Title: Fred Snyder, Ph'D'
1We Gratefully Acknowledge the Founders of the
Southeastern Regional Lipid Conference (1966)
John Coniglio, Ph.D. (Vanderbilt)
Fred Snyder, Ph.D. (ORAU-Oak Ridge)
Thank you for your vision and the legacy you
2We Thank Drs. Snyder Wykle for Generously
Providing Information on the History of the
Southeastern Regional Lipid Conference
Robert Wykle, Ph.D. Fred Snyder, Ph.D.
(ORAU-Oak Ridge)
3The 1st Southeastern Regional Lipid
Conference Oak Ridge, TN (March 29-30, 1966)
Excerpt from ORAU Medical Division Report
101 An informal regional lipid meeting was
sponsored by ORAU on March 29-30, 1966. The main
purpose was to provide closer contact of faculty
and graduate students engaged in lipid research
within a few hundred miles of Oak Ridge, and
attendance was limited to lipid groups from
Vanderbilt University, University of Tennessee,
University of North Carolina, University of South
Carolina, and ORAU Medical Division. In addition
to presentations by the participants, two invited
lectures were arranged.
A Survey of Lipid Methodology Cell
Fractionation in Zonal Centrifuges Dr. Norman G.
Anderson Biology Division Oak Ridge National
Lipids of the Eye and Their Biological
Implications Gerald L. Feldman Department of
Ophthalmology Baylor University School of Medicine
4The 2nd Southeastern Regional Lipid
Conference Oak Ridge, TN (March 2-3, 1967)
Excerpt from ORAU Medical Division Report
106 In March the Medical Division sponsored a
Lipid Conference with more than 40 participants
from five universities, all ORAU sponsoring
institutions. There were two invited guest
speakers and 25 papers were presented by the
participants. These lipid meetings, originated
by Dr. Fred Snyder, emphasize participation by
graduate students and have proved highly
The Biochemistry of Ether-Containing Lipids Guy
A. Thompson, Jr., Ph.D. Department of
Biochemistry University of Washington Seattle,
Transport of Lipids by Bile Salt Micelles Alan F.
Hofmann, M.D., Ph.D. Department of
Gastroenterology Mayo Clinic Rochester, MN
5The 3rd Southeastern Regional Lipid
Conference Oak Ridge, TN (March 7-8, 1968)
Sponsored by the Medical Division Oak Ridge
Associated Universities Attendance included
about 50 participants from 10 institutions. Brief
talks were given by 24 participants in addition
to the two main speakers.
Advances in the Study of the Structure of Serum
Lipoproteins Angelo M. Scanu, MD. Department of
Medicine University of Chicago Chicago, Illinois
Analysis of Individual Molecular Species of Polar
Lipids Ossi Renkonen Department of Serology and
Bacteriology University of Helsinki Helsinki,
6The 3rd Southeastern Regional Lipid
Conference Oak Ridge, TN (March 7-8, 1968)
Sponsored by the Medical Division Oak Ridge
Associated Universities
Angelo Scanu (Univ. Chicago)
Ossi Renkonen (Univ. of Finland)
Sam Tove (NC State)
7The 4th Southeastern Regional Lipid
Conference Oak Ridge, TN (May 8-9, 1969)
Sponsored by the Medical Division Oak Ridge
Associated Universities
Biosynthesis of Some Acidic Phospholipids Bernard
W. Agranoff, M.D. University of Michigan
Studies on the Biosynthesis and Biological
Function of Fatty Acids P. Roy Vagelos,
M.D. Washington Universitys School of Medicine
Identification and Chemical Synthesis of Acyl
Dihydroxyacetone Phosphate Amiya K. Hajra,
Ph.D. University of Michigan
8The 5th Southeastern Regional Lipid
Conference Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN
(October 22-23, 1970)
Biosynthesis and Structure of Presqualene Dr.
George J. Popják Scripps Institute
9The 6th Southeastern Regional Lipid
Conference University of North Carolina, Chapel
Hill, NC (October 21-22, 1971) We acknowledge
with deep appreciation the invaluable assistance
and support of the Office of the Dean, UNC School
of Medicine, and the Department of Biochemistry,
University of North Carolina.
