Title: Asset Pricing Simulation (work in progress)
1Asset Pricing Simulation (work in progress)
- William F. Sharpe
- STANCO 25 Professor of Finance, Emeritus
- Stanford University
- www.wsharpe.com
- Asset Pricing Models
- Kernel Asset Pricing for Dummies
- Asset Pricing Simulation
- A Simple Simulation Example
- Mean Variance Asset Pricing
- Estimating Expected Returns
- Non-linear Pricing Kernels
- Experimental Pricing Kernels
- Extensions
3Part 1
4Asset Pricing and Portfolio Choice
Investor 2
Investor 1
Market Trades
5Asset Pricing ModelsMean/Variance Asset Pricing
- Taught in MBA courses
- The basis for most of the quantitative methods
used in the investment management business - The basis for many corporate cost of capital
6Asset Pricing ModelsKernel Asset Pricing
- Taught in PhD courses
- Used in fixed income analyses
- Used in Financial Engineering
7Asset Pricing ModelsArbitrage Pricing
- Strictly speaking, can only price assets that are
redundant - Value of an asset is based on the cost of
obtaining the same outcomes using existing assets - Deals only with relative prices
- Used in Financial Engineering
8Behavioral Finance
- Assumes individuals are not rational economic
agents - For example, assumes that individuals do not act
as if they maximize a smooth utility function - Not widely used in asset pricing at present
9Part 2
- Kernel Asset Pricing for Dummies
10State Prices
- Assume
- State claims are traded
- There is agreement
- After equilibrium is established
- There will be a set of state prices
- Investors will have chosen the amounts to consume
in each state - Additional trades will not be possible
11Price per Chance (PPC)
- A measure of the cost of consumption in a state
- PPC State Price / State Probability
- The cost per chance that the outcome will take
place - (also known as m)
12Footnote on Stochastic Discount Factors
- Stochastic Discount Factors
- P E(mX)
- P s ms Xs
- Arbitrage in a complete market
- P ps Xs
- P s (ps / s) Xs
- ms ps / s
13Assumed Investor Behavior
- Other things equal, a person will be willing to
pay more for added consumption in a state in
which there is less consumption - PPC is inversely related to consumption
- The more you have, the less you will pay for
another unit
14An Individuals Optimal Allocation
Future Consumption
15The Market Allocation
- The market consumption in a state is the sum of
the individuals levels of consumption in that
state - If each individual wants more consumption in
state A than state B the total desired market
consumption in state A will be greater than in
state B
16The Market Portfolio
Future Consumption
- Given production, the amount of market
consumption in each state is given - Thus prices must adjust until the individuals
collective demand for consumption in a state
equals that available - This implies
- States with the same aggregate consumption will
have the same PPC - States with more aggregate consumption will have
lower PPCs
18Expected Total Returns
- A state claim pays 1
- To purchase it one pays its price. Its total
return is thus - 1 / price
- The probability of receiving its return is given
by its probability - This its expected total return is
- Probability of state
- State price
- 1 / PPC
19Expected Returns and Consumption
- If PPC is lower in states in which aggregate
consumption is greater, then - Expected total return is higher in states in
which aggregate consumption is greater
20Equilibrium Expected Returns
Expected Return
Future Consumption
21Portfolio Choice
- For each level of market consumption there is a
PPC - Higher levels of market consumption ? lower PPCs
- For each PPC there is a level of individual
consumption - Lower PPCs ? higher levels of individual
consumption - Consequently
- Higher levels of market consumption ? higher
levels of individual consumption - Therefore
- Each individual should arrange to have
consumption that is - (1) related directly to market consumption and
- (2) related only to market consumption
22Individual and Market Consumption
Individuals Consumption
Total Consumption
23The Empirical QuestionWhere is the Pricing
Future Consumption
24Part 3
25Asset Pricing Simulation
- Can incorporate elements of
- Mean/variance asset pricing
- Kernel Asset Pricing
- Arbitrage Pricing
- Behavioral Finance
26Discrete Time approaches
- At each point in time there will be one and only
one state of the world - One-period models
- Two dates
- Now
- Later
- Multi-period models
- More than two dates
27One-period models
- Consumption
- Now
- Later
- Investment
- Sacrifice consumption now for consumption later
- (Total) Return
- consumption later / consumption now
- Standard securities
- Pay off in many states of the world
- Time-state claims
- Each one pays off in only one state of the world
- Complete market
- A time-state claim for every state of the world
- Incomplete market
- Some desired time-state claims are not available
(directly or indirectly) - Sufficiently complete market
- There is no demand for any unavailable time-state
- Agreement
- Everyone agrees on the probabilities of the
states - Disagreement
- People have different probability assessments
- A situation in which no one wishes to do anything
more - No more trades of existing securities
- No introduction of new securities
- No changes in anyones predictions
32Completely costless equilibria
- Assume securities can be introduced and traded
without cost - Assume that information can be disseminated
without cost - When equilibrium is reached
- Markets will be sufficiently complete
- There will be agreement about probabilities
33More realistic equilibria
- Investors disagree about the future
- Different probability assessments
- Markets are incomplete
- It is not possible to trade state claims for
every state
34The Four Cases
Agreement Complete Markets
no no
no yes
yes no
yes yes
35APSim an Asset Pricing Simulator
- Can analyze economies with or without
- Agreement
- Complete markets
- Can find
- Implications for the determination of asset
prices - Implications for optimal portfolio choices
- Can illuminate questions such as
- Are market-based strategies efficient?
