Title: Real-Time qRT-PCR
1Real-Time qRT-PCR
- Sample Preparation, Quality Control,
Troubleshooting, and PCR Arrays
2Real-Time qRT-PCR Applications
- Gene expression
- Biallelic discrimination
- Pathogen detection
- Viral quantitation
- miRNA quantitation
- Methylation detection
- Copy number analysis
3ADVANTAGES -measurement taken in real time (log
phase), NOT endpoint -Highly sensitive
method -uses very little sample -increased
specificity (dual-labeled probe
assays) -increased sensitivity
4Real-Time Quantitative PCRMeasurement in log
phase vs. endpoint
Sample A
Sample B
Sample A Ct25.2 Sample B Ct26.5
5Steps of qRT-PCR
Experimental Design Primer/Probe Design
Cells Tissue
RNA Extraction RNA
Quantification Spectrophotometer/Fluorimete
r RNA Assessment cDNA
reaction PCR rxn Raw
data analysis Export analyzed data
into excel
DNase 1 treatment
Agarose gel/Bioanalyzer/ Experion
100ng to 2ug total RNA
Reverse transcription primer
Primers (and probe)
Set baseline and threshold
Apply Std curve or Comp. Ct method
6Ten Most Common Pitfalls in Real-Time qRT-PCR
- Poor primer and probe design
- Quality of RNA
- Master mixes
- Introducing cross contamination
- Not using an (-)RT
- Using an inappropriate normalizer (endogenous
ctrl) - Not performing Melting curve with SYBR green
- Not setting baseline and threshold properly
- Efficiency of reaction is poor
- Using inappropriate range for standard curve
Ambion Technotes www.ambion.com/techlib/tn/102/17
7Experimental Design Critical
- Consultation with Computational Biologist and
Microarray staff - number of samples (statistical relevant)
- Biological replicates
- Experimental replicates
- Technical replicates
- Pooling of samples
- Proper controls are implemented
8Assay Type Considerations
- Sample type (source, sample size)
- Development time
- Multiplex/Duplex
- Turnaround time, speed
- Specificity
- Cost
- Canned Assays
- SYBR Green or Dual-labeled probe
9Primers and Probe Design/ Choices
- Many companies sell predesigned assays (assays
off-the-shelf), i.e., ABI, Qiagen, - RT2 Profiler PCR Array( SuperArray), Roche
Universal Probe Library - -custom design
-Software packages commonly used for primer and
probe design -Freeware -Primer 3
w.cgi -Vector NTI Invitrogen website
(academics only, free trial commercial) -RealT
imeDesign www.biosearchtech.com/products/probe_de
sign.asp -Sigma-Genosys http//orders.sigma-ge
nosys.eu.com/probedesign/ -Other software for
design -Primer Express (ABI) -Beacon
Designer (Premier Biosoft) -Oligo
(MBI) -SciTools (IDT) -Oligo Analyzer
10qRT-PCR Probe and Primer Database
This resource is a collaborative effort of the
NCI-Frederick Gene Expression Lab and the CGAP
Genetic Annotation Initative. Over 3,000 sets
for Human and Mouse http//medgen.ugent.be/
rtprimerdb Provided by Ghent University in
Belgium, Currently 3,600 sets for 2,211 genes.
Many Species
11Got Genomic DNA?
Qiagen QuantiTect PCR Handbook, October 2004
12Primer and Probe Design can impact the qRT-PCR in
terms of
- PCR efficiencies
- Specific PCR products
- No co-amplification of genomic DNA
- No amplification of pseudogenes
- Most sensitive results
Eurogentec www.bioscience-events.com/leipzig/Spa
13Different Sample Types or applications may
require different handling procedures
-Cell Culture -Whole blood
-Tissue -ensure only tissue desired is
present -Flash Freeze immediately -Into
RNAlater or RNA Ice -FFPE for LCM -Picture
before and after capturing
14Effect of Tissue Handling on Gene Expression
Analysis cont
A. Almeida, et. Al., Analytical Biochemistry 328
101-108, 2004
15Effect on mRNA levels (expression) Detected for
six Targets
A. Almeida, et. Al., Analytical Biochemistry 328
101-108, 2004
- Extraction Recommendations
- Quantitative and Qualitative Considerations
17RNA Extraction
-Trizol works well for tissue, followed by column
purification -Higher recovery for tissue, lower
purity (?) -Lose up to 50 in column, but
increased purity -DNase I treatment on
column -Have utilized novel abrasives for
difficult tissues -Columns work well for cell
culture or Whole Blood -silica-gel based, i.e.,
Qiagen RNeasy -Columns (micro) have worked well
for LCM -miRNA Trizol or miRNA specific kits,
i.e., miRVANA, miRACLE,
18RNA Quantification prior to cDNA
Reaction Quality Control Checks
- -start with same concentration of RNA/sample (100
ng to 2 ug) - -260/280 ratios between 1.8-2.1
- -260/230 ratios above 1.5
- Requires small volume of
sample (1-2ul) - - Direct measurement of sample (no dilutions)
- No cuvettes
- Dynamic range of 2ng/ul to 3.7 ug/ul
- Identify contaminants absorbing at other
- wavelengths that can cause PCR inhibition
- -Quantitate on 2100 Bioanalyzer/Experion
- -ribogreen quantitation
19RNA Integrity Agarose Gel
28S rRNA
18S rRNA
5S/ 5.8s rRNA
20RNA Assessment Tools
Agilent Bioanalyzer 2100
Bio-Rad Experion
Used for RNA Assessment
RNA NanoChip
21Characteristics of Intact Eukaryotic Total RNA
No small, well defined peaks
between ribosomal peaks
Distinct 28S Ribosomal Subunit
(usually 2X 18S)
Distinct 18S Ribosomal Subunit
Flat Baseline throughout
(5s Subunit) Prep Dependant
There maybe a small peak present at 24 seconds
that represents 5s, 5.8s and tRNA. This is
especially noted with phenol or Trizol
extraction, and is eliminated when total RNA is
prepped using Qiagen columns which remove the
small RNAs. (Substitute 16S and 23S for
prokaryotic samples)
Agilent, Bioanalyzer Show
22Partially Digested total RNA
18S ribosomal subunit
28S ribosomal subunit
In general, the 28S peak begins to degrade first.