Comparative Aspects of Fatty Acid Synthetase
Systems Dr. Konrad Bloch Harvard University
10The 7th Southeastern Regional Lipid Conference
Gatlinburg, TN (1972)
? Salih Wakil Ph.D. Baylor University
? Dr. Raymond Dils University of Nottingham
11The 8th Southeastern Regional Lipid
Conference Long Beach, North Carolina, (October
4-5, 1973)
New Ideas Old Problems Dr. Paul
Stumpf University of California, Davis
12The 9th Southeastern Regional Lipid
Conference Clemson, North Carolina, (1974) Gary
L. Powell, Ph.D., Conference Chair
Properties, Organization, and Reactions of Avian
and Mammalina Fatty Acid Synthetases Dr. John W.
Porter Chief, Lipid Metabolism Laboratory Veterans
Administration Hospital Madison, Wisconsin
13The 10th Southeastern Regional Lipid
Conference Gatlinburg, Tennessee (September 6-7,
1975) Sponsored by the Medical Health Sciences
Division, Oak Ridge Associated Universities
The Role of Lipid-linked Sugars in Membrane
Glycoprotein Synthesis William J. Lennarz,
Ph.D. Johns Hopkins University
14The 11th Southeastern Regional Lipid
Conference Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem,
North Carolina (November 4-5, 1976)
Regulation of Phospholipase A2 Activity by
Liquid-Water Interface Dr. G.H. de
Hass University of Utrecht
15The 12th Southeastern Regional Lipid
Conference Medical College of Georgia, Helen,
Georgia (November 24, 1977)
Topography of Phospholipids in Cell Membranes Dr.
Guido Marinetti Department of Biochemistry Univers
ity of Rochester School of Medicine and
Dentistry Rochester, New York
16The 13th Southeastern Regional Lipid
Conference Long Beach, North Carolina (September
27-29, 1978)
Lipogenic Differentiation of 3T3-L1
Preadipocytes M. Daniel Lane. Ph.D. Department
of Biochemistry Johns Hopkins University
17The 14th Southeastern Regional Lipid
Conference Gatlinburg, Tennessee (1979)
? Dr. William Lands University of Michigan
18The 15th Southeastern Regional Lipid
Conference Western Carolina University, High
Hampton Inn, Cashiers, North Carolina (October
22-24, 1980) Sponsored by the Western Carolina
University Visiting Scholars Program
Pathways in the Synthesis of Dipalmitoylphosphatid
ylcholine in Lung Dr. Henk van den
Bosch Biochemisch Laboratorium Rijksuniversiteit
Te Utrecht Utrecht, Netherlands
19The 16th Southeastern Regional Lipid
Conference High Hampton Inn, Cashiers, North
Carolina (1981)
? ? ?
20The 17th Southeastern Regional Lipid
Conference High Hampton Inn, Cashiers, North
Carolina (October 27-29, 1982) Sponsored by
American Scientific Products, Avanti
Biochemicals, Inc., Beckman Instruments Co.,
Bodman Chemicals, and Merck, Sharp Dohme
Research Laboratories
Metabolism of Phospholipids in Activated
Platelets Dr. Eduardo G. Lapetina Molecular
Biology Department The Wellcome Research
21The 18th Southeastern Regional Lipid
Conference High Hampton Inn, Cashiers, North
Carolina (October 26-28, 1983) Sponsored by
Avanti Polar Lipids, Inc., Beckman Instruments,
Inc., Bodman Chemicals, Medical College of
Georgia School of Dentistry Deans Fund,
Medical College of Georgia School of Medicine
Deans Fund, and Merck, Sharp Dohme Research
Receptor Mediated Cascade of Phospholipid
Metabolism Fusao Hirata M.D., Ph.D. Laboratory of
Cell Biology National Institute of Mental
Health Bethesda, Maryland
22The 19th Southeastern Regional Lipid
Conference High Hampton Inn, Cashiers, North
Carolina (October 31- November 2, 1984)
Sponsored by Avanti Polar Lipids, Inc., Beckman
Instruments, Inc., Merck, Sharp Dohme Research
Laboratories, NCSU Department of Biochemistry,
NCSU School of Veterinary Medicine, Supelco,
Inc. and Waters Associates, Inc.
