Title: The Future Is Now
1The Future Is Now
Midwest Area
Leadership Meeting 2007
St. Louis, Missouri
November 14-15, 2007
- James H. Bradley
- Deputy Administrator
- Administrative and Financial Management
2Trends U.S. Workforce
- Next 10 years 76 million retire, 46 million
enter U.S. workforce - 15 of Federal workforce projected to retire by
2010 - Need for scientists increasing faster than number
of new degrees being conferred
3Trends ARS
- 26 of ARS workforce eligible to retire by 2010
- 76 of ARS senior executives eligible to retire
by 2010 - 29 of scientists 21 of technicians 27 of
other employees - 603 scientists 354 technicians 85 secretaries
64 support scientists 52 computer specialists
Mandatory Processes
Government Reform
Flat Budgets
Constant Change
Static Workforce
Mandatory Processes
Whos going to mind the store?
Government Reform
Flat Budgets
Constant Change
Static Workforce
8The future success of our Agency is being
determined by the people decisions we make right
9The future success of our Agency is being
determined by the people decisions we make right
The Future is Now!
10 Baby Boomers 1943 - 1962
Silent Generation 1925 - 1942
Millennials 1982 - 2000
Generation X 1963 1981
11The Silent Generation
- 1925 - 1942
- Smallest segment of workforce
- Respect for authority
- Dedication and sacrifice
- Hard work
- Stay on track . . . Get it done
- Hierarchy, career ladder
- Conformity
12Baby Boomers
- 1943 1962
- Shrinking segment of workforce
- Self-absorbed
- Seek personal gratification
- Individual and team oriented
- Youth oriented
- Challenge traditions
- Demand multiple options
13Generation X
- 1963 1981
- 40 of the workforce
- Self-reliant, practical
- Informal, want to have fun
- Free agents (3-5 years at one job)
- Work to grow and learn (not retire)
- Jobs must be skill opportunities
- Information technology
14Generation X
- Self-motivated
- Require little oversight
- Less organizational loyalty
- Cynical of grand promises and big visions
- Will manage and lead incoming Millennials
- 1982 2000
- Sense of entitlement
- Grew up with fully scheduled, adult-led lives.
- Technologically superior
- High self-esteem
- Global understanding
- Appreciate diversity and other cultures
- Accomplishments are true measure of a persons
merit - Expect/demand
- Career tracks
- Attentive supervisors
- Regular appreciation
- Regular advancement
- Diverse
- Optimistic
- Question and debate
- Weaknesses
- Flounder with unclear guidelines or minimal
oversight - Dont learn (internalize) from constructive
feedback - Lack strong self-motivation
18Generation X
. . . are the Agencys future!
19How do you entice young people to see ARS as the
best option for them?
What does the next generation want and need?
How do we adapt our culture to meet the needs of
the next wave of employees?
How do we find, hire, coach, mentor, and grow the
ARS employees of the future?
What new skill set is required for entry-level
20How do you entice young people to see ARS as the
best option for them?
How do we find, hire, coach, mentor, and grow the
ARS employees of the future?
What does the next generation want and need?
How do we adapt our culture to meet the needs of
the next wave of employees?
How do we find, hire, coach, mentor, and grow the
ARS employees of the future?
What new skill set is required for entry-level
21How do you entice young people to see ARS as the
best option for them?
How do we adapt our culture to meet the needs of
the next wave of employees?
What does the next generation want and need?
How do we adapt our culture to meet the needs of
the next wave of employees?
How do we find, hire, coach, mentor, and grow the
ARS employees of the future?
What new skill set is required for entry-level
22Organizational Policies Management
Structures Training Succession Planning
23Organizational Policies
- Flex time
- Telecommuting
- Results versus time-in-the-office
- Cutting edge information technology
- Advancement promotions
- Award systems
24Management Structures
- Mentoring and oversight
- Shown the ropes
- Help to understand workplace culture
- Help to process feedback
- Finding internal motivation and satisfaction
- See the big picture (and how they fit in)
- Understand themselves (Leadership Lab)
- How to give and receive feedback
- When/how to be formal in communications
- Self-management
26Succession Planning
- Leadership Positions
- Where are we now?
- Current leaders
- Bench strength
- What are our projected vacancies?
- Retirement eligible over next 5 years
- Development strategies to meet leadership needs
27Succession Planning
- Identify necessary leadership competencies
- Programs to develop targeted competencies
- LEAD, PEAK, New RL, PLP, Foundations of
Leadership seminar - OPM and Grad School courses
- HRD Leadership and Succession Planning Staff
29The Future is Now!