Title: IEEE Membership Its Mission
1IEEE Membership Its
Mission Its Benefits The OrganizationIEEE
Section Management Orientation
- Parviz Famouri
- Professor
- West Virginia University
- West Virginia Section Meeting
- Charleston, WV
- July 15, 2009
- To advance global prosperity by fostering
technological innovation, enabling members'
careers and promoting community worldwide -
3IEEE Mission.
- Foster Technological Innovation And Excellence
For The Benefit Of Humanity
4Todays Discussion
- Benefits of IEEE Membership
- Special Interest Memberships
- IEEEthe Organization
- IEEE Section Management Orientation
5Benefits of IEEE Membership
6Why we joinwhy we stay
- Knowledge ...
- staying current with the fast changing world of
technology - Community
- local and global activities, unparalleled
networking opportunities, members-only discounts,
electing IEEE leadership - Profession
- empowering members to build and own their
careers, mentoring, making the world a better
7Staying Technically Current
- IEEE Spectrum Magazine
- Monthly, the award-winning IEEE Spectrum magazine
explores the creation, application and
implications of new technologies - IEEE.tv
- IEEEs Internet television, exclusive Member
programming and file downloading privileges - The Institute Newsletter
- Monthly (4 print, 8 online) newsworthy IEEE
activities both in professional and technical
areas - IEEE Potentials Magazine
- 6 issues (online), the magazine for technology's
rising, student innovators - IEEE Xplore Digital Library
- Table-of-contents and abstracts (1.9 million
documents) - Additional Benefits (add-ons)
- IEEE Member Digital Library, Proceedings of the
8Professional Networking
- Sections, Student Branches, and Technical
Chapters - Local, face-to-face technical and social meetings
- Engage peers through informative technical
meetings - Recognition of accomplishments
- IEEE MemberNet
- Authoritative member directory of IEEE
- Networks personalized to each member
- Opt-in privacy protection
- IEEE e-Mail Alias
- Identifies you as the IEEE family
- Virus protection and spam filtering
- IEEE Mentoring Connection
- Peer-to-peer advice and counsel
- Participate as either mentor or mentee
- Volunteering
9Member Discounts / Reduced Rates
- Membership paying for itself
- As much as 50 off IEEE products
- Registration discounts on 350 conferences
annually - Additional Benefits (add-ons) the power of
volume purchasing - Financial Services
- Insurance Services
- Home Office Services
- Travel Services
Benefits vary by country
10Career Development Recognition
- IEEE Job Site, Career Alert
- Locate career opportunities easily and
confidentially - Weekly email newsletter containing career advice
- Continuing Education Partners Program
- Up to a 10 discount on online degree programs
- Graduates of the Last Decade (GOLD), Life
Membership - Membership communities with special interests and
needs - Awards Scholarships
- Recognizes the accomplishments of IEEE members
- Enhance your resume with an IEEE scholarship
- Additional Benefits (add-ons)
- IEEE Expert Now Online video conference
tutorials, short courses workshops
11Volunteering Giving Back to Society
- Volunteering
- Developing critical, non-technical skills that
enable you to be more effective professionally - Commitment to the Next Generation
- Enabling low-cost student membership
- Introduction of engineering and technology to
young people worldwide - IEEE Global History Network
- Sponsor of the IEEE Virtual Museum
- Preservation, research, and dissemination of
information about the history of electrical
science and technology - Technological and organizational history of IEEE,
its members, and their professions, in order to
increase awareness - Role of engineering and technology in the
improvement of the quality of life for people
throughout the world - Mentoring
- Numerous venues for serving as a trusted advisor
- Participation in IEEE Mentoring Connection
12Bringing it all together myIEEE
- One-stop and personalized access to membership
benefits - Connect with your local IEEE Section
- Desktop navigation w/personalized benefit access
- Society memberships and conference updates
- Latest news from IEEE Spectrum, IEEE Standards,
and The institute - IEEE.tv internet television
- MemberNet online membership directory
- Direct and seamless access into membership
account - Real-time job listings from the IEEE Job Site
13Special Interest Memberships
14Society Membership
- IEEE Society membership enhances the benefits of
IEEE membership - 38 Societies representing a full spectrum of
technical interests - Local technical chapters
- Subscriptions and online content
- Local technical chapters
- Networking w/innovators, experts, and
practitioners - Members-only rates on additional publications
- Volunteering opportunities
- Technical committees
- Journal editors
- Conference organizers
15Society Membership
- Instrumentation Measurement
- Intelligent Transportation Systems
- Lasers Electro-Optics
- Magnetics
- Microwave Theory Techniques
- Nuclear Plasma Sciences
- Oceanic Engineering
- Power Electronics
- Power Engineering
