Title: Virgilio Martins
1JESSICA - Joint European Support for Sustainable
Investment in City Areas
Virgilio Martins Unit REGIO D3 - Financial
Engineering Directorate-General Regional Policy
- Increased investment needs while public
resources are scarce
- Growing emphasis on the need for an
Integrated Urban Development Policy
3JESSICA Background
- Memorandum of Understanding signed on 30 May 2006
A Coordinated Approachto the Financing of
Urban Renewal and Development for the
Programming Period 2007-2013 of the Community
Structural Funds
- European Commission EIB European
Investment Bank CEB Council of Europe
Development Bank
Commission, EIB and CEB
Member States, Regions, CitiesEIB, CEB, Banks,
5JESSICA in Operation
Operational Programme
Holding Fund for Urban Investment EIB or other
Financial Institution Contributions to the
holding fund from OP, Urban Authority, EIB,
IFIs, etc.
Urban Dev. Funds, owned and managed by MS or
regions, municipal enterprises, banks, investors
UDF supports PROJECTS for sustainable urban
development Participations in PPPs, equity,
loans, guarantees
6JESSICA Main Messages
- Best Use of available resources
- Simplification of management
7Implementing JESSICA 1
- JESSICA is a new joint initiative of the
Commission, EIB and CEB to be implemented for
the first time in the period 2007 - 2013
- Operational Programmes should include provisions
suitable to take full advantage of the
possibilities offered by JESSICA Over 100 OPs
make specific reference to JESSICA
- EIB sets up dedicated JESSICA Task Force in 2007
8Implementing JESSICA 2
- Preliminary Evaluation Study Carried out in
2006 and early 2007 by the EIB with the
support of the CEB - General Overview
(estimate potential demand for JESSICA and
examine existing structures regarding Urban
Development investment) - Case Studies (UK,
Italy, The Netherlands, Spain, Poland, Hungary)
- Specific Evaluation Studies whenever required
are offered to Member States Already or
about to be launched Bulgaria, Cyprus and
Greece Other Specific Reports France,
Italy, UK, Germany, Spain
9Implementing JESSICA 3
- Kick-off Meetings in all interested Member
States Already organised in 16 MS (Bulgaria,
Cyprus, Czech Republic, France, Germany,
Greece, Hungary, Italy, Lithuania, Poland,
Slovakia, Sweden, United Kingdom, Spain,
Slovenia and Luxembourg) One more in the
very short term Portugal Others in
preparation Romania, Finland, Malta
- Provide preliminary indications about the
development of JESSICA
- Gather information about specific conditions in
Member States, existing structures and
experiences in the Urban Development area
- Preliminary contacts as well as Follow-up
meetings are taking place with Member States
and Regions
10JESSICA Other relevant developments 1
- United Kingdom London region in advanced
discussions with the EIB to implement
JESSICA. East Midlands, West Midlands and
Yorkshire met DG REGIO and the EIB and
expressed their interest in JESSICA. Other
regions also interested.
- Greece MoU with EIB as JESSICA Holding Fund is
expected to be signed soon.
- Germany MoU signed between the EIB and the
region of Saxony The EIB and the Land
Brandenburg analyse the possibility of
implementing a model similar to Saxony. In
Berlin the EIB is launching a study on the
practical way to implement JESSICA
Discussions are also taking place with North
11JESSICA Other relevant developments 2
- France EIB is commissioning a Country Report on
the application of JESSICA in France.
Discussions with the authorities will follow on a
possible implementation scheme.
- Italy A coordination committee established for
the northern regions. Possibilities for
centre and southern regions are also under
- Poland Several regions have shown interest in
the initiative such as Wroclaw, Poznan and
possibly Warsaw. Additionally, the
Wielkopolska region has requested the
organisation of a meeting.
- Bulgaria and Cyprus Holding discussions with
EIB in view of MoU
12Thank you for your attention!
- For Further Information http//jessica.europa.
- mail REGIO-FINANCIAL-ENGINEERING_at_ec.europa.eu
Unit REGIO D3 - Financial Engineering Directorate
-General Regional Policy