Title: SAME: A Snapshot
1SAME A Snapshot
- Dr. Robert Wolff, P.E.,F.SAME
- Executive Director
- July 26, 2006
2The Beginnings of SAME
- The Society of American Military Engineers (SAME)
was formed in 1920 - SAME was incorporated in the District of Columbia
on Dec. 5, 1924 - SAME HQ moved to Century House in Alexandria, VA
on Oct. 20, 1980
3Our Mission
- To promote and facilitate engineering support for
national security by developing and enhancing
relationships and competencies among uniformed
services, public and private sector engineers,
and related professionals.
- To be a premier global engineering
organization leading to the professional and
personal growth of all members in support of
military readiness and the development of
solutions to national security challenges.
- Integrity
- Patriotism
- Public Service
- National Security
- Technical Competence
- Excellence
- Environmental Stewardship
- National Security
- Education Training
- Relationships
- Relevance
- Recognition
72006-07 Focus Areas
- Develop and implement national, regional and post
programs that support public sector participation - Revitalize and realign SAMEs readiness program
to support the National Response Plan - Facilitate industry support to the uniformed
services in the development and realignment of
military installations - Assess the role of SAME in K-12 Outreach programs
to support the nations production of engineers
8Organizational Goal Support Our Members
POSTS (122)
Committees (10) Councils (4) Academy of Fellows
Regional Vice Presidents (16)
SAME HQ Staff (22)
SAME Board of Direction (43)
9Post Organizations
10SAME Member Profile
- Private industry 13,850 (64)
- Federal Government 4,620 (21)
- DOD 4,160 (19)
- Non-DOD 460 (2)
- State/local Govt 560 (3)
- College Students 1,190 (5)
- Fully Retired 865 (4)
- Unidentified 635 (3)
- TOTAL 21,720 (100)
11Uniform Service Members
- Air Force 1,710
- Army 1,100
- Coast Guard 105
- Navy 670
- Public Health Service 115
12National Officers Directors Represent all
Uniformed Services
- President LTG Carl Strock, P.E., U.S. Army
- 1st Vice President Maj Gen Del Eulberg, P.E.,
F.SAME, U.S. Air Force - Vice President Ms. Linda McKnight, KBR, F.SAME,
and Chair, Academy of Fellows - Vice President RADM Richard Barror, PhD, P.E.,
U.S. Public Health Service - Treasurer Mr. Vince Laino, CFO, Weston
Solutions - Counsel Mr. Hal Rosen, Esq., Rosen Associates
- Director RADM Dale Gabel, USCG
- Director Mr. David Brady, President and CEO,
International Facility Management Association - Past President RADM Mike Loose, P.E., CEC, USN,
13SAME Committees Councils
- Mission Committees
- College Outreach
- Environmental
- Facilities Management
- International
- K-12 Outreach
- Professional Development Education
- Readiness Homeland Security
- Operations Committees
- Audit
- Education Mentoring Fund Steering Committee
- Finance
- Councils
- NCO Council
- Small Business Council
- Young Member Council
- Student Council
14SAME Publications
SAME publications keep you well informed on
industry issuesThe Military Engineer magazine,
Government and Industry e-News, SAME News, and
Directory of Member Companies and Public Agencies
15Member Benefit Programs
Discount insurance products
Excellent job posting, search, and resume service
Special SAME members only subscription rates
16SAME Strategic Partnerships