- Product Safety Engineering
- Professional Communication
- Reliability
- Robotics Automation
- Signal Processing
- Society on Social Implications of Technology
- Solid-State Circuits
- Systems, Man, Cybernetics
- Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, Frequency Control
- Vehicular Technology
- Aerospace Electronic Systems
- Antennas Propagation
- Broadcast Technology
- Circuits Systems
- Communications
- Components, Packaging, Manufacturing Technology
- Computer
- Computational Intelligence (formerly Neural
Networks) - Consumer Electronics
- Control Systems
- Dielectrics Electrical Insulation
- Education
- Electromagnetic Compatibility
- Electron Devices
- Engineering in Medicine Biology
- Geoscience Remote Sensing
- Industrial Electronics
- Industry Applications
- Information Theory
16IEEE Standards Association
- A standards program that serves the global needs
of industry, government, and the public - Individual Membership
- Unlimited balloting
- IEEE-SA news
- IEEE-SA Member Central
- Member discounts
- Voting Rights, IEEE-SA governance
- Corporate Membership
- Corporate Forum
- Corporate Advisory Group
- Online Community
- Complimentary Individual memberships
- Voting Rights, IEEE-SA governance
17IEEE Women in Engineering
- Facilitating the development of programs and
activities that promote the entry into and
retention of women in engineering programs - 90 local groups worldwide
- RECOGNIZES women's outstanding achievements in
electrical and electronics engineering through
IEEE Awards nominations. - ORGANIZES receptions at major technical
conferences to enhance networking and to promote
membership in WIE. - ADVOCATES women in leadership roles in IEEE
governance and career advancement for women in
the profession. - PROVIDES assistance with the formation of new WIE
Affinity Groups and supports ongoing activities. - PROMOTES IEEE Member Grade advancement for women
to the grades of Senior Member and Fellow. - FACILITATES the development of programs and
activities that promote the entry into and
retention of women in engineering programs.
18IEEE the Organization
- From every work sector
- 50 work for private industry
- 20 in academia
- 10 in government
- 20 other (retired, self-employed, unemployed,
- About 384,000 members in over 150 countries
- over 40 percent are from outside the United
States - 85,000 student members
- 27,000 society affiliates
- 300 sections, ,400 technical chapters
- 1,300 student branches in 80 countries
- 300 student branch chapters
- 38 societies and 6 technical councils
384,400 !
20Membership by Region
R7 16,259
R10 73,662
R1 to 6 209,857
R1 37,050 R2 32,137 R3 30,557 R4
23,204 R5 28,765 R6 58,144
R8 67,221
R9 15,401
Reflecting the global nature of IEEE, R8 and R10
are now the two largest IEEE Regions
21IEEE Publishing Conferences
- Providing researchers and practitioners worldwide
with the most essential information in technology
today - IEEE/IEE Electronic Library (IEL)
- 30 of worlds current literature in electrical
engineering and computer science - More than 1.8 Million documents available
- IEEE Xplore
- Provides full-text access to
- IEEE journals, transactions, letters, and
magazines from 1988 with select content back to
1913 - IEEE conference proceedings from 1988 with select
content back to 1953 - IEEE standards from 1948 IEEE books from 1974
- IET journals, letters, and magazines from 1988
IET conference proceedings from 1988
- Over 350,000 Participants at more than 400
meetings conferences worldwide - Region Conferences
- International Conferences
- Symposiums
- Workshops
- Tutorials
22IEEE Educational Activities
- Ensuring the growth of skill and knowledge among
the technical profession - IEEE Expert Now
- Selects the best IEEE educational courses and
tutorials from conferences and workshops around
the world - Delivered in a series of engaging and highly
interactive, one-hour online learning courses - Developed by recognized experts in a wide range
of engineering and research technologies - IEEE Education Partners Program
- Offers an exclusive 10 discount to IEEE members,
for the following offerings - On-line degree programs
- Continuing Education
- Certifications
- IEEE Standards Education
- Helps electrical and computer engineering
undergraduate programs incorporate standards in
their learning processes - Provides learning tools to use in learning about
standards and their impact on design and
development - TryEngineering.org
- Partnership between IEEE and IBM
- Intended for pre-university students, parents,
teachers, school counselors, and the general
public - Visitors can explore how to prepare for an
engineering career, ask experts
engineering-related questions, and play
interactive games
23Making the World a Better Place
- Advancing global prosperity by fostering
technological innovation, enabling members'
careers and promoting community worldwide - GEOSS
- Linking millions of established national,
regional and international sources and datasets
into a single network capable of tracking
environmental changes in oceans, earth,
