Title: odgerel
1 e-Government Key Challenges to Enhance Citizen
Participation in Mongolia
Mr.Odgerel Ulziikhutag, MRTT, Mongolia Mr.
Shirbazar Sukhbaatar, ICT Authority, Mongolia
- Country Overview
- 1. e-Government Strategies
- 1.1. e-Government Master Plan
- 1.2. Low Cost PC Affordable Internet Program
- 1.3. Open Government Portal
- 2. e-Government Key Challenges
- 2.1. Citizen Participation
- 2.2. Human Development and Security Issues
- 2.3. Digital Divide
- 3. Conclusion
- Area 1.5 mln. sqr. km
- Population 2.5 mln. (2004)
- In Ulaanbaatar (capital city) 735000
- Geography mountains, forest, steppe, desert
- Administration Ulaanbaatar and 21 provinces
- Government Parliamentary
- Literacy rate 96.7
4Mongolia Macroeconomic Performance
Source Bank of Mongolia, NSO 1997-2003
51. e-Government Strategies
This policy aims at establishing the information
society and founding the knowledge-based society
in Mongolia by enhancing extensive applications
of ICT in all sectors of society. By 2012,
Mongolia will become one of the top ten ICT
developed countries in Asia.
Legal and Regulatory Framework
ICT-enabled Economic Growth
ICT Skills and Human Resources Development
Leadership and Reform
Interoperability and Applications
Public Awareness and Participation
Infrastructure development
- Designing and implementing new businesses such as
e-Commerce, e-Tax, e-Custom, e-Payments,
e-Procurement, e-Health, and e-Learning - Establishment of an electronic system to expand
civil participations - Establishment of a unified Information exchange
network among Gov. agencies - Requirement for the leadership at all levels of
e-Government execution - Requirement for legislating laws and regulations
on ICT - Need to build high speed transmission networks
throughout Mongolia - Establishment of nation-wide Digital Community
Centers for business - Reduction of the Internet connection fees
6e-Government Master Plan
7Priority projects of E-government
- Government Representative Portal
- Passport Management System
- Real Estate Registration System
- Social Insurance System
- Providing on-line public service
- Diversification on service channel
- Recruitment and Employment Information System
- e-Customs
- e-Procurement
- Business Registration and Approval Management
- Intellectual Property Management System
- Opening administration information and process
- Providing one-stop public service
- NID (National Identification) System
- e-Tax
- Immigration Management System
- e-Educational Administration System
- Administration Portal (e-Approval, KM,
e-Document) - EA (Enterprise Architecture)
- Integrated Government-wide Information System
- Computerization of government administration
- Integration of government information system
- Standardization of government administration
- Information Protection System
- Expansion of ICT Resource
- National Unified Code System Development
- ICT Literacy and HRD Program Development
- Legal reformation on e-Government
- Enhancement of ICT Organization
- A favorable ICT-based facility
- Building a national standard
- ICT literacy HRD
- Favorable law regulation
- A favorable organization
8Suggestions for e-Government Master Plan
- e-Government Master Plan has very little address
the needs of vulnerable groups. In the future,
Government of Mongolia will provide more
accessible services by community centers and
ensure to facilitate inclusion vulnerable groups. - The Government Representative Portal, NID System
projects were drafted, the implementation
mechanism and financial issues are still not
clear. If the smart card will be introduced, it
is not clear how the vulnerable groups can afford
to buy and use them.
9Low Cost PC Affordable Internet Program
- This program is starting in Ulaanbaatar by
June 29, in Darkhan Erdenet by September 01 and
in other provinces by October 15, 2005. - Government supports Computer supply companies for
tax-free for computer, advertisements and others
activities - Banks provide loan and leasing for new computers
- Companies offers 4 kind of PC
- Cost of PC is around 250-450US
- 1 Tugrug Internet Campaign by dialup
10Suggestions for Low Cost PC Affordable
Internet Program
- The government agencies are cooperating closely
with bank, financial organizations and computer
trade companies. This program is still in the
initial stage. - The level of computerization in Mongolia varies
social groups, incomes, and regions. The major
constraints for the using computer are followings
(a) low computer literacy (b) limited Mongolian
content in Internet (c) English language barriers
and (d) limited business opportunities - As the Affordable Internet Program is only for 1
year, the further Government coordination of Low
cost PC and Affordable Internet Programs is
needed. However, the internet cost should be
11Open Government Portal (http//open-government.
12Suggestions for Open Government
- website addresses only central government issues,
in the future cooperation with local governments
is needed to provide a channel for local
citizens voice to be heard. - the open government web site needs to serve as a
portal web site for the GOM. The linkage of the
open government web site with the web sites of
other government organizations should be
improved. - It is not clear how the suggestions and comments
from discussions will effect to the Draft Law or
other documents. the procedure on the citizens
participation to the decision making process
should be developed.
132. e-Government Key Challenges
The presented findings are based on the
implemented programs, projects, research papers,
conference materials, newspaper citations,
internet resources in related topics. The key
challenges identified in the adaptation of the
e-government initiatives, especially for poor and
vulnerable groups in Mongolia such as (a) Citizen
Participation, (b) Human Development and Security
Issues and (c) Digital Divide.
14Citizen Participation
- In Mongolia, citizen participation is low, due to
a lack of initiative, and due to the inertia left
behind by a command-administrative system - The low population density, financial constraints
and underdeveloped communication networks has
added barriers to participation, while there
exists a poor understanding of democracy and
human rights - Therefore, Government of Mongolia considers that
e-government can help strengthen citizen
participation in the decision making process,
promote open and accountable government, help to
prevent corruption and protect personal
15Human Development and Security Issues
- Mongolians learn quickly. This country is largely
influenced by nomadic culture, which gives it a
very flexible mentality. - However, the lack of human resources, financial
constraints, and low computer literacy in
Mongolian are significant challenges. - Therefore, the Government of Mongolia considers
that one of the essential tasks for Mongolians at
the beginning of the 21st century is to become
universally computer literate. 1
16Bridging Digital Divide
173. Conclusion
- 1. There are some well designed and formulated
programs and projects in Mongolia.. Within the
PPP framework, the GOM is successfully
cooperating with bank, telecom operators, ISPs
and computer trade companies. However, procedural
and financial clarifications are essential for
the implementation process. - 2. These programs have very little impact to
enhance citizens participation. In the future,
GOM will provide more accessible services by
community centres and ensure to facilitate
inclusion vulnerable groups of Mongolian society.
There is a need of clear and prompt strategy, to
identify what actions we need to take and how to
prioritise our actions.
183. Conclusion (cont..)
- 3. The studies show that existing policy
documents address only central government issues.
In the future more intensive actions should be
done to develop local e-government. - 4. Government of Mongolia takes some actions to
bring new market opportunities for businesses and
local people. Initial steps towards creation of
Telecenters or Community Internet Centres have
started in Mongolian rural areas with joint
effort and valuable contribution of different
stakeholders. - 5. Mongolia urgently needs to take some actions
to bridge digital divide.
19Thank you for your kind attention
- Mr. Odgerel Ulziikhutag,
- Director General of Post Department
- Ministry of Road, Transport and Tourism, Mongolia
- Government Building-2, Ulaanbaatar-210646,
Mongolia - Fax (976-11)-310612, Email holboo_at_magicnet.mn
- Mr. Shirbazar Sukhbaatar,
- Deputy Director of Policy and Planning
Department, - Information and Communication Technology
Authority, Mongolia - Central Post Office, POB 785, Ulaanbaatar-211213,
Mongolia - Tel (976-11)-322720 (office) Email