Be Mature Chapter 7 Warren W. Wiersbe The World - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Be Mature Chapter 7 Warren W. Wiersbe The World


141:3 - Set a watch, O LORD, before my mouth; keep the door of my lips. Matthew 12:34b ... Like poisonous animals, tongues (hands) spread poison. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Be Mature Chapter 7 Warren W. Wiersbe The World

Be MatureChapter 7Warren W. WiersbeThe Worlds
Smallest but Largest Troublemaker
  • James 3 1-12

  • Characteristics of Mature Christian
  • Patient in trouble (Chapter 1)
  • Practices the truth (Chapter 2)
  • Power over tongues (hands)
  • Power of speech we can make or break
  • We can praise God or lie to break a persons
    heart or reputation
  • James gave 6 pictures to show importance of
    controlled speech and consequences of our words
  • Bit (bridle), rudder, fire, a poisonous animal,
    fountain, and fig tree

  • Power to Direct (31-4)
  • 31 Not many of you should act as teachers, my
  • Teachers are impressed with authority and power,
    but they face stricter judgment. Therefore, they
    must practice what they teach. They have
    responsibility and accountability.
  • Christians stumble in many way (32, NIV)
    including sins of tongue. The mature (perfect)
    person controls the whole body by controlling his
    tongue (what is being said). Word leads to deeds.
  • Prov. 1821 - Death and life are in the power of
    the tongue
  • Ps. 1413 - Set a watch, O LORD, before my mouth
    keep the door of my lips.
  • Matthew 1234b for out of the abundance of the
    heart the mouth speaketh.
  • Heart

  • The words we speak affect the life of others
  • Prov. 151 - A soft answer turneth away wrath
    but grievous words stir up anger. -
  • Power to Destroy (3 5-8)
  • Fire can begin with spark and grow to destroy a
  • Chicago fire in 1871
  • Words can start a fire
  • Prov. 2620-24
  • Fire can heat up
  • Ps. 1391 - I said, I will take heed
  • to my ways, that I sin not with my tongue
  • I will keep my mouth with a bridle, while the
  • wicked is before me.
  • The words we speak affect the life of others
  • Prov. 1727a - He that hath knowledge spareth his

  • Hot head
  • Fire can defile (ruin) so can your words. Fiery
    words can defile a home, church Sunday School
  • Fire burns and hurts so can our words burn and
  • Jesus was called a man gluttonous and a
    winebibber (Matt.1119)
  • Fire spreads and more fuel you add, the faster
    and farther it will spread
  • James 36 And the tongue is a fire,
  • a world of iniquity so is the tongue
  • among our members, that it defileth
  • the whole body, and setteth on fire
  • the course of nature and it is set on
  • fire of hell.

  • A persons life can be injured or destroyed by
    tongues (hands)
  • Confession of sins of tongues will not stop
  • As fire spreads, it destroys. So can our words.
    We can break ones heart and ruin his reputation.
  • Col 46 - Let your speech be always
  • with grace, seasoned with salt,
  • that ye may know how ye ought to
  • answer every man.

  • Dangerous animal is restless and cannot be ruled
    (controlled). It seeks a prey, pounce (jump
    upon), and kills. Like poisonous animals, tongues
    (hands) spread poison. Poison works secretly and
    works slowly before it kills. Animals can be
    tamed, but not tongues.
  • Power to Delight (39-12)
  • Fountain provides refreshing cool water for
  • Prov. 184 - The words of a man's
  • mouth are as deep waters, and
  • the wellspring of wisdom as a
  • brook.

  • Prov. 1011 - The mouth of a righteous man is a
    well of life but violence covereth the mouth of
    the wicked.
  • Prov. 1414 - The law of the wise is a fountain
    of life, to depart from the snares of death.
  • Water is life-giving so our words can give life
    gift of refreshment.
  • Prov. 1821 - Death and life are in the power of
    the tongue
  • Water also cleanses.
  • John 153 - Now ye are clean through the word
    which I have spoken unto you.

  • Eph. 526-27 - That he might sanctify and
    cleanse it with the washing of water by the word,
    That he might present it to himself a glorious
    church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such
    thing but that it should be holy and without
  • Tree is delightful, because it holds down the
    soil provide beauty and shade and bears fruit.
  • Prov. 1021 - The lips of the
  • righteous feed many but fools
  • die for want of wisdom.John 663 - It is the
    spirit that
  • quickeneth the flesh profiteth no
  • thing the words that I speak unto
  • you, they are spirit, and they are life.
  • Our words can encourage the weary travelers.

  • Root system
  • If we are rooted in the things of God, our words
    will be the fruit of our fellowship with God.
  • Ps. 12-3 - But his delight is in
  • the law of the LORD and in
  • his law doth he meditate day
  • and night.
  • And he shall be like a tree
  • planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth
    forth his
  • fruit in his season his leaf also shall not
    wither and
  • whatsoever he doeth shall prosper.
  • Warning Fountain cannot give both sweet and salt
    water. Likewise, Tree cannot not give both figs
    and olives. Fountain provide only fresh water
    while fig tree only figs. Our words likewise
    cannot provide both blessing and cursing
    blessing God and then cursing men who are made in
    Gods image. Example of family members

  • The cause of the problem tongue (hands) or heart
  • Matt 1518 - But those things which proceed out
    of the mouth come forth from the heart and they
    defile the man.
  • Twelve Words that can Transform Your Life
  • Only if you mean from your heart
  • Please Thank you You are treating others
    like people, not things and showing appreciation.
  • Im sorry a way of breaking down the wall and
    building the bridge
  • I love you As a Christian we should love the
    brethrens and enemies. Its a statement that can
    carry tremendous power
  • Im praying for you Be sure you do. When you
    talk to God about people, you talk to people
    about God.
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