Postwar America - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Postwar America


After WWII, America entered into a period of unrivaled economic prosperity. ... Getting him censured on tv & banned from some variety shows, i.e Ed Sullivan. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Postwar America

Post-war America
  • Society Culture

Land of Prosperity
  • After WWII, America entered into a period of
    unrivaled economic prosperity.
  • The Gross National Product (GNP) practically
    doubled from 1945 1960.
  • Pres. Eisenhower stated that Never again shall
    we allow a depression in the United States.
  • The massive build-up for WWII caused America to
    break out of the Great Depression.

  • The military budget after 1945 was the single
    most important stimulant to the post-war economy.
  • Much of Europe was destroyed now relied on
    American manufacturing for all their needs.
  • This increase in productivity trickled down into
    every aspect of American manufacturing.
  • Also, the American people had restricted
    purchases since 1929, now they are in a spending
    buying frenzy. (cars houses)

  • The Veterans Administration was created from the
    Servicemans Readjustment Act of 1944 (GI Bill of
    Rights) over 8 million used this from
  • This also helped the economy because these men
    are now back in the role of a consumer, going to
    college or tech. schools, purchasing cars,
    houses, motorcycles, starting families, etc.
  • The educational aspect alone was substantial. By
    1949/1950 America had the worlds best educated

  • Not all veterans would be able to go to college,
    black veterans found it very difficult to gain
    admission to college, even at historically black
  • They were generally too small to accommodate the
    large number of applicants since most were
    located in the south, there was very little
    funding to build new schools or even to add on.
  • But the blacks did enjoy some of the prosperity.
    Most black families were making at least 4 times
    more than they were in 1940.

Womens Role
  • The role of women in the 1950s was basically
    that of pre-WWI.
  • The American Ideal, Norman Rockwell vision of
    America can to be the norm.
  • The ideal middle-class woman, a 32 yr. old,
    pretty popular, suburban housewife, mother of
    4, married at 16. An excellent wife, mother,
    volunteer home manager, who made her own
    clothes, hosted dozens of dinner parties each
    year, sang in the church choir, worked with the
    PTA Campfire Girls was devoted to her
    husband. Life Magazine 1956

  • Almost a vision of the Stepford Wives.
  • Society told women that the returning men were
    the head of the households the breadwinner.
    Her place was that of support and obedience.
  • Thus she had more time to devote to charity
    organizations social clubs, Tupperware parties
    networking with other wives mothers in the
    neighborhood. Thus creating an environment of
    maternal care across America.
  • the womans place is in the home?!?

  • With the return of the troops from the war, the
    population increased by 97 from 1950 1960.
  • More folks were moving to the cities leaving
    the farm due to lack of work.
  • Causing the cities to bulge at the seams,
    making it difficult to find housing.
  • William Levitt, a NY developer, led the charge
    for suburban expansion.
  • He built efficient, affordable housing outside of
    the cities during the war made a killing.

  • Because of the growth of the suburbs, public
    services had to keep up with the times.
  • As did most of America, i.e., consumer goods,
    cars, tv, radio, a/c, etc.
  • This led to the development of more better
    roads, highways, interstates, etc.
  • From 19471956 over 42,000 miles of additional
    roads were built across America.
  • These improvements led to more and better
    schools, and increased racial tension.

America, the Community
  • Suburban growth also caused the rise of social
  • An increase in religious activity, to a point
    that some say could rival the Great Awakenings.
  • To bring America back to the recognition of the
    Supreme Being, Recognition of the Supreme
    Being were some of Pres. Eisenhowers top
  • More churches larger congregations.
  • All mixed with Patriotism in the background.

  • This came to the forefront in 1954, when one
    nation under God was added to the Pledge of
    Allegiance and In God we trust was made
    mandatory on all US money.
  • Many churches preachers changed their approach
    to religion sermons.
  • Fewer Hellfire Brimstone sermons, and more
    charismatic, pleasant sermons.
  • They tried to lessen the guilt of the
    congregation make them more comfortable in
    their daily life.
  • Because many felt there were enough problems in
    society, no need to burden the congregation and
    make them feel bad.

