- How to prevent the spread of disease
2Historical Perspective
- 1847 Dr. Ignaz Philip Semmelweis
- 18 Mortality due to Puerperal Fever caused
by Streptococcus organism - First simple case-control study
- Significance of hand washing is demonstrated
- Concept of nosocomial infection is born
- 1950s Infection Control as an organized and
recognized discipline is born - Post World War II hospital-based outbreaks of
infection caused by Staphylococcus Aureus,
mostly in newborn nurseries - Outbreaks demanded an organized response for
investigation and control
- INFECTION presence and multiplication of
microorganisms in the tissue of the host which
may or may not have signs or symptoms - NORMAL FLORA bacteria that are frequently
found in everyone in specific parts of the
body - COLONIZATION presence of bacteria without
multiplication and damage to the host tissue
7The interaction between the 6 elements of the
chain determine whether an infection will result.
86 Links to the Chain of Infection
- Portal of Entry
- Susceptible Host
- Causative Agent
- Reservoir
- Portal of Exit
- Mode of Transmission
9 1 Causative Agent
- Bacteria (includes Richettsia, Chlamydia, and
Mycoplasm - Viruses
- Fungi
- Protozoa
- Helminths
10Characteristics of causative agents
- Infective dose
- Pathogenicity
- Virulence
- Invasiveness
11- Characteristics of Causative Agents (Continued.
- Host Specificity
- Viability
- Antigenic Variation
- Resistance
122 Reservoir
- Humans
- ? Patients
- ? Healthcare Workers
- Animals
- Insects
- Rodents
- Shell Fish
- Environment
- ? Patient Care Equipment
- ? Environmental Surfaces
- ? Food
15 3 Portal of Exit
The path by which the infectious organism (agent)
leaves the reservoir
16- Respiratory Tract
- ? Coughing
- ? Sneezing
- ? Talking
- ? Suctioning
17Genitourinary Tract ? Foley Catheters ?
Sexually transmitted diseases Gastrointestinal
Tract ? Feces ? Vomitus
18Skin/Mucous Membranes ? Wounds ? Skin
breaks Transplacental Blood ? Needle stick ?
Blood Transfusion
194 Mode of Transmission
- The mechanism for transfer of an infectious agent
from the reservoir to a susceptible host.
204 Modes of Transmission
- Contact (Direct and Indirect)
- Airborne
- Vector-Borne
- Common Vehicle
- DIRECT immediate transmission
- Person-to-person
- Actual physical contact between source and
- Patient to contaminated indirect object
(contaminated endoscope) - Droplets spread (large particles that rapidly
settle out on horizontal surfaces usually
within 3 feet of source)
- Organisms contained within droplet nuclei or
dust particles (i.e. droplet nuclei of
tuberculosis - Suspended in air for extended periods, may be
spread through ventilation systems
- External vector-born transmission mechanical
transfer of microbes on external appendages
(feet of flies)
25- Harbored by Vector
- Harbored by vector, but no biological
interaction between vector and agent (i.e.
yellow fever virus
265 PORTAL OF ENTRYThe path by which an
infectious agent enters the suceptible host
27- Respiratory Tract
- Genitourinary Tract
- Gastrointestinal Tract
- Skin/Mucous Membrane
- Trasplacental (fetus from mother)
- Parenteral (percutaneous, via blood
286 SUSCEPTIBLE HOSTA person or animal lacking
effective resistance to a particular pathogenic
- Historical Perspective
- 1877 - Present
30- - First published recommendations
- isolation precautions
- Birth of Infectious Disease Hospitals
- Patients with infectious disease
- process placed in separate facilities
- Aseptic techniques used to combat
- transmission of diseases
31- - isolation practices are altered by
the introduction of the Cubical system of
isolation - Replaced Infectious Disease Hospitals
- Multiple-bed wards
- Barrier Nursing introduced
32- Barrier Nursing
- ? Hospital personnel wear gowns between
patients - Handwashing between patients with antiseptic
solutions after patient contact - ? Disinfection of objects contaminated by
331950s - Infection Disease Hospitals begin to
shut down (except for TB sanitariums) 1960s -
TB Hospitals also begin to shut down. 1970 -
Centers for Disease Control publish first manual
on Isolation Techniques for Use in Hospitals
347 Categories of Isolation
- Strict Isolation
- Respiratory Isolation
- Protective Isolation
- Enteric Isolation
35- Wound and Skin Precautions
- Discharge Precautions
- Blood Precautions
- Disease were lumped into categories based on
epidemiological features of the disease (resulted
in under or over isolation) -
361980s - hospitals begin to experience new
endemic and epidemic nosocomial infection
problems caused by multi-drug resistant
organisms 1983 - CDC publishes new Isolation
37- Blood and Body Fluid Precautions
- Strict Isolation
- Contact Isolation
- Respiratory Isolation
- TB Isolation
- Enteric Isolation
- Drainage and Secretion Isolations
38- - Universal Precautions come into being
- Blood borne pathogens
- 1987 - Body Substance Isolation
391990s - HICPAC Isolation System Two tiered
system ? Standard Precautions ?
Transmission-based precautions ? Contact ?
Droplet ? Airborne
- Surgical Sites
- Respiratory
- Bone and Joint Infection
- Central Nervous System
- Gastrointestinal System
- Skin and Soft Tissue
- Blood Stream
- Urinary System (UTI)
- Cardiovascular
- Eye/Ear/Throat Mouth Infection
- Reproductive System
42Compromised Patients
Immunocompromised patients vary in their
susceptibility to nosocomial infections,
depending on the severity and duration of
immunosuppression. Use of the two tiered system
essential to break the Chain of Infection.
433 Major Modes of Transmission in the Healthcare
- Puncture Wounds
- Skin Contact
- Mucous Membranes (eye/mouth/nose)
44Bloodborne Pathogens
- Hepatitis B Virus
- Hepatitis C Virus
- Human Immunodeficiency Virus
45Role of the Infection Control Nurse/Practioner
- Surveillance
- Track/Trend types of infections
- Education of staff