Title: Child Safety Program
1Child Safety Program
- Adults protecting children
2Biblical Foundation
- Proverbs 319b defend the rights of the
afflicted and needy - Mark 1013-16 And they were bringing children
to Him so that He might touch them and the
disciples rebuked them. But when Jesus saw this,
He was indignant and said to them, Permit the
children to come to Me, do not hinder them for
the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.
Truly I say to you, whoever does not receive the
kingdom of God like a child shall not enter at
all. And He took them in His arms and began
blessing them, laying His hands upon them.
3Biblical Foundation
- Mark 936-37 And taking a child, He set him
before them (the disciples), and taking him in
His arms, He said to them, Whoever receives one
child like this in My name receives Me and
whoever receives Me does not receive Me but Him
who sent Me. - Matthew 2531-46
4Scriptural mandate to keep children safe
- Children are gifts from the Lord
- We are commanded by Christ to
- Welcome them (Luke 948)
- Protect them (Matt 186-10)
- Do not hinder them from coming to Him (Mark
1013-16) - The test of the morality of a society is what it
does for its children. Dietrich Bonhoeffer
5Book of Church Order
- Book of Church Order (BCO) 56-4-g That children
by baptism are solemnly received into the bosom
of the Visible Church. - BCO 56-5 Do you as a congregation undertake the
responsibility of assisting the parents in the
Christian nurture of this child?
6 Primary Goal
- to move adults from
- The statistics are SHOCKING
- 1 in 4 GIRLS are sexually abused before age 18
- 1 in 6 BOYS are sexually abused before age 18
- Median age is 9 years old
- Most never tell
- 39 million survivors of sexual abuse in America
- In 90 of sexual abuse cases, the child is
familiar with the offender. - Only 10 of offenders are complete strangers.
- Offenders intentionally seek organizations that
provide programs for children and adolescents.
- 1 in 5 children (10-17 yrs old) are sexually
solicited while on the Internet - 4 have received aggressive solicitation (asked
to meet or call them, or send money/gift) - 34 have had unwanted exposure to sexual material
(pictures of naked people or people having sex)
- Consequences to victims and society
- Drug and alcohol dependence (70 80)
- Depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, and
anxiety (80 90) - Suicidal thoughts/attempts (20 30)
- Difficulty forming long-term relationships
- Eating disorders
- Sexual risk-taking that leads to teen pregnancy
(60) and sexually transmitted diseases,
including AIDS - Prostitution (gt90 have been sexually abused)
11What is child sexual abuse?
- The involvement of a child in sexual activity
that he or she does not fully comprehend, is
unable to give informed consent to, or for which
the child is not developmentally prepared. It is
activity between a child and an adult or another
child who, by age or development, is in a
relationship of responsibility, trust or power.
12What is child sexual abuse?
- This may include VERBAL
- Remarks which include sexual threats,
innuendoes, comments about a persons body or
appearance, solicitation, inappropriate sexual
talking, obscene communication or inappropriate
sexual talk, inappropriate affection intended to
arouse or stimulate.
13What is child sexual abuse?
- This may include VISUAL
- Indecent exposure, showing or taking of
suggestive pictures, peeping or staring. It
includes voyeurism, exhibitionism, showing of
pornographic material or the showing of any
sexual activity or simulated sexual activity such
as masturbation or intercourse.
14What is child sexual abuse?
- This may include PHYSICAL TOUCHING
- Fondling, sexual touching, masturbation in
front of or to the victim, rubbing, holding and
kissing for the purpose of sexual gratification.
It also includes oral, genital, anal and breast
stimulation penetration by the penis, finger or
any other body part or object, of the mouth, anus
or vagina, physical contact with a persons
clothed or unclothed genitals, buttocks or breast.