Mechanisms of Leukocyte Activation Role of a
Nucleotide Regulatory Protein, Phospholipid
Metabolism and Protein Kinase C Ralph C.
Snyderman, M.D. Howard Hughes Medical
Institute Duke University Medical Center
PHOTO CREDIT This photo is the property of Duke
University Medical Center. Use of this photo
requires credit to Duke University Medical
Center. If you have any questions, please contact
the Duke University Medical Center News Office at
(919) 684-4148.
23The 20th Southeastern Regional Lipid
Conference High Hampton Inn, Cashiers, North
Carolina (1985)
? ? ?
24The 21st Southeastern Regional Lipid
Conference High Hampton Inn, Cashiers, North
Carolina (October 30-31, 1986)
Unique Pancreatic Phospholipase A1 and Intestinal
Phospholipase A2 Involved in Phospholipid
Digestion by Guinea Pig Hugues Chap Unite de
Recherche sur la Biochimie des Lipides Toulouse,
25The 22nd Southeastern Regional Lipid
Conference High Hampton Inn, Cashiers, North
Carolina (October 28-30, 1987) Sponsored by
Fisher Scientific, Corning Glass, Merck, Sharp
Dohme, Serdary Research Laboratories, Rainin, VWR
Scientific, Supelco, Amicon, Upjohn, Burroughs
Wellcome, Dupont, and Bioscan
Investigations of a Non-Cyclooxygenase Pathway of
Prostaglandin Biosynthesis Alan Brash,
Ph.D. Vanderbilt University Nashville, Tennessee
26The 23rd Southeastern Regional Lipid
Conference High Hampton Inn, Cashiers, North
Carolina (October 26-28, 1988) Sponsored by
Amicon Division of W.R. Grace Company, Bioscan,
Burroughs Wellcome Company, Medical Products
Division of E.I. duPont de Nemours Company,
Merck, Sharp Dohme Co., Nu Chek Prep, Serdary
Research Laboratories, Inc., Supelco Inc., and
The Upjohn Company
Lipid Polymorphism Implications of the
Structural and Functional Roles of Lipids in
Membranes Pieter Cullis, Ph.D. The Canadian
Liposome Company, Ltd. University of British
Columbia Vancouver, Canada
27The 24th Southeastern Regional Lipid
Conference High Hampton Inn, Cashiers, North
Carolina (October 25-27, 1989) Sponsored by
Avanti Polar Lipids, Inc., Bioscan Inc.,
Biotechnology Systems of E.I. duPont de Nemours
Co., Burroughs Wellcome Co., Fisher Scientific,
Matreya Inc. (formerly Supelco Lipids), Merck,
Sharp Dohme Research Laboratories, Serdary
Research Laboratories, Inc., Medical College of
Georgia School of Dentistry
Hormonal Regulation of Phospholipid
Breakdown John H. Exton, M.D., Ph.D. Howard
Hughes Medical Institute Vanderbilt University
Nashville, TN
28The 25th Southeastern Regional Lipid
Conference High Hampton Inn, Cashiers, North
Carolina (October 24-26, 1990) Sponsored by
Avanti Polar Lipids, Inc., Bioscan Inc., Matreya
Inc. North Carolina Biotechnology Center, North
Carolina State University Research
Administration, The Procter Gamble Company,
Serdary Research Laboratories, Inc., Smith Kline
Beecham, Sphinx Biotechnologies Corporation
Inverted Cubic Phases, membrane Fusion, Lipid
Mediators Dr. David Paul Siegel Procter Gamble
Co. Cincinnati, Ohio
29The 26th Southeastern Regional Lipid
Conference High Hampton Inn, Cashiers, North
Carolina (October 23-25, 1991) Ski Chilton,
Conference Chair Sponsored by Avanti Polar
Lipids, Inc., Bioscan Inc., Cayman Chemical
Company, Matreya Inc., Nu Chek Prep, Inc.,
Bristol Myers Squibb, Smith Kline Beecham,
Burroughs Wellcome Co., and Merck, Sharp Dohme
Newer Techniques in Mass Spectrometry Applied to
Studies in Phospholipid Biochemistry Robert C.
