Dickson K'W' Chiu - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Dickson K'W' Chiu


FLWOR ('flower') expressions. list expressions. conditional expressions. quantified expressions ... all named children of the context node: name. concatenation: ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Dickson K'W' Chiu

CSIT600b XML Programming Xlink, XPointer, XQuery
  • Dickson K.W. Chiu
  • Thanks to Prof. Francis Lau (HKU)

Problem of HTML Linking
  • Growth of the Web attributed to the ability of
    an HTML page to (hyper)link to another page
  • lta hrefhttp//www.ust.hk/gt
  • Limitations
  • Involves only two resources
  • One-way (the back button is a browsers thing)
  • The source must be HTML
  • The whole document is loaded even if your link
    points to a section
  • ltimg srchttp//www.dot.comjpg5gt
  • The target page must contain explicit section

XML Linking
  • XLink to link resources, XPointer to point to
    fragments of XML documents
  • Tutorial http//zvon.org/xxl/xlink/OutputExamples
  • W3C Recommendation 1.0, Jun 2001
  • Example
  • One-way and two-way
  • One link, involving 4 resources
  • Information about this link can be in a
    completely separated file

  • Example
  • ltname xmlnshttp//dot.com/name
    gtTommylt/firstgtltlast xlinktypesimple
  • XLinks global attributes
  • type, href, label, role, arcrole, title, show,
    actuate, from, to
  • Can be added to elements that are in any
    arbitrary namespace

The type Attribute
  • Mandatory, to define a link
  • Six types (the first 2 are link types, the others
    are for providing more info about a link)
  • Simple
  • Extended
  • Title to provide human-readable titles
  • Locator to indicate remote resources
  • Resource to define local resources involved
  • Arc to indicate the rules for traversing

title, label, and role
  • title and label are used to label the functions
    of various resources in the link
  • label is machine-readable, title human-readable
  • ltlast xlinklabellastName
    xlinktypesimple xlinkhrefpeople.xml
    xlinktitleLast name xlinkrolehttp//d
    ot.com/namesgtLast namelt/lastgt
  • role is a URI that references a resource that
    describes the meaning of the link

actuate and show
  • The actuate attribute specifies when the resource
    should be retrieved
  • onLoad (default)
  • onRequest
  • The show attribute specifies how to display the
    resource when it is loaded
  • new new window
  • replace current window
  • embed (default) insert here like lthtmlimg
    src... gt
  • The application can provide other values, using
    QNames, but the application should know how to
    handle them
  • xlinkactuateopEveryFiveMinutes

from and to
  • A link can involve multiple resources, and be
    traversed in multiple directions
  • ltelement xlinkfrommyappfirst
    xlinktomyapplast xlinkshowreplace
    xlinkactuateonRequestgt Click for
  • When clicked, the first link resource will be
    replaced by the last link resource

Simple Links
  • Like HTML links 2 resources
  • ltelement xlinktypesimple xlinkhref
    xlinkshownewgtClick me!lt/elementgt
  • Simple links are inline links because the
    links own content (i.e., Click me) is the

Extended Links
  • An element to describe links among sets of
    document(s), classified by labels
  • Extended links can be out of line
  • You could create a link from A to B even though
    you have no access rights for A and B
  • Locator-type to indicate remote resources, and
    arc-type to specify rules for traversals
  • Attribute arcrole is used to describe the
    relationship between the resources

Extended Links Example
ltextendedlink xlinktype"extended"gt ltloc
xlinktype"locator" xlinkhref"..."
xlinklabel"parent" xlinktitle"p1" /gt ltloc
xlinktype"locator" xlinkhref"..."
xlinklabel"parent" xlinktitle"p2" /gt ltloc
xlinktype"locator" xlinkhref"..."
xlinklabel"child" xlinktitle"c1" /gt ltloc
xlinktype"locator" xlinkhref"..."
xlinklabel"child" xlinktitle"c2" /gt ltloc
xlinktype"locator" xlinkhref"..."
xlinklabel"child" xlinktitle"c3" /gt ...
lt!-- arc-type elements would go here
--gt lt/extendedlinkgt
  • ltgo xlinktypepararc" xlinkfrom"parent"
    xlinkto"child" /gt
  • links from parents to children (6 links total)
  • ltgo xlinktypechildarc" xlinkto"child" /gt
  • links from parents to children and children to
    children (15 links total)
  • Upon clicking on a item, say p1, the rendering
    software (need not be a browser) displays a list
    of linked items for the user to choose.