atmosphere and ecosystems around the world - Benefits to society include disaster reduction,
health, energy, climate, weather, water and
agriculture, among others. - IEEE is supporting the development of the GEOSS
plan through its Committee on Earth Observation
- Networking Nigeria
- Construction of new computer center, University
of Ibadan - Donations from the IEEE, the IEEE Foundation, and
the Hewlett-Packard Foundation - Windpower Symposium
- Sponsored by IEEE-USA, 4 IEEE Societies (IAS,
PES, PELS, SSIT) and AWEA, UWIG, NERC - 170 attendees and invited speakers from
government, industry and academia
24In Summary
25IEEE Membership Its benefits, its mission, the
- Benefits of IEEE Membership
- Keeps you technically current
- Grows your professional network locally and
internationally - Access to in-person technical forums
- Members-only discountsIEEE products,
conferences, and insurance coverage - Provides tools for career development and
advancement - Developing critical, non-technical skills to be
more effective - Opportunities to volunteer, and give back to
society - Special Interest Memberships
- Expands the scope and depth of your technical
knowledge - Extends your professional network
- Influence the direction and application of
technology through standards development - Promotes the entry into and retention of women in
engineering programs
- IEEEthe Organization
- The worlds largest technical professional
association, 375,000 members - Local activities in a global network
- World-renowned standards body
- Sponsors 400 conferences annually
- Publisher of 1/3 of the worlds literature on
electro-technology - Making the world a better place
- 125 years of engineering the future
26IEEE Section Management Orientation
- Overview of IEEE
- Geographic Structure
- Section Governance
- Officer Roles
- Section Operations
- Required Reporting
- Elections
28The Envisioned Future. . .
- Be essential to the global technical community
and to technical professionals everywhere, and be
universally recognized for the contributions of
technology and of technical professionals in
improving global conditions.
29IEEE -- Fostering Technological Innovation And
Excellence. . . Core Values
- Service to humanity
- Global focus
- Trust and respect
- Growth and nurturing of the profession
- Collaboration and community building
- Professionalism
- Intellectual activity
- Peer-reviewed
30IEEE -- Fostering Technological Innovation And
Excellence. . . Core Values
- Service to humanity leveraging technology and
engineering to benefit human welfare promoting
public awareness and understanding of the
engineering profession. - Global focus supporting and embracing the global
nature of and need for technical work and
engineering solutions. - Trust and respect promoting a culture where
contributions at all levels are valued
encouraging member driven, volunteer-led,
knowledge-based projects building effective
volunteer/staff partnerships.
31IEEE -- Fostering Technological Innovation And
Excellence. . . Core Values
- Growth and nurturing of the profession
encouraging education as a fundamental activity
of engineers, scientists, and technologists at
all levels and at all times ensuring a pipeline
of students to preserve the profession. - Collaboration and community building cultivating
active, vibrant, and honest exchange among
cross-disciplinary and interdisciplinary global
communities of technical professionals.
32IEEE -- Fostering Technological Innovation And
Excellence. . . Core Values
- Professionalism creating a world in which
engineers and scientists are respected for their
exemplary ethical behavior and volunteerism. - Intellectual activity forward-thinking
nurturing new and existing science and
technology. - Peer-reviewed using unbiased information to
enhance the quality of life for all people.
33Fostering Technological Innovation And Excellence
Then and Now
- AIEE (1884) American Institute of Electrical
Engineers - Founded by American industrialists to develop a
skilled workforce prepare standards for U.S.
electrical industries - IRE (1912) Institute of Radio Engineers
- Founded by radio electronics pioneers
- Did not feel fully at home in electric
power-oriented AIEE - Differed from the AIEE - positioned at inception
to be global - IEEE (1963) Institute of Electrical and
Electronics Engineers from AIEE IRE
34Fostering Technological Innovation And Excellence
Then and Now
- IEEE -- Worlds largest professional society
dedicated to the advancement of technology - Over 375,000 members
- Membership includes nearly 80,000 students
- Live work in over 160 countries
- Annually sponsors more than 850 conferences
worldwide - Publishes over 30 of the worlds literature in
electrical and electronics engineering and
computing - Offers over 900 active industry standards
35IEEE Organization
- Grouped into geographic areas reflecting where we
live and work - 10 Geographic Regions
- 325 Sections within Regions
- Over 1,700 Student Branches
- and technical areas based on our fields and
interests. - 38 Societies and 6 Technical Councils
- Over 1,700 Chapters
36IEEE Organization
Board of Directors
Standards Assoc.
