Title: PowerPoint Presentation DuPont ProductPresentation Title
1Biotechnology Update
Steve Daugherty Director, Biotechnology Affairs
The World Demands, and We Deliver
2Ag Biotechnology TerminologyWhat they mean to me
- Modern Agricultural Biotechnology Manipulating
genes from one source to another transgenic
technology. - Allows farmers to grow plants that are more
nutritious, resistant to pests and more
productive. - Genetic Engineering/Modification Changing an
organisms genes using the methods of modern
molecular biology (Modern Ag Biotechnology). - Living Modified Organism Term used in the
Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety to reference
genetically modified organism. - Recombinant DNA (rDNA) Transformed DNA.
3Ag Biotechnology TerminologyWhat they mean to me
- Gene a specific sequence of DNA .
- Protein A molecule composed of amino acids in a
specific order. Proteins are required for the
structure, function and regulation of metabolic
activities in the bodys cells, tissues and
organs, and each protein has unique function.
Proteins are expressed by DNA. - Event the successful result of inserting genetic
material into another genome. - Trait a distinguishing characteristic.
4Example Herculex I
- Herculex I insect protection for corn
- Gene Cry1F and pat
- Protein Cry1F and pat
- Event 1507 (DAS-01507-1)
- Traits insect control (pests include European
corn borer, southwestern corn borer, black
cutworm, western bean cutworm, lesser corn stalk
borer, southern corn stalk borer, sugarcane
borer, corn earworm and fall armyworm) and
herbicide resistance to glufosinate (Liberty) - Herculex I Insect Protection technology by Dow
AgroSciences and Pioneer Hi-Bred. Herculex and
the HX logo are registered trademarks of Dow
AgroSciences LLC.
5Ag Biotechnology TerminologyWhat they mean to me
- Herbicide-Tolerant Crops Crops that are not
damaged when sprayed with herbicide. - Examples Roundup Ready, Liberty Link, Optimum
GATTM - Insect-Tolerant Crops Crops that are not damaged
by insects. - Examples Herculex, YieldGard, Optimum GATTM
6Ag Biotechnology TerminologyWhat they mean to me
- Stewardship Management of a product from its
inception through to its ultimate end and
discontinuation. - This is how we keep the genes out of your mill
- Adventitious Presence (Low Level Presence) The
unintended presence of genetic material in seed,
grain, feed or food. - Gene Flow Genes moving from one plant to
another. - Identity Preservation Segregation of one crop
from another.
7Pioneers Stage-Gate System
Review Decision
Review Decision
Review Decision
Review Decision
Review Decision
StageC OptimizeGeneConstruct
StageD CreateCommercialEvent
StageE Commercial Event toRegulatory
StageF Breedingand Testing
StageG SellProduct
StageA New Ideas
StageB EvaluateGeneticApproaches
Transgene Discovery Event Development
Product Breeding Evaluation
Key Tasks
Key Tasks
Key Tasks
Key Tasks
Key Tasks
8US Coordinated Regulatory Framework for
Biotechnology a Matrix of Existing Laws
USDA - Plant Protection Act
EPA (Plants) Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and
Rodenticide Act (FIFRA)
EPA (Microbes) Toxic Substances Control Act
FDA - Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FFDCA)
9US Coordinated Regulatory Framework for
Biotechnology Plant Products
10Rapid Global Adoption of Biotech Crops
11Global Area of Biotech Crops, 1996 to 2007 By
Crop (Million Hectares)
12Global Adoption Rates () for Principal Biotech
Crops (Million Hectares) 2007
Source Clive James, 2008
13Global Area of Biotech Crops, 1996 to 2007 By
Trait (Million Hectares)
Source Clive James, 2008
14CropLife International Industry Priority Issues
- Low Level Presence
- Biosafety Protocol
- Intellectual Property
- Regulatory Issues
- Allergenicity, stacks, new technologies/emerging
issues, data protection, discontinued products,
detection methods - Biotechnology Acceptance
15BIO Quality Management ProgramExcellence Through
- BIO Food Agriculture Section Governing Body
