration - K supplementation
- 20mEq/L K Acetate 20mEq/L K Phosphate
- Ionized calcium is low, phosphorous should not be
given - early replacement and frequent monitoring
- Bicarbonate therapy is rarely, if ever, indicated
73Insulin Therapy for DKA
- IV infusion with basal rate 0.1 U/kg/hr
- No initial insulin bolus it will decrease time
to correction of the glucose, but does not alter
the time to correction of acidosis - It may decrease the serum osmolality more
rapidly than desirable - Ideal glucose decline is about 100 mg/hr
- Continue insulin until urinary (blood) ketones
are cleared
- Add potassium when Klt 5 and with urination
- K gt5.5 no potassium in IVF
- K 4.5 5.5 20 meq/L K
- K lt4.5 40 meq/L K
75Phosphate the controversy
- Prevent depletion of RBC 2,3 DPG which will
improve tissue oxygenation as acidosis is
resolving - May be useful in patients with anemia, CHF,
pneumonia, hypoxia
76Use of Bicarbonate in DKA
- Bicarbonate should be used only when
- there is severe depression of the
- circulatory system or cellular metabolism...
- Not recommended unless pH lt7.0, not even then,
unless above true
77DKA Cases
- 12 year old admitted with
- pH 7.0
- Na 136, K3.8, glucose 583mg/ dl
- She is oriented and conversant on admission, you
follow the DKA protocol, - 2 hours later she becomes difficult to arouse and
is responsive only to deep pain. - What do you
do? - Presume cerebral edema
- Decrease fluid infusion to insensible losses
- Give mannitol 1 gm/kg
78DKA Cases
- 6 y/o boy is admitted in severe DKA. The family
has been traveling and he has been ill for
several days. - Initial pH7.0, K 3.7, glucose is 350mg.
- Despite replacement, his K now is 1.9 mg/dl -
what do you do? - A bolus of potassium at TCH is actually an
infusion over an hour. An actual bolus of
potassium into a central vein may be lethal
79DKA Cases
- 16 year old boy is admitted in moderate to severe
DKA (pH7.23), his weight is 230 lbs, his BG is
1400, serum osm is 360 mOsm/L, what do you do? - Monitor! Everything you can!
80Successful Management
- Careful attention to detail
- Careful record keeping
- A detailed flow chart is essential
- Following the data recorded is also essential
- Repeated examination of the patient