Educational Act.
Technical Act.
Executive Director Staff
Regions Sections
Societies Tech. Councils
37Geographic Structure
38Geographic Unit Relationships
- Regions oversee Sections
- Sections oversee Subsections, Chapters, Student
Branches and Affinity Groups - Councils are comprised of Sections, and exist at
the pleasure of the member Sections - Some Councils (but not all) have Chapters and
Affinity Groups, and therefore oversee them
39Geographic Unit Relationships
- Affinity Group Parents also oversee Affinity
Groups - Women In Engineering (WIE)
- Consultants Networks
- Graduates Of the Last Decade (GOLD)
- Life Members
- Student Branches oversee Student Branch Chapters
and Affinity Groups - Societies also oversee Chapters and Student
Branch Chapters
40Geographic Technical Unit Relationship
Geographic Unit Structure
Technical Activities Board
Parents - WIE, Consultants, GOLD, LMC
IEEE Societies
41Section Governance
42Why do we have Sections?
- Serve as the local IEEE presence for IEEE
members. - Ideal vehicles for informative local technical
professional meetings and for networking. - Meetings are one of the most visible valuable
ways in which Sections, Chapters, and Affinity
Groups serve their members. - Successful meetings help to achieve the goals of
education professional advancement that are
basic to all IEEE Units. - Provides a uniform way to manage IEEE business
maintain a healthy environment for membership
retention and growth.
43Section Mission
- Inspire, Enable, Empower and Engage Members of
IEEE at the local level. -
- For the purpose of
- Fulfilling the mission of IEEE
- Enhancing the members growth and development
throughout their life cycle - Providing a professional home
44Section Goals
- Increase member engagement
- Improve relationships with and among members
- Increase operational efficient and effectiveness,
within the section and its interfaces - Enhance collaboration serve as the local face
of IEEE to community - Increase membership
- Ensure the collection of appropriate information
necessary to all the IEEE to become a data driven
Section can also have specific project goals
which meet their local needs.
45Role of the Section Executive Committee
- Oversee the management of the Section, and in so
doing, serve the best interests of the IEEE, its
members and the public - Ensure that the Section (including Section
Technical Chapters and Section Affinity Groups)
are conducting activities on a regular basis and
this information is being report to IEEE MGA
46Officer Roles
47Section Chair
- Chief Operating Officer of the Section
- Responsible for ensuring that the Section
(including Section Technical Chapters and Section
Affinity Groups) are fulfilling the Section
Mission and Goals. - Serves as a Chair of the IEEE Section Executive
Committee - Preside at meetings of the Section Executive
Committee - Represent the Section at IEEE gatherings
- Represent the Section at Regional Committee
Meetings and vote on issues on the basis of the
best interest of IEEE
48Section Vice Chair
- An integral position within the Section.
- Involved in a variety of functions within the
Section and, in many cases, will be elected to
serve as the Section Chair. - If the Section Chair is unable to perform their
duties, the Vice Chair will be responsible for
ensuring that the tasks are completed. - Serves as a Member of the IEEE Section Executive
Committee - In the absence of the Section Chair, preside at
meetings of the Section and the Section Executive
49Section Secretary
- Acts as the gateway between the Section members
and the IEEE. - Accountability and ownership of the records and
correspondence of the Section including meeting
records, reporting officer changes and submitting
reports of committee activities. - The steward of the Sections history and future,
bringing critical data to enable decision making
by the Executive Committee and deliver real value
to members that keeps the Section engaged,
relevant and sustainable in the long term. - Member of the Section Executive Committee
50Section Treasurer
- Chief financial officer for the Section
- Responsible for ensuring that the Section
(including Section Technical Chapters and Section
Affinity Groups) is in compliance with IEEE
Financial Policies and local regulations. - Serve as Member of Section Executive Committee
- Section Finance Committee Chair (if applicable)
51Additional Positions within the Section (Optional)
- Awards Recognition Chair
- Educational Activities Chair
- Electronic Communications Chair
- Membership Development Chair
- Professional/Career Activities Chair
- Student Activities Chair
- Technical Chapter Chair
- Affinity Group Chair
52Section Operations
53Section Operations
- All Sections are required to operate according to
the MGA Operations Manual - http//www.ieee.org/web/volunteers/mga/home/mga-op
sman.html - Sections are allowed to have an addendum or
separate governance document
54Section Operations, part 2
- Documents containing exceptions to MGA Operations
Manual - Request Region Director to present request for
exception to MGA - Additions or changes not in conflict with MGA
Operations Manual - Region Director to approve
55Section Operations Manual
- Provide logistical information for management of
Section - Vendors or venues used
- Handling of reimbursements
- Officer transition
- Newsletter web page management
- And more . . .