Murphy, Ph.D. Department of Pediatrics National
Jewish Center for Immunology and Respiratory
Medicine Denver, Colorado
30The 27th Southeastern Regional Lipid
Conference High Hampton Inn, Cashiers, North
Carolina (October 21-23, 1992) Linda McPhail,
Conference Chair Sponsored by Avanti Polar
Lipids, Inc., Bioscan Inc., Matreya Inc., Nu Chek
Prep, Inc.,, Smith Kline Beecham, The Upjohn Co.,
Sphinx Pharmaceuticals Corp., and GIBCO/BRL
Regulation of Phospholipase C Isozymes Sue-Goo
Rhee Ph.D. Laboratory of Biochemistry National
Institutes of Health Bethesda, Maryland
Glycosylphosphatidylinositol Biosynthesis in
Mammalian Cells Victoria L. Stevens, Ph.D. Emory
University School of Medicine Atlanta, Georgia
31The 28th Southeastern Regional Lipid
Conference High Hampton Inn, Cashiers, North
Carolina (October 20-22, 1993) Victoria Stevens,
Ph.D., Conference Chair Sponsored in part by
Avanti Polar Lipids, Inc., Bioscan Inc., Matreya
Inc., Sphinx Pharmaceuticals Corp., and Glaxo
Research Institute
Fatty Acid Binding Proteins and Intracellular
Fatty Acid Transport Judith Storch, Ph.D.,
R.D. Department of Nutritional Sciences Rutgers
University New Jersey
Regulation of Phospholipases by G-proteins John
Exton, M.D., Ph.D. Department of Molecular
Physiology and Biophysics and the Howard Hughes
Institute Vanderbilt University Nashville,
32The 29th Southeastern Regional Lipid
Conference High Hampton Inn, Cashiers, North
Carolina (October 26-28, 1994) Mitch Robinson,
Conference Chair Sponsored by Avanti Polar
Lipids, Inc., Bioscan Inc., Burroughs Wellcome
Co., RSS, Inc., Richard Scientific, Inc., Matreya
Inc., Merke Research Laboratories and The James
H. Quillen College of Medicine
Regulation and Characterization of Phospholipase
D Pathway of Human Neutrophils J. David Lambeth,
M.D., Ph.D. Emory University School of
Medicine Atlanta, Georgia
Phosphatidylethanolamine N-Methyltransferase
Unexpected Findings from Curiosity Driven
Research Dr. Dennis E. Vance University of
33The 29th Southeastern Regional Lipid
Conference High Hampton Inn, Cashiers, North
Carolina (October 26-28, 1994) Mitch Robinson,
Conference Chair
The 3rd Annual Founders Awards Sponsored by
Avanti Polar Lipids Brynn Jones Department of
Nutrition The University of Tennessee,
Knoxville Leslie Kean Department of
Physiology Emory University School of
Medicine Vicki Sciorra Department of
Biochemistry Bowman Gray School of Medicine, Wake
Forest University Kristin A. Waite Department of
Biochemistry Bowman Gray School of Medicine, Wake
Forest University
34The 30th Southeastern Regional Lipid
Conference High Hampton Inn, Cashiers, North
Carolina (October 25-27, 1995) Jay Strum,
Conference Chair Sponsored by Avanti Polar
Lipids, Bioscan, Matreya, Merck Research
Laboratories and SmithKline Beecham
Ceramide-dependent Cellular Signaling
Pathways Yusuf A. Hannun, M.D. Department of
Medicine Duke University Medical Center Durham,
North Carolina
Diacylglycerol and Phosphatidic Acid Second
Messengers in Cell Signaling Dr. Wim J. van
Blitterswijk The Netherlands Cancer
Institute Division of Cellular Biochemistry Amster
dam, The Netherlands
35The 30th Southeastern Regional Lipid
Conference High Hampton Inn, Cashiers, North
Carolina (October 25-27, 1995) Jay Strum,
Conference Chair
The 4th Annual Founders Awards Sponsored by
Avanti Polar Lipids Susan Pauig Bowman Gray
School of Medicine, Wake Forest University Wendy
Ransom North Carolina State University Vicki
Sciorra Bowman Gray School of Medicine, Wake
Forest University John Tansey Bowman Gray School
of Medicine, Wake Forest University
36The 31st Southeastern Regional Lipid
Conference High Hampton Inn, Cashiers, North
Carolina (November 6-8, 1996) Yusuf Hannun,
Conference Chair Sponsored by Avanti Polar
Lipids, Biomol Research Laboratories Inc.,
Bioscan, GlaxoWellcome, Matreya, Merck, Sharpe
Dohme Research Laboratories, NU-Chek Prep, Inc.,
Richard Scientific, and Sphinx Pharmaceuticals (A
division of Eli Lilly and Company)
Role of Lipid Second Messengers in Cellular
Regulation Robert Bell, Ph.D. Vice-President of
Research Glaxo-Wellcome Research Triangle Park,
North Carolina
Functions of Sphingolipids in Saccharomyces
cerevisiae Robert C. Dickson, Ph.D. Department of
