Wind in Ireland Integration and cost issues

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Wind in Ireland Integration and cost issues


Wind in Ireland Integration and cost issues David Milborrow Author s previous encounters in Ireland Participated with ESB and other ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Wind in Ireland Integration and cost issues

Wind in Ireland Integration and cost issues
  • David Milborrow

Authors previous encounters in Ireland
  • Participated with ESB and other EU utilities in
    EC-funded studies of wind impacts c.1988
  • Member of Advisory Panel which selected turbines
    for Bellacorick, 1990/91
  • Invited speaker at IWEA Conference, 1996
  • Adviser to developer based in Co Cork on several
    windfarms (some now built) since 1994
  • No permanent affiliations!

Scope of talk
  • Assimilating wind
  • Issues?
  • Problems?
  • Costs?
  • Limits?
  • Extra costs to consumers of adding wind
  • Sensitivities?

Very brief economic interlude
  • Much interest in Extra cost of renewables
  • Justified by External costs of thermal sources,
    esp Global Warming

Wind and the competition
Source Author, Windpower Monthly, January 2004
Levelling the playing field
  • Generation cost comparisons not the whole story
  • Value of wind Fuel saving value
    embedded benefits green value
  • - costs of backup
  • Embedded benefits may be positive or negative

Who has looked at integration issues?
  • Ireland
  • ESB (1990), CEGB, and other EU utilities, as part
    of co-ordinated study
  • IWEA, Geographical dispersion of wind in
    Ireland, 1999
  • Garrad Hassan Impacts study, 2003
  • University College, Dublin
  • UK DTI/Carbon Trust Network Study, Intermittency
    Module, has c.40 worldwide refs back to 1980
  • Grid operators Eltra, NGT, Nordel, and US

Ireland is different
  • Could be first self-contained electricity system
    to operate with significant wind input
  • Denmark is not isolated, but source of useful
    data, as W Denmark system similar in size
  • W Denmark currently runs with wind supplying 20
    of consumption
  • Ties with neighbours mean that effective wind
    supply is about 10 - still respectable!

Integration topics
  • Electricity networks
  • Behaviour of wind plant
  • Assimilating wind into networks
  • Storage
  • Capacity credit
  • Transmission issues
  • The future

  • Electricity systems

Why integrated systems?
  • Smoothing
  • Demands
  • Generation sources
  • Peak/average
  • House 15
  • UK 1.5
  • Lower plant margins needed -
  • House at least 2peak
  • Large electricity system 1.2 peak
  • All leads to LEAST COSTS

Benefits of integrated systems
Lessons from western Denmark
Scheduling errors
Coping with demand variations
  • Generator inertia
  • Frequency voltage changes
  • Demand management
  • Pumped storage
  • Spinning reserve
  • All can cope with demand increase or decrease

Wind characteristics
Smoothing makes a difference
Smoothing of power swings
Time interval 1 hour
Impacts of 20 wind
Running electricity systems
  • Managing electricity systems is all about
    managing risks
  • All estimates of uncertainty come with a range of
    probabilities, and
  • Uncertainty margins do not add arithmetically a
    sum of squares law applies

Estimating the effects of wind
  • Establish demand prediction error for
    electricity system
  • UK system, 1 hour ahead, 1.3, or 400 MW
  • Irish system similar , 40 MW
  • Estimate demand prediction error for wind
  • Typically 3 standard error for distributed
    wind, 1 hour ahead, (persistence forecast)
  • Error with wind, based on sum of squares

Costing the effects of wind
  • Scheduling error with wind enables extra reserve
    capacity needs to be estimated
  • Establish cost of extra reserve, based on
  • Reduced efficiency of part-loaded plant
  • Cost of plant, or,
  • Market rates

Extra back-up capacity
Extra costs for backup
  • "Renewables need storage" ?
  • Rather misleading!
  • Only the intermittent sources
  • "Storage can transform the economics of the
    intermittent renewables" ?
  • Only if they are very low cost!
  • Several studies have concluded that economics
    must be studied separately may be useful to
    system, or as reserve

Capacity creditsThe Firm power issue

Capacity credits
  • Controversial, despite -
  • Most authoritative studies confirm wind HAS a
    capacity credit. Includes Ireland
  • Note that definitions a muddle
  • Some refer to firm power, some to thermal plant
  • Firm power is less than rated capacity
  • For ALL types of plant!!

Evaluating capacity credits
  • 2 basic methods-
  • Establish system LOLP - usually over a year
  • Add wind
  • Subtract firm power to restore original LOLP
  • Or (simplified approach, essentially similar)
  • Examine availability of wind at time(s) of peak

Capacity credits depend on-
  • Amount of wind on system
  • Wind speeds
  • Wind turbine types
  • Winds at time of peak demand
  • Utility operating proceduresWhen normalised
    for differences in wind speed, good agreement
    between most estimates for northern Europe

Capacity credits EU studies
Capacity credits for Ireland
Capacity credits monetary values
  • These depend on-
  • Alternative thermal plant
  • Test discount rates and depreciation times
  • CCGT plant now most common thermal option in EU,
    costs 500-800/kW
  • Capacity valued at 42-83/kW
  • No "universal" value

Benefits of distributed generation
  • Reduced losses
  • Improved reliability, technical issues
  • Reduced costs if line reinforcements can be
    deferred or forgottenBUT
  • Siting is important
  • too much DG in remote areas will increase losses
  • or may advance need for line reinforcements

Local issues
  • Analysis of Delabole wind farm (UK) by SWEB
  • No problems with flicker
  • Peak demands at local substation coincided with
    peak output from wind farm
  • Wind farm output "has major influence in
    stabilising the 11 kV voltage level"
  • Analysis by P G E also showed benefits from PV

Wind integration conclusions
  • Modest costs for extra reserve
  • Most studies yield similar results
  • Capacity credits? Yes, roughlyaverage power
  • Problem areas?
  • May be preferable, once wind input exceeds 10,
    to curtail wind output on a few occasions
  • ..but wind will NEVER impose jolts on the
    system comparable with loss of a circuit of
    cross-channel link

Carbon savings from renewables
  • Variety of answers in literature-
  • Due to average emissions from plant mix
  • Due to gas plant which will not be built
  • Due to emissions from load following (lf) plant
  • In daily operations, wind displaces lf plant
  • New renewables build forces closure of old
    thermal (usually coal) plant, just as new gas
  • Gas plant not built? How can you be sure?
  • So another argument in favour of 600-850g/kWh
    from closure of old coal (or oil) plant

Extra costs of renewables
  • Increasing interest in extra costs as States
    define renewable targets
  • Estimates of extra costs from various sources
  • Author linked to estimate in Power UK, issue 109
    0.3p/kWh to consumer bills for 20 wind by 2020
  • Key issues Gas prices by 2020 Wind plant
    costs Price of carbon under ETS

Possible future Irish scenarios
System MW 5000 5000 5000 6500 6500 6500
Wind 5 10 16 12 20 27
Wind MW 500 1000 1500 1500 2500 3500
Offshore 25 30 40 40 45 50
Date 2005 2008 2010 2010 2017 2025
Source of base data (green) ESBNG authors
assumptions in red
Future gas prices
Future wind prices
Possible costs to electricity consumers of adding
Thank you!
The End
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