approved initiative for stewardship and quality
management. - BIO member companies pledge to
- Adopt principles and best practices
- Implement a program consistent with the QMP
- Conduct third party audits of QMP
- Failure to live up to the pledge over time would
be viewed as conduct detrimental to BIOs best
interests. - Timeline
- December 2007 - QMP Guide completed, member
companies self-certified objectives, principles
and management practices, audit program defined - December 2008 - Third-party audits completed for
all US operations - December 2009 Third-party audits completed for
global operations
16DuPont Bioethics Guiding Principles
- Commitment to Food/Feed Safety
- Environmental Focus
- Conserving Biodiversity
- Transparency of Information
- Engaging Stakeholders
- Advocating Independent Research
- Contributing to Developing Economies
- Formalizing Access to Genetic Resources
17(No Transcript)
18Steps to the US Market
- Laboratory research
- National Institutes of Health rDNA Guidelines
- Contained greenhouse evaluation
- USDA Guidelines for contained research
- Contained small scale field trials (crop
destruct) - USDA Notifications and Permits for contained
release - EPA Experimental Use Permit (EUP) gt 10 acres
Plant Incorporated Protectant (PIP) (e.g. Bt) - Pre-commercial testing (non-crop destruct)
- USDA De-regulation
- FDA Notification and Consultation
- EUP with Food/Feed Tolerance Exemption
- Commercial release
- EPA Registration
19U.S. Regulatory System
- Coordinated Framework for Biotechnology
- utilizes existing regulations
- Department of Agriculture
- Inspects greenhouses for compliance with
guidelines - Issues permits for small scale field trials
- Reviews petitions for De-regulation of products
- Environmental Protection Agency (fee for service)
- Issues Experimental Use Permits for Plant
Incorporated Protectants (PIPs) (e.g., Bts) - Grants Registrations and sets Tolerances for
PIPs - Food and drug Administration
- Conducts voluntary Early Food Safety Evaluations
of gene products - Conducts voluntary pre-market Consultation on
food safety
20United States
Environmental Protection Agency
United StatesDepartment of Agriculture
Food and DrugAdministration
Submission to the Office of Pesticide
Programs Federal Register (FR) notice Review by
staff Questions EPA Scientific Advisory Panel
(SAP) No Further Questions Final Risk Assessment
Draft FR Notice and 30-day public comment
period Pre-acceptance letter sent Registration
and final tolerance exemption rule decision
Submission to the Biotechnology Regulatory
Services Review by staff Draft environmental
Assessment USDA Federal Register notice
(FR) Draft environmental assessment 60-day
comment period on USDA Deregulation
Submission of EFSE to the Center for Food Safety
and Nutrition Review by staff
EFSE is Optional (takes 4 months)
QuestionsRequest for additional information
No Questions(Deemed Complete)
No Questions
EFSE Consultation Complete
12 18 months
18 24 months
Submission of Biotech Notification to the Center
for Food Safety and Nutrition
Review by staff
12 months
No Questions
FDA Consultation Complete
21EPA - Approval
- Average time to complete all actions is 18 to 24
months - Most submitted studies are conducted under
EPA/OECD Good Laboratory Practices (GLP) and
subject to audit - Internal review with use of expert Science
Advisory Panels on case by case basis - Notices of proposed Registrations and Tolerances
published for public comment and final decisions
published in Federal Register - Fee structure for different actions Agency
commits to timeline for specific action
22USDA and FDA Approvals
- USDA average review time for dossier is 18
months - Internal review Environmental Assessment (EA)
published for public comment - De-regulation notice published in Federal
Register - No fees
- FDA average time for Consultation is 12 months
- Internal review - Notice of completed
Consultation and Memorandum to File published on
FDA web-site - No fees
23What is Regulated?