- MGA Staff have examples available
56Required Reporting
57Required Reporting
- To receive funding from MGA, units must submit
- Financial Report (L-50)
- Officer Report
- Meeting Reports (all units)
- Section, Subsection, Technical Chapters
Affinity Groups - All financial activity officers should be
reported through the Section, including that of
subunits - 10 bonus if all reporting submitted no later
than end of third week in February - Unless these reports are received by 31 March
(Pending Region Director approval) of the current
year, the Section may not receive the current
annual rebate payment.
58Officer Confirmation Reports
- Report officers annually, even if no changes
- Officers
- IEEE member in good standing
- Eligible Membership grades Graduate Student
Member, Member, Senior Member, Fellow - Not eligible -- Associate Members, Student
Members, Affiliates - Must reside in the geographic area
- Chapter Officers - Must be a member of the IEEE
the Chapter's Society (Joint Chapters--membership
in only 1 of the Chapters Societies required) - Report online at www.ieee.org/officer_report
59Meeting Reports
- Submit electronically (www.ieee.org/L31)
- Can be submitted at any time but the unit will
not receive credit for meetings reported after
their rebate has been distributed - Report all Meetings
- Categories
- Technical (Educational Topics, Tutorials)
- Non-Technical (Professional/Career, Social)
- Administrative (ExCom Meetings)
60Chapter/Affinity Group Meetings
- Meetings held by a Chapter or Affinity Group, or
Joint Chapter or Affinity Group, of a Section may
be counted by the Section - Each unit submit a report both get credit for
the meeting - Joint Chapter meetings (where the Chapter is
joint with two or more Sections) will be credited
to the administrative (parent) Section
61Meeting Requirements
- Sections Subsections
- Host 5 meetings (technical, educational,
professional, or administrative) (Bonus for 10) - Subsections
- Host 5 meetings (technical, educational,
professional, or administrative) (Bonus for 10) - Chapter
- Host 2 technical or professional meetings (Bonus
for 6) - Affinity Groups
- Host 2 professional or technical meetings (Bonus
for 6) - See Rebate Schedule for details/conditions
63Nominating Committee
- Appointed by Section Chair with agreement of the
section Executive Committee (ExCom) - Most recent past Section Chair is usually
appointed to serve as Chair - 3-4 members is ideal
- No officers
- No potential candidates
64Tellers Committee
- 3-4 Members
- No officers
- No candidates
- Maintain confidentiality
- Appointed by Section Chair with ExCom approval
65Call for Nominations
- Send 6 months prior to election
- Include reference to all elected offices
- Explain requirements
- IEEE member in good standing
- Member, Senior Member or Fellow grade
- Provide job description
- Communicate slate of candidates to voting members
of Section 6 weeks prior to election
66Determining a Slate of Candidates
- Identify potential candidates
- Nominations received
- Chapter officers
- Affinity Group officers
- Newly elevated Students
- Members recently relocated to the Section
- Confirm candidate is willing to serve if elected
- Two candidates per office, if possible
67Petition Candidates
- Announcement of slate must also include call for
petition candidates - Petition must be signed by 1 of the Sections
voting membership (but no more than 25 signatures
shall be required) - Petitions verified by Nominating Committee
68Before the Elections
- Candidate position statements
- All must be permitted to submit
- Publish on Section web page
- No Section expenditures permitted in support of
any candidate
- Ballot
- Includes final slate of candidates
- Must be made available to all members
- Web-based balloting acceptable, but
- Need to verify that only eligible members are
voting - Ballot return deadline
70And the Winner is . . .
- Tellers Committee Chair reports results to the
Section ExCom - Announce the results in the Section newsletter
- Provide officer list to IEEE via the form at
www.ieee.org/officer_report (As soon as possible) - Schedule a transition meeting between newly
elected and incumbent officers - Prepare to honor the outgoing officers
71Thank you! Questions ?
- Contact me at p.famouri_at_ieee.org
- IEEE Member Geographic Activities Department
via email sec-chap-support_at_ieee.org