Title: The Frilled Necked Lizard
1The Frilled Necked Lizard
By Charley
2- Has something scaly, fanged and scary ever
started running after you? What should you do?
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3Physical Characteristics
The frilled lizard is most know for the big
frill around its neck. The frill is brightly
colored, and 20 -25cm long. The male is more
colorful than the female. The color of a frilled
lizard varies by area their color matching their
surroundings. Their length varies between 70 and
90cm. They weigh up to ten pounds.
- The frilled lizard lives in Australia, in
Queensland and the Northern Territory. They like
in warm, dry , places such as forests, woodland
and savannah woodland. They spend most of their
life in trees occasionally coming down to hunt.
The frilled lizard has a interesting diet.It diet
consists of ants, spiders, and other small
lizards and mammals. The frilled lizard hunts at
night, in trees or on the ground.
- The frilled lizard has a colorful history. It is
the reptile emblem of Australia and used to be on
the two cent coin until they stopped making it.
When the 2000 Para Olympics were hosted in
Australia, a frilled lizard named Lizzie was
the mascot. However, sadly, the frilled lizards
numbers have been diminishing over the last few
years due to humans destroying their
habitat.Luckily, they are not endangeredyet
7Fun Facts
- The frilled lizard is a very interesting animal.
For instance, when threatened its frill flare
out, and it will get up on its hind legs and run
after whatever threatens it.Thats how it got
its nickname the bicycle lizard. When it runs,
its legs wheel in and out like a bicycle. It
will only run after its enemies for a little bit
and then run up a tree. If you stay there,
chances are that it will run away. When you look
at it, you cant tell that it has a frill. It
keeps it hidden under its neck so that when it
pops out, it will hopefully scare its enemies
away. And also, it cant open its frill without
opening its mouth. It may be that it is 90cm
long, but three fourths of that is its tail! It
is covered in scales to prevent water loss. It is
also becoming increasingly popular as pets. It
spends 95 percent of its life in trees.
8- All in all, the frilled lizard is a interesting,
and unique animal that could only be found in
Australia. I have learned that you dont just run
away when something scary and fanged runs after
- threatens.net/ - 23k
- animals.nationalgeographic.com/animals/reptiles/fr
illed-lizard.html - 45k - - www.enchantedlearning.com/subjects/reptiles/lizard
/Frilledprintout.shtml - 8k - - en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frill-necked_Lizard - 33k -