Title: Using the Personal Response System Clickers
1Using the Personal Response System (Clickers)
- Chicago Symposium
- March 6, 2009
Martina Bode, Charles Deering McCormick
Distinguished Senior Lecturer Denise Drane,
Associate Director, Searle Center for Teaching
Excellence Mary Schuller, Manager, Surgical
Education, Northwestern Memorial Hospital
- 150 What are clickers?(Mary)
- 200 Why use clickers? (Denise)
- 210 How to use clickers(Martina)
- 240 Research Wrap-up
3Student Response Systems were first used by which
- Movie
- Military
- Automobile
- Healthcare
Judson Sawada (2002) Journal of Computers in
Math and Science Teaching 21(2) 167-181
4What is your level of familiarity with clickers?
- I use a clicker system regularly.
- Ive used it once or twice.
- Ive never used clickers but know what they are.
- I dont know what they are.
5Why Use Clickers?
6Enhancing Learning with Clickers
- Promote active learning
- Provide timely feedback
- Stimulate Peer discussion
7Traditional Lectures
- Transmission focused
- Low level processing
- Minimal feedback
- Learning is delayed
8Active Learning
Processing Responding Practicing Testing
9What are the benefits of active learning?
- Learning gains nearly triple.
- (Crouch and Mazur, 2001), Crouch et al (2006)
- For the instructor
- For the students
- In real time
11Peer Feedback
- Conceptual understanding enhanced by explaining
ideas and listening to other students ideas and
reasoning. - (Chi, 1996 Hake, 1998)
- Conceptual understanding enhanced because peers
are on the same level. - (Hestenes, 1992)
- Creating Generating new ideas, products, or ways
of viewing things Designing, constructing,
planning, producing, inventing - Evaluating Justifying a decision or course of
action Checking, hypothesising, critiquing,
experimenting, judging - Analysing Breaking information into parts to
explore understandings. Comparing,
organising, deconstructing, interrogating,
finding - Applying Using information in another familiar
situation - Implementing, carrying out, using, executing
- Understanding Explaining ideas or
concepts Interpreting, summarising,
paraphrasing, classifying, explaining - Remembering Recalling information Recognising,
listing, describing, retrieving, naming, finding
13Please select a Team.
- Team 1
- Team 2
- Team 3
- Team 4
- Team 5
14- All questions were not created equal
- Developing Good Clicker Questions
- Basic Concept Check
- Good Discussion Starters
- Stimulating Teaching of New Concepts
- Fundamental Concept Check
15Basic Concept CheckEvaluate 5-72
- -4
- -9
- -11
- 19
- None of the above
16The art of guessing what might go wrong
- In 5-72, students might do the following
- -4(5-7)2
- -95-14 correct answer
- -115-14 arithmetic mistake
- 19514
- None of the above
17Good Discussion StartersTrue or False?
18Stimulating Teaching Of New ConceptsFact If
the sun shines then David will go swimming.This
implies that David will not go swimming if the
sun does not shine.True or False?
19Stimulating Teaching Of New ConceptsFact If
the sun shines then David will go swimming.This
implies that if David did not go swimming then
the sun did not shine.True or False?
20Stimulating Teaching Of New ConceptsFact If
the sun shines then David will go swimming.This
implies that the sun will shine when David goes
swimming. True or False?
21Fundamental Concept CheckTrue or False? If A
implies B, then not B implies not A.
22Team Scores
23Conceptual Understanding
24Interaction and Discussion