15Physical signs of abuse
- Injuries inconsistent with explanation
- Injuries inconsistent with normal accidents,
rough games - Injuries which havent received medical attention
- Reluctance to change clothes for sports
activities - Unexplained stomach aches
16Additional signs of abuse
- Allegations by the child of sexual abuse
- Age-inappropriate sexual play, drawing or words
- Knowledge of adult sexual behavior
- Preoccupation with sexual matters
- Sexually provocative or seductive behavior
- Severe sleep disturbance, nightmares
- Anxiety, fears, phobias (esp. of being with a
certain person or place) - Sudden fear of a person or place
- Sudden change in personality
17- 7 steps to protecting our children
- Proactive, straightforward actions that adults
can take to prevent, recognize, and react
responsibly to child sexual abuse - Learn the facts
- Minimize opportunity
- Talk about it
- Stay alert
- Make a plan
- Act on suspicions
- Get involved
18Practical steps for parents
- Teach children a godly self-concept that helps
them defend themselves from harm - Teach children about sexuality as a part of how
God made them - Teach children clear and easy-to- understand
concepts of sexual boundaries - Teach children how to say no to sexual boundary
19Practical steps for parents
- Teach children limits to obedience rather than
blind obedience to adults and those in authority
over them - Teach children that secrets about their private
parts and secret touches are wrong - Maintain active responsibility for your childs
sexual safety, even in a missions community
20Practical steps for parents
- Be a student of your childs personality and
behavior, so you will pick up on signals that
something is wrong - Take time to be an understanding listener
- Encourage children to tell you about any
situation that troubles them - Be thorough in screening household helpers and
21Practical steps for parents
- Actively learn the sexual values in the host
culture as they relate to children, then
determine how to protect your children in the
midst of the culture - Learn the warning signs of abuse and pay
attention to them if they occur - REPORT EVEN SUSPECTED CASES to the proper
authority - Know the signs of abuse
22Children often keep abuse a secret
- Understand why children are afraid to tell
- The abuser shames the child or tells the child it
was his/her fault or their parents will be angry
with the child - The abuser often manipulates and confuses the
child about what is right and wrong - The abuser sometimes threatens the child or a
family member
23Understand why children are afraid to tell
- Children fear disappointing their parents or
disrupting the family - Some children are too young to understand
- Many abusers tell the children the abuse is ok
or a game
24Individual response to a childs report
- Five Key Responses
- I am very sorry about what happened to you.
- Its not your fault.
- Youve done the right thing to tell me.
- I will help and support you.
- We need to tell _____ so he can help make sure
you and others are safe. ______ will take it
seriously and get the proper help.
25Four Common Mistakes
- Forming conclusions about the truthfulness of the
report before reporting - Minimizing the seriousness of the actions
- Promising not to tell anyone
- Handling it on your own
26Field Leadership responsibilities
- Learn the facts and understand the risks
- Minimize opportunity
- Talk about it
- Stay alert
- Make a plan
- Act on suspicion
- Get involved
27How Abuse Occurs
- APC (Access, Privacy, Control)
- Access is gained
- Trust is built
- Opportunity is developed
- Abusers seek privacy to minimize being caught
- Locations that offer concealment
- Encouraging secrecy with the child
- They gain control
- Through grooming to build trust and lower
defenses - Desensitizing the child to sexual language and
behavior - Misrepresenting standards
- Abuse only takes seconds or minutes
28Risk Decreases as Isolation Decreases
- Time
- Location
- Physical arrangements
- Number of people present
- Frequent, unplanned supervision
29Risk Decreases as Accountability Increases
- Get references
- Notify leadership in advance of any activity with
children - Utilize the two non-related adult rule
- Establish policies stating how adults and
children can report unsafe, unwise actions
30MTWs Reporting Guidelines
- When anyone has knowledge of or is confided in by
a victim or is suspicious of child abuse - Contact one of three people
- Dir. of Spiritual Life (Steve Collins)
- Dir. of Field Operations (Bill Goodman)
- Dir. of Personnel (Mark Gazaway)
- Complete a confidential written report
31MTWs Reporting Guidelines
- Do not report to anyone else
- No supervisor or authority above you may prohibit
or impede the reporting of child abuse or the
suspicion of child abuse - Do not attempt to investigate an accusation
32Team Leader responsibilities
- Identify the risks
- Take steps to reduce risks
- Establish policies to reduce the risk
- Know the MTW policy and follow it
- Know how abuse occurs
- Understand the local national laws where you