Title: QVM
- An Efficient Runtime for Detecting Defects
- in Deployed Systems
Matthew Arnold
Martin Vechev
Eran Yahav
IBM Research
2MotivationDynamic Analysis for Debugging
3MotivationDynamic Analysis for Debugging
- Testing
- High overhead tolerable
- Deep properties relating to program correctness
4MotivationDynamic Analysis for Debugging
- Testing
- High overhead tolerable
- Deep properties relating to program correctness
- Production
- Low overhead is mandatory
- Very limited information
5MotivationDynamic Analysis for Debugging
- Production
- Very limited information
- Testing
- High overhead tolerable
- Production
- Low overhead is mandatory
- Testing
- Deep properties relating to program correctness
6But Why Modify the VM?
- VM Disadvantages
- Portability
- Complexity
- Why not use
- bytecode inst., JVMTI, aspects,
java.lang.Instrument ??? - VM Advantages
- VM only information
- Free bits in object header
- Can walk the heap if we desire (GC)
- Performance
- Exploit dynamic optimization technology
- Ease of deployment
- No install process. Just set command line flag
7New Overhead Philosophy
- Traditional dynamic analysis
- If I use your analysis, how much overhead will it
have? - QVM user specifies an overhead budget
- I am willing to tolerate an X slowdown
- Goal give user as much useful information as
possible - May miss errors
- But enables some checking in scenarios where it
is currently infeasible
- Overhead manager (OHM)
- Adapts analyses to meet user-specified overhead
budget - Dynamic analyses checking correctness properties
- Typestate property checking
- Object-centric sampling
- Heap probes / assertions
- Java assertions
- Overhead aware interface for medium-granularity
VM events
All implemented and evaluated IBMs J9 JVM
9QVM Architecture
typestate specs
violations report
typestate client
assertions client
heap probes client
event filters
event callbacks
Execution Engine
VM Core
10QVMI The QVM Interface
- Profiling interface
- Similar to JVMPI/JVMTI
- Method calls, allocations, etc
- Key Difference event filtering
Analysis Client
event filters
event callbacks
Execution Engine
11QVMI The QVM Interface
- Profiling interface
- Similar to JVMPI/JVMTI
- Method calls, allocations, etc
- Key Difference event filtering
Analysis Client
Analysis Client
event filters
event filters
event callbacks
event callbacks
Execution Engine
Execution Engine
12QVMI The QVM Interface
- When compiling a method
- JIT queries QVM clients
- Does invocation of method foo() require a call
back? - If not, no callback is compiled into code
- Ensures no overhead for uninteresting events
13Overhead Manager (OHM)
- Monitoring measure overhead incurred by clients
- Sampling strategy events callbacks have
adjustable sample rate - Controller adjusts sample rate based on measured
observed overhead
event filters
event callbacks
Execution Engine
specified overhead
adjust sampling rates
VM Core
14Overhead Manager Challenges
- Fine grained timers critical
- Read cycle counts via rdtsc instruction
- Must have notion of total application time
- Interactive apps
- We use Linux getrusage()to get cpu time
- Issues for multi-threaded apps
- Details in paper
- Analyses must be able to be turned off
- OK to miss bugs
- But must not produce meaningless results
15Maximizing Sampling Coverage
Randomly distributed sampling can produce poor
Execution frequency
eventA ()
eventB ()
16Maximizing Sampling Coverage
Origin-specific sampling
Execution frequency
Sample Rate
eventA ()
eventB ()
17QVM Client 1 Typestate Property Checker
dispose release
18Typestate Property Checker
- Simple to implement via QVMI
- Events used
- Object Allocation, method invocation, object
death - Sampling typestate is problematic
- Ex File Open ? Close
- High problem of sampling close but not open
- Solution object-centric sampling
19Object Centric Sampling
T t new T()
- Tracked objects marked using bit in object header
- Bit checked before executing callbacks
20Client 2 Heap Probes
- Heap Probes
- Allow programmer to query properties of the heap
- isShared(Object o1)
- Do two or more heap objects point to o1
- isThreadOwned(Thread t, Object o)
- Is o reachable from only thread t only
- Uses components of a parallel GC to evaluate heap
queries - Worst case requires traversal of entire heap
- Probe sites automatically sampled by overhead
manager - Performs GC in process
21Use Case Example Azureus
Over 160 million downloads
22Azureus Resource Leaks
- Typestate checker for undisposed GDI resources
- Actual QVM report
QVM ERROR Resource_not_disposed object
0x98837030 of class org/eclipse/swt/graphics/Im
age allocated at site ID 2742 in
method com/aelitis/azureus/.../ListView.handleRes
ize(Z)V died in state UNDISPOSED with last QVM
method invoked org/.../Image.isDisposed()Z.
23Azureus Resource Leaks
OS Resources
- void handleResize(boolean bForce)
- // ...
- if (imgView null bForce)
- imgView new Image(listCanvas.getDisplay()
, clientArea) -
- //
OS Resources
24Possible Fix
- void handleResize(boolean bForce)
- // ...
- if (imgView null bForce)
- if(imgView ! null !imgView.isDisposed())
- imgView.dispose()
- imgView new Image(listCanvas.getDisplay(),
clientArea) -
- // ...
25Possible Fix
- void handleResize(boolean bForce)
- // ...
- if (imgView null bForce)
- if(imgView ! null !imgView.isDisposed())
- assert(!QVM.isShared (imgView))
- imgView.dispose()
- imgView new Image(listCanvas.getDisplay(),
clientArea) -
- // ...
26Experimental Evaluation
27Overhead Manager stabilization
28Overhead Manager
29Leak Detection Results
30Sampling coverage (5 budget)
- Recap
- Adaptive overhead controller
- Clients typestate, assertions, heap probes
- Found and fixed bugs several real applications
- Future Work
- Improve efficiency of heap assertions
- Concurrent or incremental evaluation
- Overhead manager
- Tighter overhead guarantees
32Related Work
- Much related work in paper
- Typestate and leak detection
- Aspect Oriented Programming
- Monitoring Oriented Programming
- Heap analysis tools
- Real time garbage collection