Biochemistry University of Kentucky Lexington,
37The 31st Southeastern Regional Lipid
Conference High Hampton Inn, Cashiers, North
Carolina (November 6-8, 1996) Yusuf Hannun,
Conference Chair
The 5th Annual Founders Awards Sponsored by
Avanti Polar Lipids Chun-Hung Chiu University of
Tennessee Depts. Of Pathology and Nutrition Kate
Claycombe University of Tennessee Nutrition
Department Althea Grant Emory University School
of Medicine Sloan Stribling Duke University
School of Medicine M. Steven Trent East
Tennessee State University
38The 32nd Southeastern Regional Lipid
Conference High Hampton Inn, Cashiers, North
Carolina (November 5-7, 1997) Larry Daniel,
Conference Chair Sponsored by Avanti Polar
Lipids, Biomol Research Laboratories Inc.,
Bioscan, GlaxoWellcome Inc., Matreya Inc., Merck,
Sharpe Dohme Research Laboratories, NU-Chek
Prep, Inc., Richard Scientific, and Sphinx
Pharmaceuticals (A division of Eli Lilly and
Molecular Studies of Phospholipase D Michael
Frohman, M.D., Ph.D. Department of
Pharmacological Sciences State University of New
York Stony Brook, New York
Sphingolipid Metabolism and the Pathology of the
Cell Dr. Konrad Sandhoff Institute fur Organische
Chemie and Biochemie du Universitat Bonn
39The 32nd Southeastern Regional Lipid
Conference High Hampton Inn, Cashiers, North
Carolina (November 5-7, 1997) Larry Daniel,
Conference Chair
The 6th Annual Founders Awards Sponsored by
Avanti Polar Lipids Chang-Hoon Han Department of
Biochemistry, Emory University Dave E.
Monks Department of Crop Science, North Carolina
State University Jill M. Stevenson Botany
Department, North Carolina State
University Leslie E. Stolz Departments of
Pharmacology and Cancer Biology and Biochemistry
Duke University Medical Center Timothy J.
Wallace Department of Biochemistry and Molecular
Biophysics Medical College of Virginia, Virginia
Commonwealth University
40The 32nd Southeastern Regional Lipid
Conference High Hampton Inn, Cashiers, North
Carolina (November 5-7, 1997) Larry Daniel,
Conference Chair
Sphinx Pharmaceuticals Postdoctoral
Awards Sponsored by Sphinx Pharmaceuticals (A
Division of Eli Lilly and Co.) Benjamin
Amidon Department of Biochemistry, Vanderbilt
University Shahid Husain Department of
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Medical
College of Georgia Cungui Mao Department of
Medicine, Duke University Medical Center Andrew
B. Nixon Department of Biochemistry Bowman Gray
School of Medicine, Wake Forest
University Elizabeth R. Smith Department of
Radiation Oncology, Emory University
41The 33rd Southeastern Regional Lipid
Conference High Hampton Inn, Cashiers, North
Carolina (November 4-6, 1998) Gabor Tigyi,
Conference Chair Sponsored by American
Radio-labeled Products, Avanti Polar Lipids,
Bayer Pharmaceutical Division, BIOMOL Research
Laboratories Inc., Bioscan, Cayman Chemical,
Fisher Scientific, Glaxo Wellcome Inc., Matreya
Inc., North Carolina Biotechnology Center,
NU-Chek Prep, Inc., Richard Scientific, and
Sphinx Pharmaceuticals (A division of Eli Lilly
and Company)
Sphingosine-1-Phosphate-Signaling Inside and
Out Sarah Spiegel, Ph.D. Department of
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Georgetown
University Sponsored by Bayer Pharmaceutical
Lipid Mediators, from Clone to Clinic Takao
Shimizu, M.D., Ph.D. Department of Biochemistry
and Molecular Biology The University of
Tokyo Sponsored by The North Carolina
Biotechnology Center
42The 33rd Southeastern Regional Lipid
Conference High Hampton Inn, Cashiers, North
Carolina (November 4-6, 1998) Gabor Tigyi,
Conference Chair
The 7th Annual Founders Awards Sponsored by
Avanti Polar Lipids
Tamás Virág University of Tennessee
Memphis Cynthia DeLong Wake Forest
University Kristina K. Peachman Wake Forest
University Debra S. Reiger Wake Forest
Namijn Chung Duke University Chi-Liang
Yen University of North Carolina Anita
Kapur Virginia Commonwealth University W. David
Dotson North Carolina State University
43The 33rd Southeastern Regional Lipid
Conference High Hampton Inn, Cashiers, North
Carolina (November 4-6, 1998) Gabor Tigyi,
Conference Chair
Sphinx Pharmaceuticals Postdoctoral
Awards Sponsored by Sphinx Pharmaceuticals (A
Division of Eli Lilly and Co.)
