Information Systems - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Information Systems


People will try to 'hack' (break into) systems and steal information. ... device, usually a keyboard and monitor, that communicates with another computer. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Information Systems

Information Systems
  • Information systems are systems that provide
    information to users

ContentsJust press enter to go to the next page
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8.1 Hardware
  • 8.2 Software (word processors, spreadsheets,
  • 8.3 Data (Data structures, Data preparation,
    validation and verification, data manipulation)
  • 8.4 Applications (Maintaining data of an
    organisation, using a database system, on-line
    database systems, computer retrieval systems)
  • 8.5 People (providers of information services,
    users of information, abuse of information

  • By the end of this unit you should be able to
  • Understand the function and effects of
    information systems
  • Outline the hardware used in information systems
  • Use the basic features of a word processor,
    spreadsheet and database
  • Describe the organisation of data in an
    information system

8.1 Hardware
  • Hardware is the parts of the information system
    (I.e. the parts of the computer) which can be

Peripheral devices (hardware)
  • A peripheral devices is any input or output
    device connected to a computer.
  • Input devices are components such as a mouse,
    keyboard, scanner and modem
  • Output devices are components such as monitors,
    printers and modems

Storage (Hardware)
  • Storage is crucial for any information system.
    Without storage we could not save any of our work
    and this would make an information system next to
  • There are a range of storage devices including
    hard drives, optical disks (including CD and
    DVD), zip drives, floppy drives, magnetic tape

Processing (hardware)
  • The processor is the part of the computer which
    actually controls the computer and manages the
    flow of data. This refers to the CPU (central
    processing system)

8.2 Software
  • Software refers to the programs run on the
  • There are two types of software system software
    and application software.
  • System software deals with the management of the
    processes of running the computer such as Windows
    and MacOS
  • Application software is used when a specific
    task is done on the computer such as a word
    processor, spreadsheet or game program.

Word processors (software)
  • Word processors are application programs which
    allow text editing.
  • Many word processors allow users to manipulate
    graphics and do a number of other tasks as well
    as writing documents.

Spreadsheets (software)
  • A spreadsheet is an application program which
    allows numerical calculations and the sorting and
    displaying of numerical data.
  • A spreadsheet is divided into rows and columns.
  • Columns run vertically (up and down) just like
    the Greek columns.
  • Rows run across

Databases (software)
  • Databases are application programs which are used
    to collect, store and process data into

8.3 Data
  • Data is the raw unprocessed facts.
  • Data becomes information after it is sorted and

Data Structures (data)
  • Ways of organising data is called data structures
  • Some ways of organising data is arrays, files and
  • Spreadsheets organise data into rows and columns.
    One block of information (at the intersection of
    a row and column is called a cell. Spreadsheets
    have the same organisation as a two dimensional
  • Databases organise information into files,
    records, fields and entries (flat file database

Arrays (a data structure)
  • Array an array is an arrangement of data into a
    table like structure similar to a spreadsheet.
    This is a two dimensional array.
  • Look at the table below. In cell A3 is d. In A7
    is John. Notice with a cell reference the row is
    said first A followed by the column 3 thus we
    end up with A3.
  • Very importantly an array must have the same data
    type. Notice this is all text.

Database (data structures)
  • A database will be saved as a file.
  • Inside that file will be a record which is
    composed of several fields and each field will
    contain an entry.
  • For example in the school database there would be
    a file with all of the students names. If we
    chose an individual student to look up we look up
    the record on that student. The students name is
    one field. The address is another field.

Hierarchical Structure (data structure)
This chart shows a data structure which has a
hierarchy or in other words levels. This type of
chart is called a hierarchy chart.
Level 0
Level 1
Level 2
Methods of Data Access (data structures)
  • A file can be accessed either directly because we
    have an address such as in our earlier array or
  • A sequential file is probably stored in some kind
    of ascending or descending order but the computer
    must look at every bit of information in the
    order in which it is stored until the correct
    entry is located. Sequential access is very slow.
  • A direct access file is located very quickly
    because the computer uses a form of index and
    addressing system to locate the correct entry.

Data preparation
  • Data preparation involves the preparation of data
    for use in a database.
  • This involves its collection, organising, sorting
    and data entry into the computer

  • Data validation takes place when the data is
    entered into the computer.
  • It is normally built into the software and will
    do a type check or range check of data try to
    ensure the data is correct.
  • For example if I entered my name by mistake where
    it asked for data of birth, data validation tells
    the program that it was supposed to be numbers
    but I have entered text. Likewise if it was
    expecting 4 numbers but I entered in 7 then the
    program would know that I have made a mistake.

  • Verification of data is part of the maintenance
    of a database. It is to check that the data is
    still accurate.
  • Have any of the details in the database changed?
  • For example Has a persons address or phone
    number changed?

