Title: Kid's Placemats
1Fun with Visio Tech
For teens, young kids
Adults teachers
See following slides
2Make your own games or you may buy from us and
have great fun
You can make kid's placemats. We will show you
how or buy from us
3Make lots of projects for your kids, we are able
to assist you by email
Too much TV? then buy Visio Tech Your kids will
really thank you
4Check out the following drawings, that may be
used as games or placemats
A few examples are shown to give you an idea of
the things that you may construct with visio.
5(No Transcript)
6One legend example shown above Lots of great
colorful symbols to use.
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8The last slide you just viewed we name the "Rail
Game" or
you may make changes and or, use it as a
placemat, at the same time
use it as a game with your own play pieces
9Another legend shown above, see more.
10 11 Baseball diamond above with legend to your left
12 General drawing shapes for learning
13Please let us know your needs
We are here to assist you
Contact by email is preferred
14You may purchase Visio
if you wish, although it is
not inexpensive or just
buy the placemats from us
15If you purchase Visio, please
buy a genuine program from
Microsoft. Remember do not
use pirated copies, it is unlawful.
16We hope that you enjoyed this
brief presentation