Title: Water
2- Water is a compound composed of two atoms of
the element hydrogen and one atom of oxygen.
3Water exists in three states
4Water Vapor
- Gas molecules have so much motion that they
move freely throughout the container and are
unaffected by the attractions to the other
5Sticky Molecules
- Water molecules in the liquid and solid states
have a tendency to stick together.
6Why are water molecules "sticky"?
- The oxygen atom attracts the electrons within
the covalent bonds leaving the hydrogen atoms
with a slightly positive charge.
7Between the Molecules
- A hydrogen bond is formed when the slightly
positive hydrogen atom of one water molecule is
attracted to a lone pair of electrons of another
water molecule.
- In the solid state, the H2O molecules have a
relatively open structure with six molecules
forming a ring.
9- In solid ice, hydrogen atoms on two different
water molecules interact with the electron pairs
of a oxygen atom on another water molecule.
10Liquid Water
- In liquid water, the structure is less orderly
because the interactions between molecules are
more random.
11Have you ever noticed.....
- that water forms drops?
- The cohesive property of water is due to the
- structure of the water molecule.
12Have you ever noticed.....
- that certain insects can walk on water?
- The unique structure of water is responsible
- for the surface tension of water.
13The Basilisk Lizard
The Basilisk lizard makes use of the high surface
tension of water to accomplish the incredible
feat. It runs on water, moving its feet before
they break through the surface.
14Have you ever noticed.....
- ice cubes floating in a glass of water?
- This common sight represents very
- unusual behavior.
Water is colored blue for better visibility.
15Have you ever noticed.....
- the beautiful symmetry of snowflakes?
Nothing would be the same on this planet without
the unique structure of water.
16Use the Molecular Structure of Water Kit
to investigate the unique structure of water.