- Is there a market risk premium?
- Are security and portfolio expected returns
related to beta values?
36Key Inputs
- Securities
- People
- Preferences
- Predictions
- Portfolios
- Objects (black boxes)
- Properties of a person that do not change
- Name
- Preferences
- Predictions
- Properties of a person that change
- Portfolio
- Consumption
- Determined by portfolio and security payoffs
38Questions that people can answer
- Security bid price
- Maximum amount bid to get n units of security S
- Security ask price
- Minimum amount asked to give up n units of
security S - Consumption bid price
- Maximum amount bid to get n units of consumption
in state s - Consumption ask price
- Minimum amount asked to give up n units of
consumption in state s - Certainty equivalent
- Amount for certain in each period equivalent to
current consumption
39Part 4
- A Simple Simulation Example
40Example 1
- One period, two dates
- 5 states of the world
- 1 now
- 4 later
- 2 people
- 4 securities
- Consumption now
- Riskless
- Security A
- Security B
41Example 1 Securities
Security 1 Security 2 Security 3 Security 4
State 1 1 0 0 0
State 2 0 1 5 3
State 3 0 1 3 5
State 4 0 1 8 4
State5 0 1 4 8
42Example 1 Initial Portfolios
Security 1 Security 2 Security 3 Security 4
Ryan 53 0 10 0
Trinity 53 0 0 10
Total 106 0 10 10
43Example 1 Initial Consumption
State 1 State 2 State 3 State 4 State 5
Ryan 53 50 30 80 40
Trinity 53 30 50 40 80
Total 106 80 80 120 120
44Example 1 Predictions
State 1 State 2 State 3 State 4 State 5
Ryan 1.00 .20 .20 .30 .30
Trinity 1.00 .20 .20 .30 .30
45Example 1 Preferences
Family Time Preference Risk Tolerance
Ryan M 0.96 80
Trinity M 0.96 120
- A Lot size is set
- number of shares per trade
- Each person submits
- a sealed bid to purchase one lot of the security
- a sealed bid to sell one lot of the security
- The market maker then finds the maximum number of
lots that can be traded - All trades are executed at a price halfway
between the lowest bid and the highest ask prices
for those who trade
47Credit Checks
- No one is allowed to submit a bid or ask if
execution at that price would result in negative
consumption in one or more states - Subject to this constraint, people can
- Buy any existing security
- Sell any security currently held
- Sell any security not currently held
- (sell short)
48Assumed Trading Behavior
- Investors submit their maximum bid and minimum
ask prices - Doing otherwise can
- Get the same result, or
- Lose a beneficial trade, or
- Or get a better price, but only if the investor
would be the marginal trader in both cases - Thus the assumed behavior is generally in the
investors best interests in this type of market
49Initial Bids and Asks with 12 People
50A Round of Trading
- Trade security 1
- Trade security 2
- Trade security N
51Trading Until Equilibrium is Obtained
- Trade one round
- If any trades were made in any security, repeat
- Continue until no trades are possible in any
security - Calculate the equilibrium prices
52Final Bids and Asks with 12 People
53Equilibrium Prices for Traded Securities
- The maximum bid across all investors
- A measure of the amount for which an additional
unit could be sold - Will be lower than the minimum ask price but only
slightly so in a market with many investors
54Example 1 Final Portfolios
Security 1 Security 2 Security 3 Security 4
Ryan 51.67 18.56 3.125 3.125
Trinity 54.33 -18.56 6.875 6.875
