Title: Koalas and Kangaroos
1Koalas and Kangaroos
By Ruben Galvan
2The koala bears fur is light gray with brown and
white spots on the neck, chest, and ears. The
koala bear is a marsupial. The koala bear sleeps
to 18 to 20 hours a day. Koala bears are not
bears, but they are a relative to wombats. The
koala bear is up to two to three feet tall.
3A baby kangaroo is a Joey, and it lives in its
mothers pouch. The red kangaroo can jump up to 30
feet in one jump. The woolly fur can be blue,
grey, red, black, or yellow. The kangaroo eats
food, then in a little bit, they throw it up and
eat it again. When they live in the zoo, they
stay alive for about 20 years, but in the wild
they only live about 6 years.
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