Paula J. Lapinskas Chemical Industry Institute
of Toxicology Benjamin Amidon Vanderbilt
University Ken Karasawa Oak Ridge Associated
Universities Supriya Jaydev National Institute
of Environmental Health and Safety M. Cameron
Sullards Emory University
44The 34th Southeastern Regional Lipid
Conference High Hampton Inn, Cashiers, North
Carolina (November 3-5, 1999) Mark Venable,
Conference Chair Sponsored by Avanti Polar
Lipids, Bayer, BIOMOL Research Laboratories Inc.,
Bioscan, Glaxo Wellcome Inc., Matreya Inc.,
NU-Chek Prep, Inc., and Richard Scientific
Ceramide Glycosylation and Resistance to
Chemotherapy in Cancer from Laboratory to
Clinic Myles Cabot, Ph.D. Breast Cancer Research
Program John Wayne Cancer Institute
Regulation of Cellular Events by Diacylglycerol
Kinases Stephen Prescott, M.D. Huntsman Cancer
Institute University of Utah
45The 34th Southeastern Regional Lipid
Conference High Hampton Inn, Cashiers, North
Carolina (November 3-5, 1999) Mark Venable,
Conference Chair
The 8th Annual Founders Awards Sponsored by
Avanti Polar Lipids
Carl Clay Wake Forest University School of
Medicine Pamela Hanson Emory University School
of Medicine Melissa Hansen Petrik University of
Tennessee Teresa L. Squire North Carolina State
University Zhiqiang Zhao Wake Forest University
School of Medicine
46The 34th Southeastern Regional Lipid
Conference High Hampton Inn, Cashiers, North
Carolina (November 3-5, 1999) Mark Venable,
Conference Chair
Postdoctoral Awards
Svetlana Rylova Duke University Medical
School M. Cameron Sullards Emory
University John Tansey NIH-NIDDK Jeff
Yuziuk Wake Forest University School of Medicine
47The 35th Southeastern Regional Lipid
Conference High Hampton Inn, Cashiers, North
Carolina (November 1-3, 2000) Greg Kucera,
Conference Chair Sponsored by Avanti Polar
Lipids, Bayer Corporation, Bioscan, Cayman
Chemical Co., GlaxoWellcome Inc., NU-Chek Prep,
Inc., and Richard Scientific
Cell Signaling by Sphingolipids A New Paradigm
for Understanding Relationships Between Diet and
Cancer as Well as Development of Mechanism-Based
Anti-Cancer Agents Alfred H. Merrill, Jr.,
Ph.D. Department of Biochemistry Emory University
Mutational and Crystallographic Analyses of Fatty
Acid Substrate Interactions with
Cyclooxygenase William L. Smith, Ph.D. Department
of Biochemistry Michigan State University
48The 35th Southeastern Regional Lipid
Conference High Hampton Inn, Cashiers, North
Carolina (November 1-3, 2000) Greg Kucera,
Conference Chair
The 9th Annual Founders Awards Sponsored by
Avanti Polar Lipids
Carl E. Clay Wake Forest University School of
Medicine Joel M. Clement University of Michigan
Medical School Pamela Hanson Emory University
Gary Jenkins Medical University of South
Carolina Jeff Jones University of