Total 106 0 10 10
55Example 1 Final Consumption
State 1 State 2 State 3 State 4 State 5
Ryan 51.67 43.56 43.56 56.06 56.06
Trinity 54.33 36.44 36.44 63.94 63.94
Total 103 80 80 120 120
56Example 1 Certainty Equivalents
Initial Final Percent Improvement
Ryan 49.34 51.05 3.47
Trinity 51.16 52.98 3.56
Total 100.50 104.03 3.52
57Expected Returns and Risks
58Expected Returns and Beta Values
59Returns versus Market Returns
60Example 1 Alternative Markets
Securities Percent Improvement in Total CE Type of Market
State Claims 3. 52 Complete
A, B, Riskless 3. 52 Sufficiently Complete
A, B 3.34 Incomplete
61The Pricing Kernel when State Claims are Traded
2 states
2 states
62Part 5
- Mean Variance Asset Pricing
63Example 2
- One period, two dates
- 11 states of the world
- 1 now
- 10 later
- 16 people
- All members of the M family
- 8 securities
- Consumption now
- Riskless
- 6 regular securities
64Total Consumption by State
65Case 2a
- Agreement
- State Claims Traded
66PPC versus Consumption
67The Pricing Kernel
68Returns versus Market Returns
69Expected Returns and Standard Deviations
70Expected Returns and Beta Values
71Case 2a Results
- M Family characteristics
- PPC linearly related to consumption
- Consistent with maximization of a quadratic
utility function - Will choose a portfolio that is on a
mean/variance efficient frontier - Pricing Kernel
- Linear
- Efficient portfolios
- Market plus borrowing or lending
- The CAPM holds
72Case 2b
- Agreement
- State Claims not traded
- Results
- The same as in Case 2a
- Market is sufficiently complete since investors
only want to hold the market portfolio plus
borrowing and lending - The CAPM holds
73Case 2c
- Disagreement
- State Claims traded
74PPC Values with Disagreementand Traded State
- Personal PPC
- Market state price
- Personal probability of state
- Market Predictions defined as
- Wealth-weighted average of investor
probabilities, using equilibrium levels of wealth - Market PPC
- Market state price
- Market probability of state
75PPC versus Consumption
76Returns versus Market Returns
77The Pricing Kernel
78Expected Returns and Standard Deviations with
Market Probabilities
79Expected Returns and Beta Values with Market
80Case 2c Results
- Using Market probabilities
- Pricing Kernel
- Approximately linear
- Efficient portfolios
- Market plus borrowing or lending
- The CAPM holds approximately
81Case 2d
- Disagreement
- State Claims not traded
82PPC Values with Disagreementand No Traded State
- Personal State Price
- Maximum amount bid for an additional unit of
consumption - Personal PPC
- Personal state price
- Personal probability of state
- Market State Price defined as
- Wealth-weighted average of personal state prices
- Market PPC
- Market state price
- Market probability of state
83Case 2d Results
- Smaller gains through trade than in 2c
- With state claims, CE increased by 1.50
- Without state claims CE increased by 1.06
- Magnitudes change
- Expected returns, Riskless rate
- Relationships similar to those of Case 2c
- CAPM holds approximately using market predictions
84The Efficiency of Market-based Strategies
- Index Fund Premise
- None of us is as smart as all of us
- Gabrielle M
- Predictions differ from market
- Portfolio is not market-based
85Risk and Return using Gabrielles predictions
86Risk and Return using Market Predictions
87Part 6
- Estimating Expected Returns
88Estimating Asset Expected Returns
- Which is better?
