Title: MIS 431
1(No Transcript)
2MIS 431Dr. Steve RossWinter 2004
- Lecture 2.
- Relational Database Management Systems and SQL
Material for this lecture is drawn from Guerrero
and Rojas, SQL Server 2000 Programming, and the
professors experience. Pink Panther images from
3Server Components
- Microsoft SQL Server Service
- Microsoft SQL Server Agent
- Microsoft Search
- Microsoft SQL Server OLAP Service
- Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator
- Server Network Libraries
4Microsoft SQL Server Service
- Open Data Services
- Communication with the client
- Relational Engine
- Parses, optimizes, and executes queries
- Enforces security
- Storage Engine
- Manages physical storage,Transaction logging and
recovery,Database backup and restore,Locking
5Client Tools
- Client application
- e.g., VB application or web page (via .ASP)
- Database library
- Client network utilities
6Client Applications
- Enterprise manager
- Local and remote management
- Query analyzer
- Developer tool
- Profiler
- Traces activity
- Upgrade wizard
- Service manager
- Command-line utilities
7SQL Server Security Model
- Authentication Mode
- Logins
- Users
- Roles
- Permissions
8SQL Server Security Authentication Mode
- Windows only
- When only valid Windows users will have access
to SQL Server - SQL Server and Windows mixed
- When non-Windows users will have access
- More commonly used in my experience
- A Windows user is a person logged on to a
Windows domain that is trusted by this instance
of SQL Server.
9SQL Server Security Logins
- Creating a new individual account
- sp_addlogin a system stored procedure that adds
an account to the set of users - sp_addlogin _at_loginame 'login' , _at_passwd
'password' , _at_defdb 'database'
, _at_deflanguage 'language' , _at_sid
sid , _at_encryptopt 'encryption_option' - Look up sp_addlogin in Books Online
- Use Query Analyzer to execute this sp. Loginame
should be your login plus x e.g., rossxDefdb
should be your copy of berry e.g.
SCRSalesOrders - To find the new user, in Enterprise Manager, look
under Security, Logins
10SQL Server Security Logins
- Granting access to an existing user or group
- sp_grantlogin a system stored procedure that
adds an existing Windows login to the set of
11SQL Server Security More than a Login is needed.
- Logins are at the server level and allow
connection to the SQL Server software, but dont
let the logged-in person do anything. The person
must be given permission at the database or
server level. - Database user
- Server role
- Database role
12SQL Server Security Database Users
- Creating a user in a database
- sp_grantdbaccess gives the named login
(individual or group) access to the
databasesp_grantdbaccess _at_loginame
'login' ,_at_name_in_db 'name_in_db'
OUTPUT - Look up sp_grantdbaccess in Books Online
- Use Query Analyzer to execute this sp. USE your
database before executing the sp.Loginame should
be your login plus x e.g., rossx - To find the new user, in Enterprise Manager, look
under your database, Users
13SQL Server Security Roles
- Three kinds of role
- Fixed server roles
- Fixed database roles
- User-defined database roles
14SQL Server Security Fixed Server Roles
- Apply to all database objects
- Rarely assigned to users
- Sysadmin full permissionsYou have this role in
this instance of SQL Server - Others
- Bulkadmin
- Dbcreator
- Diskadmin
- Processadmin
- Securityadmin
- Serveradmin
- Setupadmin
15SQL Server Security Fixed Database Roles
- Standardized sets of permissions that apply to a
specific database - The db_owner is the person who created the
database (look at the properties of your
database) - Other fixed database roles normally assigned to
IT staff, not users
16SQL Server Security User-Defined Database Roles
- You define these
- Very helpful in assigning the same permissions to
groups of users - Look at context diagram for inspiration
17SQL Server Security Permissions
- Statement permissions
- Who can execute which statements (commands)
- Nine possibilities
- Data access permissions
- Who can do what to which data objects
- Lots of possibilities
- Continued
18SQL Server Security Permissions Continued
- Using Data Access Permissions in conjunction with
other techniques - Assign logins to appropriate database
user-defined groups - e.g., executives, managers, salesstaff
- Create views (in Access we called them queries)
that limit the data returned - Stored procedures and user-defined functions can
also be used - Assign permissions to the groups that limit which
views they see and what they can do to those
views - Continued
19SQL Server Security Permissions Continued
- Allowing a person to edit only his/her own data
- In the database, keep a table that links the
login identity to the primary key of the users
data (could be an attribute in tblPerson) - Create views that return only the data for that
20Next Lecture
- Elements of Transact-SQL and Working with Tables