Title: Starry Monday at Otterbein
1Starry Monday at Otterbein
Welcome to
- Astronomy Lecture Series
- -every first Monday of the month-
- February 7, 2005
- Dr. Uwe Trittmann
2Todays Topics
- Famous Telescopes
- Objects worthy to be observed
- The Night Sky in February
- Please write down suggestions/your interests on
the note pads provided - If you would like to hear from us, please leave
your email / address - To learn more about astronomy and physics at
Otterbein, please visit - http//www.otterbein.edu/dept/PHYS/weitkamp.asp
(Obs.) - http//www.otterbein.edu/dept/PHYS/ (Physics
- Light collectors
- Two types
- Reflectors
- (Mirrors)
- Refractors (Lenses)
6Famous Telescopes - Galileo
- Galileos first telescope was 3x magnifying
- his last one 32 x
7Famous Telescopes -Newton
- First Reflector ever
- Built around 1670
- After this gargantuan
- Telescopes!
8Famous Telescopes - Hevelius
- Rooftop observatory of Johannes Hevelius (1670)
9Famous Telescopes - Hevelius
10Famous Telescopes - Herschel
- Herschel detected Uranus (1781)
11Famous Telescopes Lord Ross
- 72 inch Reflector
- built during potato famine in Ireland
- Largest Telescope until Mt Wilson (1917)
12Famous Telescopes Yerkes
- Largest Refractor Telescope ever
- 40 inch lens
- Built 1897
13Famous Telescopes Mt Palomar
- 5 Meter Telescope Huge and heavy mirror
- On Mt. Palomar in California
14Famous Telescopes Hubble Space Telescope
- In orbit around earth
- No limitations due to earths atmosphere
- Brilliant pictures
15Famous Telescopes Arecibo Radio Telescope
- Located in Puerto Rico
- 300m diameter
- Receives Radio waves
- Built 1963
16Famous People
- Hubble in prime focus of Einstein
visits Mt Wilson Mt Palomar. - Hubble detected the Expansion of the Universe
- ? Proof of Einsteins General
Relativity Theory
17Largest Earth-Based Telescopes
- Keck I and II, Mauna Kea, Hawaii
- 36 ? 1.8 m hexagonal mirrors
- equivalent to 10 m
- Above most of atmosphere
- (almost 14,000 ft ASL)
- Operating since 1993
18Visiting Mauna Kea
19Mauna Kea
- Elevation 14,000 ft.
- Oxygen 60
- Freezing on top, snorkeling at sea level
- Road strictly 4 wheels!
20Mauna Kea
- 325 observing days per year!
- Darkest skies on the planet!
21The biggest Telescopes in the World
22Sunset on Mauna Kea
23Classifying Objects
- Sun and Moon
- Planets and their moons
- Stars and Constellations
- Variable stars
- The Milky Way
- Deep Sky Objects
- Star Clusters (Open and Globular)
- Bright and Dark Nebulae
- Galaxies (used to be called nebulae also)
24When to observe which Objects
- The surface features on the Moon are best seen
when the Moon is not full (nor new ?) - Observe Jupiters four Galilean moons with
binoculars whenever Jupiters up - Small telescope will show Saturns rings
- Milky Way can be seen under dark skies
- (but already in Madison county)
25Deep Sky Objects
- Usually faint and/or small
- Best observed under dark skies/ moonless nights
- Some are binocular objects, some require sizeable
26Deep Sky Objects Open Clusters
- Classic example Plejades (M45)
- Few hundred stars
- Young just born
- ?Still parts of matter
- around the stars
27Deep Sky Objects Globular Clusters
- Classic example Great Hercules Cluster (M13)
- Spherical clusters
- may contain
- millions of stars
- Old stars
- Great tool to study
- stellar life cycle
28Observing Stellar Evolution Example
29From the Rooftop
- ?Plejades in Taurus,
- Open Cluster
M92 in Hercules, Globular Cluster ?
30Deep Sky Objects Nebulae
- Classic example Orion Nebula
(M 42) - hot glowing gas
- Temperatures 8000K
- Made to glow by
- ultraviolet radiation
- emitted by young
- O- or B-type (hot)
- stars located inside
- Color predominantly
- red, the color of a
- particular hydrogen
- emission line (H?)
31 Friday Night
32 Friday Night
33Dark Nebulae
- Classic Example Horsehead Nebula in Orion
34Trifid Nebula (M20) Good example for
dark dust lanes in front of an emission nebula
35Deep Sky Objects Planetary Nebulae
- Classic Example Ring nebula in Lyra (M57)
- (Here Eye of God Nebula)
- Dead, exploded stars
- We see gas expanding
- in a sphere
- In the middle is the
- dead star, a
- White Dwarf
36Friday Night Eskimo Nebula
37Eskimo Nebulaclose up
38Deep Sky Objects Galaxies
- Classic example Andromeda Galaxy (M31)
- Island universes
- Made out of billions
- of stars and dust
- Very far away
- (millions of lys)
- Different types
- Spiral, elliptic, irr.
39Deep Sky Catalogues
- Some of the best deep sky objects can be found in
the Messier Catalogue (e.g. M 31) - Messier (around 1770) catalogued the objects not
to confuse them with comets - There are 110 Messier Objects
- Other catalogues
- NGC new general catalogue (1880) lists 7800
objects - Caldwell list 109 best non-messier objects
- Herschel 400 from Herschels famous list, early
40The Night Sky in February
- The sun is still very low in the sky -gt long
nights! - Winter constellations (Orion, Gemini, Taurus,)
contain many bright stars and objects - Saturn was in Opposition last month (i.e. at its
41Moon Phases
- Today (Waning crescent, 2)
- 2 / 8 (New Moon)
- 2 / 15 (First Quarter Moon)
- 2 / 28 (Full Moon)
- 3 / 3 (Last Quarter Moon)
42Today at Noon
- Sun at meridian, i.e. exactly south
4310 PM
- Typical observing hour, early January
- no Moon
- Saturn!
- High in the sky
- Perseus and
- Auriga
- with Plejades and the Double Cluster
46 North-East
- Big Dipper points to the north pole
47Due South
- The Winter Constellations
- Orion
- Taurus
- Canis Major
- Gemini
- Canis Minor
- Spring Constellations
- - Cancer
- - Leo
- - Hydra
- Deep Sky Objects
- - Beehive Cluster (M44)
49Mark your Calendars!
- Next Starry Monday at Otterbein March 7, 2005, 7
pm - (this is a Monday
) - Well talk about Mars Missions and more
- Web pages
- http//www.otterbein.edu/dept/PHYS/weitkamp.asp
(Obs.) - http//www.otterbein.edu/dept/PHYS/ (Physics
Dept.) -