  • Provides a method for pointing to pieces of an
    XML document
  • W3C Recommendation 1.0, Mar 2003
  • Built on XPath, with the following extensions
  • Locate information by string matching
  • Can be appended to URIs
  • Address not only entire nodes, but pieces of
    nodes in an XML document
  • Finer than nodes
  • A location is any node type allowed in Xpath
  • A point is any spot in the XML document
  • A range is defined by two points

XInclude and XBase
  • XML 1.0 / 1.1 does not have includes
  • XInclude uses XPointer to include portions of
    another document
  • The parse attribute has value xml (parsed) or
    text (unparsed)
  • XBase is for providing base URIs for relative
    links in a document

  • XQuery is a language for querying XML data
  • XQuery is built on XPath expressions
  • XQuery for XML is like SQL for databases
  • http//www.w3c.org/XML/Query
  • Updated release of the XQuery 1.0, XPath 2.0
    W3C Oct 2004
  • XQuery is not an XML language - a version in XML
    syntax is called XQueryX.
  • Tutorial booklet download from DataDirect
  • Brief tutorials
  • http//www.brics.dk/amoeller/XML/index.html
  • http//www.w3schools.com/xquery/default.asp

XQuery W3C Requirements
  • at least one XML syntax (at least one
    human-readable syntax)
  • must be declarative
  • must be protocol independent
  • must respect XML data model
  • must be namespace aware
  • must coordinate with XML Schema
  • must work even if schemas are unavailable
  • must support simple and complex datatypes
  • must support universal and existential
  • must support operations on hierarchy and sequence
    of document structures
  • must combine information from multiple documents
  • must support aggregation
  • must be able to transform and to create XML
  • must be able to traverse ID references

XQuery Basic Concepts
  • Expressions are evaluated relative to a context
  • namespaces
  • variables
  • functions
  • date and time
  • context item (current node or atomic value)
  • context position (in the sequence being
  • context size (of the sequence being processed)
  • A query in XQuery is an expression that
  • reads a sequence of XML fragments or atomic
  • returns a sequence of XML fragments or atomic
  • The principal forms of XQuery expressions are
  • path expressions (same as XPath)
  • element constructors
  • FLWOR ("flower") expressions
  • list expressions
  • conditional expressions
  • quantified expressions
  • datatype expressions

XQuery Path Expressions
  • The simplest kind of query is just an XPath 2.0
  • Example
  • document("recipes.xml")//recipetitle"Ricotta
  • Some XQuery specific extension of XPath
  • location steps may follow a new IDREF axis
  • an arbitrary XQuery expression may be used as a
    location step

XPath 2.0 Major Changes from 1.0
  • now using XML Schema primitive types instead of
    just node-set, boolean, number, string
  • new type operators cast, treat, assert, instance
  • now using sequences instead of node-sets
  • also allow non-node types
  • new operators for, if, some, every, intersect,
  • many new functions
  • regular expression match/replace/tokenize
  • date formats
  • ...

XQuery FLWOR expressions
  • The main engine of XQuery is FLWOR expression
  • For-Let-Where-Order-Return
  • pronounced "flower"
  • generalizes SELECT-FROM-HAVING-WHERE from SQL
  • Example
  • for d in document("depts.xml")//deptno
  • let e document("emps.xml")//employeedeptno
  • where count(e) gt 10
  • order by avg(e/salary) descending
  • return
  • ltbig-deptgt d,
  • ltheadcountgtcount(e)lt/headcountgt,
  • lt/big-deptgt

For loop Let binding once
Only 1 where
list expression
XQuery FLWOR Join Example
  • Sufficient to compute joins of documents
  • for p IN document("www.irs.gov/taxpayers.xml")//p
  • for n IN document("neighbors.xml")//neighborssn
  • return
  • ltpersongt
  • ltssngt p/ssn lt/ssngt
  • n/name
  • ltincomegt p/income lt/incomegt
  • lt/persongt

XQuery List Expression
  • XQuery expressions manipulate lists of values,
    for which many operators are supported
  • constant lists (7, 9, ltthirteen/gt)
  • integer ranges i to j
  • XPath expressions, like all named children of the
    context node name
  • concatenation ,
  • set operators (or union), intersect, except
  • functions remove, index-of, count, avg, max,
    min, sum, distinct-values ...
  • When lists are viewed as sets
  • XML nodes are compared on node identity
  • duplicates are removed
  • the order is preserved

XQuery Qualified Expression
  • some-in-satisfies
  • for b in document("bib.xml")//book
  • where some p in b//paragraph satisfies
  • (contains(p,"sailing") AND contains(p,"windsur
  • return b/title
  • every-in-satisfies
  • for b in document("bib.xml")//book
  • where every p in b//paragraph satisfies
  • contains(p,"sailing")
  • return b/title

XQuery Datatype Expression
  • XQuery supports all datatypes from XML Schema,
    both primitive and complex types.
  • Constant values can be written
  • as literals (like string, integer, float)
  • as constructor functions (true(),
  • as explicit casts (cast as xsdpositiveInteger(47)
  • Arbitrary XML Schema documents can be imported
    into a query.
  • An instance of operator allows runtime validation
    of any value relative to a datatype or a schema.
  • A typeswitch operator allows branching based on

XQuery - Other Features
  • Hundreds of built-in operators and functions -
    contains anything you might think of
  • Computed element and attribute names - allow more
    flexible queries
  • User-defined functions - allow general-purpose
  • Views and updates are still under development

Status (updated)
  • Software? Starting to come up
  • http//www.w3.org/XML/Linking
  • XLink 1.0 and Xbase 1.0 - June 27, 2001
  • XPointer 1.0 - 25 March 2003
  • XInclude 1.0 W3C Working Draft 10 Nov 2003
  • Updated release of the XQuery 1.0, XPath 2.0, Oct

Working draft ? Last call working draft
?Candidate recommendation ?Proposed
recommendation ? Recommendation
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