Data manipulation
  • Data manipulation involves the sorting or
    statistical manipulation of that data to derive
    other information.
  • Data manipulation is one of the key uses for a
    database or spreadsheet.
  • When large databases do this commercially and
    mine the data for other information held within
    it this is referred to as data mining and is
    worth a lot of money.

8.4 Applications
  • This involves how databases, spreadsheets and
    other software applications are used in the real

Maintaining data of an Organisation
  • This involves the entire process of entering new
    data and making sure that verification of the
    data in the company system is accurate.
  • An organisation will use databases to store
    personnel information and payroll information.
  • Data verification is crucial to the successful
    use of the information system

Using a database system
  • Database systems are very useful for companies.
  • Orders, invoicing, human resources and payroll
    are probably the main uses that businesses make
    of information systems.
  • An order form will give the details of goods that
    a company has ordered to buy.
  • An invoice will be generated when the goods are
  • Inventory management is another use for an
    information system. This will keep track of all
    the property or goods a company has in stock.

On-line Database Systems
  • On-line database systems are used for EFTPOS
    (electronic funds transfer at point of sale)
    transactions, web transactions, e-bank
    transactions, airline bookings, theatre bookings,
    saving data from web forms and a variety of other
    online uses.
  • Online database management is a growth industry
    with a large untapped potential

Computer Retrieval Systems
  • This refers to retrieving data from an online
  • So much information is now stored on the web that
    it is hard to imagine not using an online
    retrieval system.
  • Computer retrieval systems are used by libraries,
    schools, shops, banks, credit reference and
    finance companies, doctors and hospitals
  • In fact any search on the web relies on a
    computer retrieval system

8.5 People
  • People are referred to as users or participants
    and are a critical element of any information
  • People design, construct, maintain and operate
    information systems.
  • Unfortunately as information systems become more
    reliable the number of people required is

Providers of Information Services
  • The people directly involved in an information
    system includes
  • Systems analysts design information systems
  • System managers manage the operation of the
  • Computer programmers create the software the
    information system uses.
  • Computer operators Look after the basic
    requirements of a computer system. (This is one
    category of It job which is quickly disappearing
    as users become more IT literate)
  • Data entry operators Enter the data into the

Users of Information
  • Users are those affected by the system. There are
    three types of users direct users, indirect
    users and intermediary users.
  • Direct users Direct users are those who will
    directly interact with the system. They will
    either enter or retrieve information but either
    way they will physically be using the system
  • Indirect users They will not directly use the
    system. When we buy groceries or hire a video the
    customer does not enter the information into the
  • Intermediary Users Intermediary user is a direct
    user who interacts with the information system on
    behalf of the indirect users. Looking at the
    video store example again the shop assistant who
    is the direct user acts as an intermediary user
    on behalf of the customer who is an indirect user.

Abuse of Information Systems
  • Information needs to be safeguarded.
  • People will try to hack (break into) systems
    and steal information.
  • This activity is not only illegal but is also
  • The information stolen can be sold and then money
    may be stolen out of peoples accounts, credit
    card details can be used and even peoples
    identities are stolen (people will pretend to be
    other people).
  • Firewalls and a variety of other antihacking
    tools are used in an effort to stop hacking.

  • 1. Copy and complete the following sentences.
  • (a)______________ systems are systems that
    provide information to users.

Review exercise 8
  • (b) A peripheral device is any input or output
    device that connects to a computers_______

Review exercise 8
  • (c)A spreadsheet uses a rectangular grid made up
    of rows and ____________

Review exercise 8
  • (d) A ___________ is an organized collection of

Review exercise 8
  • (e) A file is a block of data divided into a set
    of related _________.

Review exercise 8
  • ( f ) Sequential files arrange their records in
    ascending or descending order according to a

Key field
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Review exercise 8
  • (g) _________ is the process of arranging data in
    a particular order.

Review exercise 8
  • (h) Databases are accessed by a _______.

Review exercise 8
  • ( i ) ___________ is a way of paying for goods
    and services by transferring funds directly from
    your bank account.

Review exercise 8
  • ( j) _________ are involved in every aspect of an
    information system.

Review exercise 8
  • 2. What is a terminal?
  • An input and output device, usually a
    keyboard and monitor, that communicates with
    another computer.

Review exercise 8
  • 3. What storage medium is growing in popularity
    for storing data in information system?

CDs that are increasingly popular for storing
Review exercise 8
  • 5. List three common types of software used in
    information system.

Common types of software are word processor,
spreadsheets and databases.
Review exercise 8
  • 6. What advantages do word processor have over
    other methods of writing?

. ease of editing text mistakes can be
corrected and text moved before printing .
variety of fonts different typefaces each with
a particular size, style and weight . ease of
storage text can be stored on a disk and
retrieved as required.
Assignment 8
  • 1. What is the purpose of the library computer

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