  • The Protestant Council of New York told its radio
    tv audience that they should project love,
    joy, courage, hope, faith, trust in God,
    goodwill. Generally avoid condemnation,
    criticism, controversy. In a very real sense we
    are selling religion, the good news of the
  • This was reflected in some of the big name
    preachers of the day, Reverends Billy Graham
    Norman Vincent Peale.
  • The Rev. Dr. William (Billy) Franklin Graham, Jr.
    is best known for his evangelistic crusades,
    which he began in 1947.
  • One of the most prominent Southern Baptist
    ministers in America.

  • These very popular events are packed with people,
    generally numbering in the thousands and
    broadcast to millions around the world.
  • An army of up to 5,000 people would sing in the
    choir and then he preaches the gospel, inviting
    people to come forward and accept Jesus Christ.
  • Those that do come forward are called inquirers.
  • They are given the opportunity to speak
    one-on-one with a counselor who answers any
    questions the inquirer may have prays with that
  • Rev. Billy Graham has done over forty-one (41)
    major crusades since 1948.

  • Norman Vincent Peale was a Christian preacher,
    noted author a progenitor of the theory of
    Positive Thinking".
  • Raised as a Methodist and an ordained Methodist
    minister in 1922.
  • Peale changed his religious affiliation to the
    Reformed Church in America in 1932 and began a 52
    yr. tenure as pastor of Marble Collegiate Church
    in Manhattan.
  • A prolific author, he wrote 46 "inspirational"
    books, of which The Power of Positive Thinking
    remains by far his most widely read work.

  • Also known for many organizations that promoted
    the power of positive thinking, i.e. the Peale
    Center, the Positive Thinking Foundation and
    Guideposts Magazine Publications.
  • For 54 years (1935 to 1989), Peale hosted a
    weekly radio program The Art of Living.
  • Both men have a major impact on religion in
  • Rev. Peale was considered the best salesman of
    this gospel of reassuring the good news..
  • Both had Masonic backgrounds, but Rev. Peale was
    open to the public about it, a 33rd Mason.
  • Rev. Graham was not. (many suspect because of
    the Southern Bapt. stance on Freemasonry)

  • Another religious philosophy of the 1950s was
  • Reinhold Niebuhr, a preacher pastor at Union
    Theological Seminary in New York, was the most
    prominent advocator of this movement.
  • Neo-orthodoxy basically stated that the new
    feel-good about yourself religion that had
    taken over was shallow misleading. That it was
    an excuse not to give your life to God.
  • Niebuhr believed that spiritual peace does not
    come from cheap comfort, but from pain caused
    by love responsibility for the betterment of
    the human race.

Youth Gone Wild
  • The 1950s will be the 1st ear in American
    history that the teen-age subculture will emerge.
  • The prosperity had made its way down to the
    pockets of teenagers, who will become a major
    consumer market from this time forward.
  • Books, music, movies, magazines, etc., are all
    targeting teenagers.
  • Even the car manufacturers began targeting the
    teen market

  • Juvenile criminals were rapidly on the rise in
    the 1950s.
  • By 1956, over 1 million teenagers were arrested
    for committing felonies.
  • Car theft was the main one, but rape, murder,
    assaults, robbery, etc.
  • Urbanization was being blamed, but that did not
    explain the growing number of middle-class teen
  • Many blamed cars, since now teens could escape
    the watchful eye of their parents.

  • But most critics blamed a new form of music
    called Rock n Roll.
  • A Cleveland disk jockey, Alan Freed, was the 1st
    to use the term in 1951.
  • He noticed the white teens buying RB records,
    generally associated with black teens other
  • Knowing that parents would not agree to their
    child listening to race music, he called it
    Rock n Roll ( a term used in the black
    communities for dancing sex.)
  • This worked gave rise to minority musicians
    such as Ray Charles, Little Richard, Chuck Berry,
    Ritchie Valens, et al.

  • But the most popular, most famous infamous
    musician was Elvis Presley.
  • Many of his early hits were actually songs
    music performed by black artists on the Miss.
  • He became the King of Rock n Roll, a movie
    star, tv personality.
  • He defined the culture by wearing his jeans
    tight, and sexually suggestive dancing. Getting
    him censured on tv banned from some variety
    shows, i.e Ed Sullivan.

  • Many urged parents that rock n roll was the
    devils music.
  • Many claimed it was the work of communists trying
    to corrupt the youth of America.
  • But it would become the most expressive way for
    the youth to revolt against the Man.
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