Title: Dickson K.W. Chiu
1COMP5331 Web Pub and Web Ad 7. Internal Analysis
- Dickson K.W. Chiu
2What is an Internal Analysis?
- Looks at the organizations
- Vision
- Mission
- Strategic objectives
- Identifies and evaluates resources, capabilities,
and core competencies
3Company Vision
- Massively inspiring
- Overarching
- Long-term
- Driven by and evokes passion
- Fundamental statement of the organizations
- Values, Aspiration, Goals
- E.g., Disneyland To be the Happiest place on
Company vision
4Mission Statements
- Purpose of the company
- Basis of competition and competitive advantages
- More specific than vision
- Focused on the means by which the firm will
compete - E.g., FedEx To produce superior financial
returns for our shareholders as we serve our
customers with the highest quality
transportation, logistics, and e-commerce.
Mission statements
5Strategic Objectives
- Operationalize the mission statement
- Provide guidance on how the organization can
fulfill or move toward the higher goals - More specific, a more well-defined time frame,
measurable (yardstick for rewards and
incentives), consistent with vision and mission,
realistic (challenging but doable), timely - E.g., PG Increase sales growth 6 to 8 in
each of the next five years
Strategic objectives
6A Quick Review of Organizational Resources
- Organizational Resources (assets)
- Financial resources debt capacity, credit lines,
etc. - Physical assets buildings, equipment and
fixtures - Human resources experience, knowledge, etc. of
employees - Intangible resources brand names, patents
- Structural-cultural resources culture, work
7The Strategic Role of Organizational Resources
and Organizational Capabilities
Performance Results
Competitive Advantage
Distinctive Organizational Capabilities
Organizational Capabilities
Organizational Resources
Core Competencies
Financial assets Physical assets Human
resources Intangible assets Structural-cultural
Organizational processes and routines Accumulated
knowledge Actual work activities
8From Resources to Organizational Capabilities
- Organizational capabilities
- Competencies or skills that a firm employs to
transform inputs to outputs, and capacity to
combine tangible and intangible resources to
attain desired end - Outstanding customer service
- Excellent product development capabilities
- Innovativeness of products and services
- Ability to hire, motivate, and retain human
capital - Organizational routines and processes
- Capabilities patterns of coordination
- Sustainable competitive advantage
- Dynamic capabilities
9Characteristics of Distinctive Organizational
Contributes to Superior Customer Value
Distinctive Organizational Capabilities
Can Be Used in a Variety of Ways
Is Difficult for Competitors to Imitate
10The Role of Strengths and Weaknesses
Strengths Resources that an organization
possesses and capabilities that an organization
has developed. Both can be exploited and
developed into a sustainable competitive advantage
Weaknesses Resources and capabilities that are
lacking or deficient. Prevent an organization
from developing a sustainable competitive
11How to do an internal analysis value chain
- Using a value-chain analysis
- The premise behind value chain analysis is that
customers demand value from goods and services
they obtain - Customer value
- Product is unique and different
- Product is low priced
- Quick response to specific or distinctive
customer needs - A value chain is a systematic way of examining
organizations functional activities
12Primary and Support Activities in the Value Chain
Firm Infrastructure
Human Resource Management
Support Activities
Technological Development
Inbound Logistics
Marketing and Sales
Outbound Logistics
Primary Activities
13How to do an internal analysis internal audit
- Using an internal audit
- Thoroughly assesses an organization's various
internal functional areas - Are the necessary resources available so that the
people in these functional areas can perform
their assigned work activities and how well do
they perform these assigned work activities?
14Using an internal audit
- Six Primary Functional Areas
- Productions-Operations
- Marketing
- Research and Development
- Financial and Accounting
- Management (including HRM)
- Information Systems
15How to do an internal analysis Capabilities
Assessment Profile
- Complex Analysis of Capabilities
- Not as easily identifiable as organizational
functions - Hard for competitors to imitate
- Two-phased Capability Assessment
- Phase I Identify distinctive capabilities
- Phase II Develop and leverage these distinctive
16Identifying Distinctive Organizational
Step 1
Prepare current product-market profile.
Identify sources of competitive advantage and
disadvantage in the main product-market segments.
Step 2
Describe all the organizational capabilities and
Step 3
Sort the core capabilities and competencies
according to strategic importance.
Step 4
Identify and agree on the key capabilities and
Step 5
17Criteria to Judge Organizational Strengths and
Past Performance Trends
Comparison Against Competitors
Are organizational resources and
capabilities strengths or weaknesses?
Personal Opinions of Strategic Decision Makers or
Specific Goals or Targets
18Why Do an Internal Analysis?
- It is the only way to identify an organizations
strengths and weaknesses - Its needed for making good strategic decisions