Virginia Leslie Thomas Wake Forest University
School of Medicine
49The 35th Southeastern Regional Lipid
Conference High Hampton Inn, Cashiers, North
Carolina (November 1-3, 2000) Greg Kucera,
Conference Chair
Postdoctoral Awards
Shaliha Bechoua Wake Forest University School of
Medicine Helene Birbes Medical University of
South Carolina Samer El Bawab Medical University
of South Carolina Lu Fan Wake Forest University
School of Medicine Xie Yuhuan Medical University
of South Carolina
50The 36th Southeastern Regional Lipid
Conference High Hampton Inn, Cashiers, North
Carolina (November 7-9, 2001) Suzanne Barbour,
Conference Chair Sponsored by Avanti Polar
Lipids, Cayman Chemical Co., GlaxoSmithKline,
NU-Chek Prep, Inc., and Richard Scientific
CDP-Choline Pathways in Eukaryotes and
Prokaryotes Dr. Claudia Kent Department of
Biological Chemistry University of Michigan
Medical Center
Regulation of Phospholipase A2 in Signal
Transduction Edward A. Dennis, Ph.D. Department
of Chemistry Biochemistry University of
California, San Diego
51The 36th Southeastern Regional Lipid
Conference High Hampton Inn, Cashiers, North
Carolina (November 7-9, 2001) Suzanne Barbour,
Conference Chair
The 10th Annual Founders Awards Sponsored by
Avanti Polar Lipids
Bill Ledford Wake Forest University Marie-Christ
ine Gerbod Virginia Commonwealth University Carl
Clay Wake Forest University
Scott Phillips University of North Carolina,
Chapel Hill Debyani Chakravarty Georgetown
University Medical Center S. Raza Shaikh Indiana
University Purdue University
52The 36th Southeastern Regional Lipid
Conference High Hampton Inn, Cashiers, North
Carolina (November 7-9, 2001) Suzanne Barbour,
Conference Chair
Postdoctoral Awards
Michael Maceyka Georgetown University Medical
Center Hervé Le Stunff Georgetown University
Medical Center Allen Price St. Jude Childrens
Research Hospital Qiong Peng Georgia Institute
of Technology
53The 37th Southeastern Regional Lipid
Conference High Hampton Inn, Cashiers, North
Carolina (November 6-8, 2002) Wendy Bollag,
Conference Chair Sponsored by Avanti Polar
Lipids, Cayman Chemical Co., Matreya, Inc., and
NU-Chek Prep, Inc.
Tracking Lipids and Cholesterol Through the Cell
by Fluorescence Microscopy Fredrick Maxfield,
Ph.D. Weill Medical College of Cornell
University New York, New York
Regulation of Stratum Corneum Permeability
Barrier Function an Integrated Perspective Dr.
Peter Elias Dermatology Service, VA Medical
Center San Francisco, California
54The 37th Southeastern Regional Lipid
Conference High Hampton Inn, Cashiers, North
Carolina (November 6-8, 2002) Wendy Bollag,
Conference Chair
The 11th Annual Founders Awards Sponsored by
Avanti Polar Lipids
Sarah Seashols Jeffrey A. Jones Kris
Jeremy Allegood Kevin P. Becker Benjamin J.
