Title: Is Your Library Ready For a Disaster
1Is Your Library Ready For a Disaster?
- Disaster Recovery Planning
Melissa LefebvreBibliomation, Inc.
2Background Information
Bibliomation is on of the library consortiums in
the state consisting of 49 Public Libraries 24
School Libraries
Servers 14 including E-Mail, Web, Anti-virus,
and ILS
8 onsite 6 at ISP location
3Getting Started
- Whats a Disaster Recovery Plan anyway?
A disaster recovery plan (DRP) or a business
continuity plan (BCP) is a comprehensive set of
measures and procedures put into place within an
organization to ensure that essential, mission
critical resources and infrastructures are
maintained or backed by alternatives during
various stages of a disaster.
-Paul ChinIntroduction to Disaster Recovery
4Getting Started
If youve thought through various scenarios
before they happen, it will make it far easier to
recover from the disaster.
If a disaster does occur
Your plan will guide you step by step to
recovery. You wont have to think, the steps
will already be laid out for you.
5Getting Started
If there is a disaster, how do we rebuild?
What will it cost to get our library back up and
running? What will it take to restore our servic
es to the public? Where do we start and how?
6Murphys Law
- If something can go wrong, it will
Disasters occur when ? Key people are on vacat
ion ? Its a holiday ? Its least convenient
7Basic Steps
Your Disaster Recovery Plan should
- Outline initial action to be taken in event of a
- Outline long-term steps to complete a recovery
- Provide contact information essential to a
successful recovery
8Writing the Disaster Plan
- Survey the library building and grounds
- Take a complete inventory
- Outline the disaster recovery plan
- Write the plan
- Revise, revise, revise
9Outline the Disaster Plan
- Emergency telephone numbers and a list of
contractors and service providers
- Disaster team members and duties
- Emergency Instructions
- Priorities for salvaging materials
- Recovery procedures
- Inventory of the disaster response closet
- Disaster reports
10Disaster Recovery Team and Duties
- Team Leader
- Recovery Specialist
- Crew Manager
- Supplies and Transportation Manager
- Recorder
- Photographer
- Communications Manager
11A Word about Mold
Mold WILL grow within 48 hours unless the
environment is stabilized Damp books in temperatu
res above 70F and 70 humidity will be subject
to mold Undisturbed archival files will not be so
quickly attacked by mold Very wet books or those
still submerged in water, will NOT develop mold
12A Word about Freezing
Freezing water-damaged materials below zero
degrees will stabilize mold growth
Freezing will NOT remedy mold damages and it will
NOT harm the materials further
13Priorities for Salvaging Materials
- Mold
- Questions to ask when setting priorities
- Categories
- First Priority (salvage at all cost)
- Second Priority (salvage if time permits)
- Third Priority (salvage as part of the general
14Most Common Salvage Methods
- Air Drying
- Freezing
- Vacuum Freeze Drying
- Vacuum Drying
15Special Problems during a Disaster
Mold and Mildew
Electric equipment
16Recovery Procedure Steps
- Assess the damage
- Stabilize the environment
- Activate the disaster recovery team
- Restore the area
DRP procedures must be written clearly and
concisely Assume that the people carrying out th
e DRP procedures will not be the same people who
wrote it Avoid the use of acronyms Reference
the title of the person not a name
Maintain an up-to-date calling tree Be consis
tent with word usage and page layout
18DRP Resources
Disaster Recovery Journal (http//www.drj.com/new2
dr/samples.htm) Introduction to Disaster Recove
ry Planning Paul Chin
j_03_24_05a.html Writing the Disaster Response
Plan Going Beyond Shouting Help! Help!
Stephen Hensonhttp//www.access.gpo.gov/su_docs/f
Preservation and Conservation for Libraries and
ArchivesNelly Balloffet and Jenny Hille
http//www.alastore.ala.org Society of Rocky Mo
untain Archivists (http//www.srmarchivists.org/pr
Disaster Recovery PlanMichael
McColgin Colorado Preservation Alliance (http//