Inheritance - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Object-oriented languages allow new classes to acquire ... It is natural to say 'a CuckooClock is a Clock' - meaning a cuckoo clock is a kind of clock ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Inheritance

  • Software re-use with derived classes

  • Object-oriented languages allow new classes to
    acquire properties from an existing class - this
    is known as inheritance
  • Original class is called the base or parent
    class, or the superclass
  • The new, slightly different class is the derived
    or child class, or the subclass

Derived classes
  • A derived class contains all members and
    functions of the base class
  • The subclass inherits these members, along with
    their access characteristics
  • The declaration of the child class determines how
    these access characteristics are manifested in
    the child class

Derived class declaration
  • In the declaration of the child class, the parent
    class is listed as either public or private for
  • class Set public Bag
  • With this declaration, public members of Bag are
    inherited as public members of Set
  • private members are inherited, but can be
    accessed only through inherited functions

Derived class declaration
  • A derived class can also be declared with a
    private base class
  • class Set private Bag
  • public members of Bag are inherited as private
    members of Set
  • private members of Bag are accessible only
    through Bag member functions

Protected class members
  • If a base class member is declared as protected,
    rather than public or private, that member is
    directly accessible by any class derived from the
  • Protected members act just like private members
    in terms of access by non-member functions,
    except for members of derived classes

Example of inheritance in action
  • We will define two classes, Point and Circle
  • Circle inherits Point members and adds members of
    its own
  • The base class (Point) data members are declared
    protected, rather than private, enabling direct
    access by the derived class (Circle)

Base Class Declaration
class Point public Point (double a0.0,
double b0.0) void setPoint(double a, double
b) double getX()const return x double
getY()const return y friend ostream operator
ltlt (ostream o, const Point p)
protected double x double y
Base class function definitions
PointPoint (double a, double b) void
PointsetPoint(double a, double b) x
a x a y b y b
ostream operator ltlt (ostream o, const Point
p) o ltlt ltlt p.x ltlt , ltlt p.y ltlt
return o
Child class definition
class Circle public Point
public Circle (double r 0.0, double x0,
double y0) void setRadius(double r) radius
r double getRadius () const return
radius double area () const return
radiusradius3.14159 friend ostream operator
ltlt (ostream o, const Circle c)
protected double radius
Circle constructor
CircleCircle(double r, double x, double y)
Point(x,y) radius r
The line preceding the functions begin bracket
Point (x,y) indicates a call to the
constructor of the parent class
This is not actually a separate line of code, but
part of the functions heading
Circle friend function
ostream operator ltlt (ostream o, const Circle
c) o ltlt Center ltlt c.x ltlt , ltlt c.y ltlt
ltlt Radius ltlt
c.radius return o
Members x and y of parent class Point are
accessible to child class Circle because of
protected status
Members x and y are members of the Circle
object in other words, there is a Point in every
The is-a relationship
  • The Point/Circle example is atypical of the way
    inheritance is usually used
  • Inheritance usually involves creating a generic
    base class, then deriving several child classes
    from it
  • The relationship of the child to the parent is
    usually described using the phrase is a -- we
    say a derived class object is a parent class

The is-a relationship
  • For example, your textbook describes a generic
    Clock class, then creates the derived class
  • It is natural to say a CuckooClock is a Clock -
    meaning a cuckoo clock is a kind of clock
  • It wouldnt be too much of a stretch to derive
    other Clock types - alarm clock, 24-hour clock,

Using a derived class
  • Derived class objects can call base class member
    functions as if they were member functions of the
    derived class
  • An object of the derived class may be used in
    place of a base class object - for example, if a
    function takes a base class object as a
    parameter, a derived class object may be

Derived classes assignment
  • Assignments are allowed form a derived class to a
    base class if the base class is public
  • However, a base class object cannot be used as if
    it were an object of the derived class - so you
    cant assign a base class object to a derived
    class variable

Inheritance Overriding
  • A derived class inherits all members of the base
    class, but often a derived object needs to
    perform a particular operation a different way
    than that defined in an inherited function
  • When a new function body is provided for an
    inherited member function within a derived class,
    the function is overridden

Inheritance Overriding
  • Sometimes overriding a function involves adding
    functionality, rather than simply replacing an
    original base class function
  • When this is the case, the overriding function
    can call the base class function as its first
    action, then proceed with additional operations

int Clock24get_hour() const // overrides
inherited function int ohr ohr
Clockget_hour() // call to overridden
function if (is_morning()) if (ohr
12) return 0 else return ohr etc.
Using inheritance with ADTs
  • Throughout the semester, we have studied various
    container classes
  • In many ways, one container is very much like
    another inheritance can be used to derive many
    different types of containers by placing common
    characteristics in a base class

Example Set derived from Bag
  • Both Bags and Sets contain unordered collection
    of elements
  • The basic difference between them is that all
    elements in a Set must be unique
  • We can create a Set class by inheriting from Bag,
    and overriding the insert function to eliminate
    insertion of duplicates

Example Generic List Class
  • Suppose you are provided with a generic ADT to
    hold an ordered list of items
  • The data part of the List class is unknown to
    you, but you are given a set of member functions
    and a description of their actions, as shown on
    the slides that follow

List member functions
List() // postcondition initializes an empty
List bool is_item() const // postcondition
returns true if there is a valid current // item
false if there is no valid current item Item
current() const // precondition is_item returns
true // postcondition returns current List
item void start() // postconditon first item on
List becomes current item // if list is empty,
there is no current item
List member functions
void advance() // precondition is_item returns
true // postcondition if current item was the
last on List, there is // now no current item
otherwise, the new current item is the // one
immediately following the original current
item void insert (const Item entry) //
postcondition a new copy of entry has been
inserted before // the current item if no
current item existed, entry was inserted // at
the front of the List. Item containing entry is
now the // current item
List member functions
void attach (const Item entry) // postcondition
a new copy of enty has been inserted in list //
after the current item if there was no current
item, entry was // inserted at the end of the
list. Item containing entry is now the //
current item void remove_current() //
precondition is_item returns true //
postcondition current item has been removed
item following // current (if one existed) is now
current item size_t size() const //
postcondition returns count of items in List
Deriving Stack from List
  • Stack is defined by its push and pop functions,
    respectively inserting and removing items from
    the same end of the structure
  • Because List has many functions that wont (and
    shouldnt) be used directly by users of Stack
    code, List is inherited as a private base class

Stack class definition
template ltclass Itemgt class Stack private
ListltItemgt public
void push(const Item entry) Item
pop() Item peek() const
ListltItemgtsize // changes inherited private
function size to public // Stack function
available to Stack user - this is an // example
of exempting a member from private base //
class bool is_empty() const return size()
Stack member functions
template ltclass Itemgt Item pop() Item
answer assert(size() gt 0) answer
current() remove_current() return answer
template ltclass Itemgt void push (const Item
entry) insert(entry)
template ltclass Itemgt Item peek() assert
(size() gt 0) return current()
Deriving Queue from List
  • A child queue class could be derived from List in
    a similar fashion
  • List would be inherited as a private base class,
    and queue functions enqueue and dequeue would be
    defined using inherited private functions from

  • Software re-use with derived classes
  • - ends -
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