- 3 Important Business Concepts
- 5 Easy Steps to Quick Success
23 Important Business Concepts
3Concept 1Duplication
- Most Successful Business System?
- Franchising
- Why?
- Proven System of Duplication
4Concept 2Consistency
- Practice makes
- Hard things at firstbecome easy over time and
5Concept 3Time
- Not a Get Rich Quick scheme
- If you want a business resulttreat it like a
business - What you do today pays you dividends in 12 months
- Schedule time to do your business
65 Easy Steps to Quick Success
7Step 1Become a Product of the Products
- Set up Autoship
- Commit to Autoship for 1 5 years
- Define Character
8Step 2The Invite
Can you do me a favor?
9Step 2The Invite
- Responses
- What is it?
- Can you take 5 minutes, actually 4 minutes 32
seconds and go to a computer? - No time right now
- Schedule a better time
10Step 2The Invite
- Responses
- Cant you just tell me about it?
- It is 99 Visual
- Send me a link
- Youll want me there to answer questions while
you watch
11Step 3The Presentation
- www.SynergyTeamGlobal.com/YOUR ALIAS
- (Free at www.SynergyTeamGlobal.com/sitesetup.php)
- Tours Default Steps
- A Miracle Molecule
- Alan Thicke
- Bless Your Heart
- Dr. Joe Prendergast on SYNERGY (6 minutes)
- Best Business Model (2 minutes)
12Step 3The Presentation
- Watch Step 1 Video while on phone
- At end of video ask
- Do you know anyone we could help with this
product? - Watch Step 2 video
- After the video
- Share Testimonial
- 2 Statements and 1 Question
- I really believe this product could benefit you.
- As a matter of fact, Id like to invite you to
use this product - Would you like to use this product?
13Step 3The Presentation
- How much?
- How to get the best price
- 1 can at 69
- 4 cans at 200 (50 for each can)
- The best possible price Jumbo Jar which is 6
cans in one jar gives of 37.50 per can or 225
for all 6 cans in the Jumbo. So for 37.50 a can
you can get started! - Protocol for Best Shot Results over 90 days
- 90 day money back return policy
- Returns Less than 1
- Retention Rate 50 over 12 months
14Step 3The Presentation
- When it works, what will you do?
- Tell Others
- 4-5 People FREE product
15Step 4The Follow-Up
- Give a marketing piece
- www.SynergySalesTools.com
- Special package discount from Sound Concepts
- Basic
- Professional - Best Value
- (Form for Sound Concepts at
16Step 4The Follow-Up
- Live
- DVD works best
- Online
- Watch Step 4 5 Video
- At the Follow-up
- Give Testimonial
- Some other important detail
- Research at www.EricGlenn.com/2009/04/heart-instit
ute - Subscribe to emails
17Step 4The Follow-Up
- 2 Statements and a question
- Id really like you to be a part of our team.
- As a matter of fact, Id like to invite you to be
a part of our team. - Would you like to be a part of our team?
18Step 5The Training
- First 72 Hours
- List of 10 people
- Three way call
- www.YourMomentumTraining.com
- www.MySynergyEssentials.com
- www.l-arginineResearch.com
- www.SynergySalesTools.com
19Step 5The Training
- Sales Tools Form
- Books
- No more Heart Disease By Louis Ignarro
- Leadership and Self Deception By The Arbinger
Institute - Go for No by Fenton Waltz
20Step 5The Training
- Wednesday Weekly Conference Calls
- 700 PM Mountain time
- (800) 832-4695
- Weeks 1, 4 and 5 Pin 5333
- Weeks 2 and 3 Pin 8908
21Step 5The Training
- Attend ALL events
- Local and Regional
- Open House (Held each month except July)
- Spring Recognition
- Summit Conference
22Stay Close tothe FIRE!