- 1 Historic average returns
- 2 Historic beta values
- Assume the conditions of example 2d hold in every
period - Generate simulations to determine the better
89Simulation ProcedureOne Case
- Generate historic outcomes for 100 historic
periods - 1 Compute security average returns
- 2 Compute security historic beta values
- Compute correlation between
- Historic average returns and true expected
returns - Historic beta values and true expected returns
90Simulation ProcedureOverall
- Generate 1,000 cases
- Summarize the ranges of correlations between true
expected returns and - 1 Historic average returns
- 2 Historic beta values
91Cumulative Distributions of Correlations with
Expected Returns
92Part 7
- Non-Linear Pricing Kernels
93Example 3
- The same as Example 2 except all 16 people are
members of the P family - 11 states of the world
- 1 now
- 10 later
- 16 people
- All members of the P family
- 8 securities
- Consumption now
- Riskless
- 6 regular securities
Source Case 5p
94Members of the P Family
- PPC versus consumption is proportional
- A percentage difference in consumption is
associated with a given percentage difference in
PPC - Log(PPC) is linearly related to log(consumption)
- Consistent with maximization of a CRRA utility
95Case 3a
- Agreement
- State Claims Traded
Source Case 5p(sa)
96PPC versus Consumption
97The Pricing Kernel
98Returns versus Market Returns
99Expected Returns and Standard Deviations
100Expected Returns and Beta Values
101Kernel-based Beta Values
- With complete markets and agreement
- Ei-r cov(Ei-r,m)
- EM-r cov(EM-r, m)
- The pricing kernel
- m f(RM)
- Define
- cov(Ei-r, f(RM))
- cov(EM-r, f(RM))
- Then
- Ei-r Bki ( EM-r)
102Expected Returns and Kernel Beta Values
103Case 3a Results
- Pricing Kernel
- Non-linear
- Efficient portfolios
- Market-based
- Close to market plus borrowing or lending
- The CAPM holds
- Approximately with standard beta values
- Exactly with kernel beta values
104Case 3d
- Disagreement
- State Claims not traded
Source Case 5p()
105PPC versus Consumption
106Returns versus Market Returns
107The Pricing Kernel
108Expected Returns and Standard Deviations
109Expected Returns and Kernel Beta Values
110Cumulative Distributions of Correlations with
Expected Returns Kernel Beta Values
111Cumulative Distributions of Correlations with
Expected Returns Standard Beta Values
112Case 3d Results
- Compare with case 3a (agreement and state claims
traded) - Magnitudes change
- Expected returns, Riskless rate
- Market relationships similar
- CAPM holds approximately using market predictions
and kernel betas
113Part 8
- Experimental Pricing Kernels
114The Distribution Builder
- Joint work with
- Dan Goldstein
- Columbia University
- Eric Johnson
- Columbia University
- 100 People, one of which is you
- Place people in retirement rows
- E.g. row 75 retire at 75 of final salary
- Budget meter indicates percent of budget used
- Final pattern must use gt99 of budget
- Subject to constraint, select a preferred pattern
116Source http//vlab.cebiz.org/dggoldst/db/sample.
- 75 row is considered standard advice
- Stated and shown on the interface
- Riskless outcome (wealth)
- For half of participants 60
- For the other half 75
- Not stated or shown explicitly
118State Prices
- 100 equally probable states
- State prices
- Derived from discrete approximation to log-normal
distribution - Based on 10 years investment
- Market plus riskless security
- One-year returns Sharpe Ratio 1/3
119Least-cost Investment
- Rank 100 Desired outcomes from highest to lowest
- Assign to states from cheapest to most expensive
- Provides the desired distribution at the lowest
possible cost - Budget shown is based on these computations
- Agreement
- Every state has a probability of 1/100
- Complete Market
- Least-cost calculation is based on the use of
state claims
121Pricing Kernels
- Can infer each persons personal pricing kernel
- Can infer the collective pricing kernel
- Results subject to granularity
- All outcomes in increments of 5
122Average DistributionParticpants with Wealth 75
123The Pricing Kernel, Participants with Wealth 75
124The Pricing Kernel in logs, Wealth 75
125Average DistributionWealth 60
126The Pricing Kernel, Wealth 60
127The Pricing Kernel in logs, Wealth 60
128Average Distribution,, All Levels of Wealth
129The Pricing Kernel, All Levels of Wealth
130The Pricing Kernel in logs, All Levels of Wealth
131Experimental Pricing Kernels
- Individuals show preferences for wealth at
reference points - standard outcome
- Riskless outcome
- Consistent with kinked utility curves
- Behavioral Finance
- But these occur at different points for different
people - Aggregate pricing kernel is smooth
- Consistent with traditional asset pricing theory
132Part 9
133Desirable Extensions
- Multiple periods
- More than two dates
- More types of families
- Behavioral, kinked functions, etc.
- Prior Positions
- Security holdings that cannot be changed
- Houses, jobs, etc..
- Production
- Trades with nature securities at fixed prices
- Financial Institutions
- Combine securities and issue claims on securities
- Different trading procedures