55The 37th Southeastern Regional Lipid
Conference High Hampton Inn, Cashiers, North
Carolina (November 6-8, 2002) Wendy Bollag,
Conference Chair
Postdoctoral Awards
Paola Giussani L. Ashley Cowart Silvia Vaena
de Avalos Norma Marchesini
56The 38th Southeastern Regional Lipid
Conference High Hampton Inn, Cashiers, North
Carolina (November 12-14, 2003) Andrew Morris,
Conference Chair Sponsored by American
Radiolabeled Chemicals, Applied Biosystems,
Avanti Polar Lipids, Cayman Chemical Co., Glaxo
Smith Kline, NU-Chek Prep, Inc., and Perkin Elmer
Two Ways to Bind Lipids James H. Hurley,
Ph.D. NIH-NIDDK Bethesda, Maryland
Phospholipase C and Phosphatidylinositol
3,5-Bisphosphate Functions in Yeast Bob
Michell, Ph.D. University of Birmingham
57The 39th Southeastern Regional Lipid
Conference High Hampton Inn, Cashiers, North
Carolina (November 3-5, 2004) Mariana
Nikolova-Karakashian, Conference Chair Sponsored
by American Radio-labeled Chemicals, Applied
Biosystems, Avanti Polar Lipids, Biochemical
Journal, Cayman Chemicals, Glaxo Smith Kline,
Matreya, NU-Chek Prep, Inc., Shimadzu, and Thermo
Lipidomics Multiplexed Analysis of the Cellular
Membrane H. Alex Brown, Ph.D. Vanderbilt
Sphingosine 1-Phosphate Signaling To the
Vascular System and Beyond Timothy Hla,
Ph.D. University of Connecticut Health Science
58The 39th Southeastern Regional Lipid
Conference High Hampton Inn, Cashiers, North
Carolina (November 3-5, 2004) Mariana
Nikolova-Karakashian, Conference Chair
The 13th Annual Founders Awards Sponsored by
Avanti Polar Lipids
Paramasivam Natarajan Korey Johnson Anu
Koppikar, Meeyoung Park, and Jin Young Hong
Kristina Rutkute Mark McDermott Leslie Wooten
59The 39th Southeastern Regional Lipid
Conference High Hampton Inn, Cashiers, North
Carolina (November 3-5, 2004) Mariana
Nikolova-Karakashian, Conference Chair
Postdoctoral Award
Kazuyuki Kitatani
Biochemical Journal Awards
Preeti Sibramanian Eric Lewis
60(No Transcript)
61The 40th Southeastern Regional Lipid
Conference High Hampton Inn, Cashiers, North
Carolina (November 2-4, 2005) H. Alex Brown,
Ph.D., Conference Chair
Transcellular Biosynthesis of Leukotrienes and
the Involvement of LTA4 Stabilizing
Proteins Robert C. Murphy, Ph.D. University of
Colorado at Denver
Drug Discovery and COX-2 Whats Left After
Vioxx? Lawrence J. Marnett, Ph.D. Vanderbilt
University Medical Center
62The 40th Southeastern Regional Lipid
Conference High Hampton Inn, Cashiers, North
Carolina (November 2-4, 2005) H. Alex Brown,
Ph.D., Conference Chair
The Avanti Travel Award
Adrienne Ellis
The Thermo Travel Award
Kimberly Tyeryar
The 14th Annual Founders Awards Sponsored by
Avanti Polar Lipids
Preeti Subramanian Stanislav Svetlov Can Emre
Senkal Amanda Davis
63The 40th Southeastern Regional Lipid
Conference High Hampton Inn, Cashiers, North
Carolina (November 2-4, 2005) H. Alex Brown,
Ph.D., Conference Chair
Young Investigator Award Sponsored by the
Biochemical Journal Presented by Dr. Sharon
Talar B. Kechichian (Del Poetas Laboratory -
Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston,
64The 40th Southeastern Regional Lipid
Conference High Hampton Inn, Cashiers, North
Carolina (November 2-4, 2005) H. Alex Brown,
Ph.D., Conference Chair
65The 41st Southeastern Regional Lipid
Conference High Hampton Inn, Cashiers, North
Carolina (November 1-3, 2006) Charles Chalfant,
Ph.D., Conference Chair
66The 41st Southeastern Regional Lipid
Conference High Hampton Inn, Cashiers, North
Carolina (November 1-3, 2006) Charles Chalfant,
Ph.D., Conference Chair
67The 41st Southeastern Regional Lipid
Conference High Hampton Inn, Cashiers, North
Carolina (November 1-3, 2006) Charles Chalfant,
Ph.D., Conference Chair
Post-doctoral Trainee Travel Award Dr. Archana
Mukhopadhyay Dr. Paramasivam Natarajan Dr.
Gabriel Schaaf Dr. Motohiro Tani Dr. Anelli
Graduate Student Travel Award Stephanie E.
Brock Amanda Davis Ashley Jones Barbara
Konik Kannan Krishnamurthi Poulami Mitra Deanne