- Transgenic products are regulated by event
- Each time a piece of rDNA is inserted into a
plant a new event is created - USDA can extend de-regulation decisions to
include additional similar events - Combining two approved events by breeding
(stacking) does not trigger further USDA action - FDA requires notification of new stacks
- Could request more data (e.g., if two genes
targeting same pathway produce altered
nutritional profile) - Stacking two or more approved PIPs requires new
Registration from EPA - Data requirements aimed at showing no alteration
in non-target activity
24Basic Information Needs for Risk Assessment
- Knowledge of the crop and its wild relatives
- biology, distribution cultivation and uses
- Knowledge of the modification
- detailed genetic and molecular characterization
- Safety of expressed gene products
- protein characterization and toxic/allergenic
potential - Equivalence of the modified crop
- nutritional equivalence to unmodified crop
- environmental safety non-target impact
25Molecular Analysis
- Confirm genetic stability of the event
- Confirm expected segregation of trait over three
generations - Analyze the inserted DNA
- Confirm purity of event
- Analyze integration pattern of 100 progeny
- Characterize the integration event
- Complete high resolution map (Southern)
- Confirm that unwanted DNA is absent
- Show absence of unwanted vector sequences
- Develop event specific diagnostic
- Use insert/plant DNA borders
26Toxicology/Nutritional Assessment
- Toxicity evaluation
- Consider any toxic properties of gene donor
organism - Screen sequence for homology to known toxins
- Conduct acute mouse study with purified protein
(plant purified or microbial equivalent) in a
single dose (in large excess of dietary exposure) - Allergenicity evaluation weight of evidence
approach considering - Determine rate of digestibility in in vitro
gastric digestion model (pepsin) - Screen sequence for homology to known allergens
- Perform specific IgE serum screen (if gene is
from commonly allergenic food) - Additional studies case by case basis to
address specific concerns - 42 day broiler chicken feeding study with grain
- 90 day rat feeding study with grain
27Composition, Expression and Agronomics (CEA)
- Grow modified plants at 6 sites for 1 or 2
seasons to confirm that - Composition of modified whole plant (silage) and
grain is similar to unmodified counterparts and
within normal range for that crop - Modified plants exhibit expected agronomic
phenotype when grown in regions typical of
expected cultivation - Modified plants expresses novel traits as
anticipated under variety of field conditions - measure gene expression in up to 12 tissue types
over time, depending on crop
28Compositional Analysis
- Substantial equivalence - starting point for
safety evaluation - measure more than fifty
substances including - amino acids
- fatty acids
- carbohydrates
- essential vitamins and minerals
- naturally occurring toxicants, anti-nutrients and
allergens - secondary metabolites
- Investigate nutritional significance of any
changes from non-modified crop or normal range
for that crop - Leads to determination of safety relative to
equivalent non-modified food with history of safe
29Non-target Studies (Tier 1) for Cultivation of
Plant Incorporated Protectants (PIPs)
Test plant tissue (e.g., pollen) or purified
protein against appropriate representative
non-target organisms with focus on beneficial
species (e.g.)
- Avian
- quail
- Aquatic
- trout/catfish
- Waterflea
- Soil
- springtail
- earthworm
- Terrestrial
- ladybug
- lacewing
- parasitic wasp
- honeybee (adult and larva)
- butterfly
Effects seen in these Tier 1 studies may require
follow up with field observations (e.g., census
studies of non-target organisms)
30Risk Assessment for Cultivation
- Use hazard information (e.g., toxicity) and
potential exposure by various routes to determine
risk - Measure pollen flow over distance
- Measure metabolism and fate in soil and water
- Calculate exposure from pollen and soil
incorporated material - Use information on distribution of non-targets
- Endangered species
- Out-crossing to wild and/or weedy species
- Additional studies as required to address
specific concerns (e.g., increased fitness)
31Post Commercial Activities
- Post-registration requirements have included
- Insect Resistance Management resistance
monitoring and refuge (non-Bt) planting - Additional non-target studies (e.g., Monarch
butterfly) - Voluntary stewardship activities may be
undertaken according to the nature of the
modified crop - Rapid detection methods for traceability
- Livestock performance studies e.g., dairy cows
and pigs
32Commitment to Food/Feed Safety
- DuPont will develop products derived from
biotechnology that are at least as safe as their
conventionally produced counterparts for both
human food and animal feed using the best
scientific knowledge.
332. Environmental Focus
- DuPont will endeavor to apply biotechnology in
production systems so there is a net gain for the
343. Conserving Biodiversity
- DuPont will strive to protect and conserve
natural resource biodiversity.
354. Transparency of Information
- DuPont believes in the individuals right to
information regarding product safety. DuPont
will apply a strict and transparent standard in
determining what product information is
proprietary. DuPont will disclose safety
information on its products in a clear and
accessible manner.
365. Engaging Stakeholders
- DuPont will routinely engage stakeholders
(shareholders, customers, society, and employees)
and consider their diverse viewpoints in its
decision-making process for products derived from
376. Advocating Independent Research
- DuPont will seek opportunities to advocate and/or
fund biotechnology research important to its
business at public institutions, research centers
and non-governmental organizations that follow
accepted science protocols and peer review
387. Contributing to Developing Economies
- DuPont will endeavor to be socially and
culturally responsible as it shares knowledge and
appropriate technology in developing economies to
help improve food, nutrition and the quality of
life. DuPont will seek to utilize its
intellectual property in ways that help alleviate
398. Formalizing Access to Genetic Resources
- DuPont will strive to identify the owner(s) of
natural biological resources and knowledge
selected for research and product development and
will develop fair and equitable business
arrangements that recognize the contributions of
the involved parties. To the extent possible,
arrangements will be made public.