Title: A Quick Glance at the Articles of Confederation
1A Quick Glance at the Articles of Confederation
- Using the hand as a memory guide to the
- Articles of Confederation
2Your pinkie finger is your weakest finger. Color
it pink to represent the Weak Central
3Your ring finger has the gold ring on it. Color
it gold for No Money.
4The middle finger divides the hand in half. Use
this one to remember the boundary and border
disputes between the new states.
5The pointer finger points out blame. Color it red
to stand for the States blaming each other.
6Color your thumb blue to show that the new nation
had No respect from other countries.
7(No Transcript)
8Color the fist grey for gunpowder. The fist
represents Shays Rebellion, the challenge to the
new government.
Shays Rebellion
9The wrist is solid. Let it represent something
that worked about the Articles of
Confederationthe Northwest Ordinance.
10By 1787 many Americans had become dissatisfied
with the way the national government functioned
under the Articles of Confederation. On May 25,
1787, the Constitutional Convention was convened
in Philadelphia to revise the Articles. However,
the result was the creation of an entirely new