Intensities of the smaller degraded RNA increases
The peaks begin to shift toward the left of the
Intensities of the peaks decrease.
Baseline between and to the left of the
ribosomal peaks becomes jagged.
Samples that result in electropherograms like the
above are borderline for inclusion in an assay
and should be under serious consideration of
Agilent, Bioanalyzer Show
23Impact of RNA Integrity on Expression
Levels10-fold difference
24DNase treatment alone is not enough!
DNase Treatment If needed
Recommend Double the enzyme units and
incubation Can impact small target recoveries
Must prove that gDNA has been removed -run RNA
on gel Look for gDNA -try to amplify off
total RNA from sample, visualize on gel -use
same amount of RNA equivalents as represented
in cDNA amplified reaction -generate (-)RT for
each sample, perform amplifcation step
25Checking for gDNA contamination with a (-)RT
26Checking for gDNA contamination with a (-)RT
sampleBiological significance?
Ct range19.8-39.2 Fold difference
27Checking for gDNA contamination with a (-)RT
sampleBiological significance?
Ct range 4 -7 Fold Difference range16-128
Repeat DNase I treament again and check RNA
before proceeding to cDNA step
28Reverse Transcription RXN Choices
-One-step versus two-step qRT-PCR -How much RNA
to use -100 to 2 ug of RNA -What primer to
use -random primers -hexamers, octamers,
nonamers, decamers, penta-decamers -oligo
d(T) -oligo d(T) and random hexamer mix -target
specific primer -What RT enzyme to use? -MMLV,
AMV,( Superscript III/MMLV)
29Reverse Transcription Reaction Best Priming
-2006 ABRF NARG (Nucleic Acid Research Group)
study -Comparison of Five Different RNA Priming
Strategies Using Two Genes expressed at Different
Levels-Human GUS (?-Glucuronidase) and TBP
(TATAA Binding Protein) genes were selected as
genes with different transcript levels -GUS
Medium-Expressed Transcript -TBP Low-Expressed
Transcript -Data was generated from SYBR Green
and TaqMan style assays
30Experimental design
Random Hexamers
Gene-Specific primer
No primer
3 RTs X 5 primer types
ABRF NARG 2006 Study
31Method of Analysis
- Examine the differences among each priming
strategy - Express the differences as the ?Ct between an
individual strategy, i, and no primer (NP) -
- ?Ct(I) Ct (NP) - Ct(I)
ABRF NARG 2006 Study
32Ranking of Priming Strategies
- Use the calculated ?Cts to rank each priming
reagent in each laboratorys data set - Assign value 1 to the strategy with the lowest Ct
Assign a value of 4 to the strategy with the
highest Ct - Calculate a call percentage of all rankings for
each priming strategy.
ABRF NARG 2006 Study
33Priming Efficacy for Gus
ABRF NARG 2006 Study
34Priming Efficacy for TBP
ABRF NARG 2006 Study
35Conclusion on RT Priming Strategies
- Optimal priming strategy may be target-dependent.
- Overall, priming with an gene-specific primer
resulted in the lowest Ct - Oligo(d)T was the second best primer for GUS and
third for TBP, RH-(d)T the second favored for
TBP, but third for GUS - The gene-specific primer was overwhelmingly the
most effective priming strategy for TBP (88),
but it was only slightly better than Oligo(d)T
for GUS (63) - In this study random hexamers appears to be a
poor choice for priming.
ABRF NARG 2006 Study
36Choice What Reverse Transcriptase?
STUDY Clinical Chemistry 50 1678-1680,
2004 Comparison of Reverse Transcriptases in
Gene Expression Analysis Anders
Ståhlberg, Mikael Kubista, and Michael Pfaffl
-Examined Eight
Reverse Transcriptases Moloney murine leukemia
virus RNase H- (MMLVHPromega) MMLV (Promega)
avian myeloblastosis virus (AMV Promega),
Improm-II (Promega) OmniScript (Qiagen) cloned
AMV (cAMV Invitrogen) ThermoScript RNase H-
(Invitrogen) and SupeScript III RNase H- -RT
enzyme with or without RNase acitivity?
37Analysis of RT enzymes Ct values reflecting the
amounts of cDNA produced by a variety of reverse
EOmniScript FcAMV GThermoScript
H HSuperScript III
A. Stahlbergs, et. Al., Clinical Chemistry 50
1678-1680, 2004 10.1373/clinchem.2004.035469
38RT Enzyme Choice Conclusions
- For the low expressors, HTR1a, HTR1b, HTR2b, the
reverse transcription yields for the eight RT
enzymes were similar - HTR2a, B-Actin, and GAPDH showed substantial
variation between the eight RT Enzymes - May be a result of mRNA folding. Variation would
be expected with targets with tight structures
because of inability for primer to bind
efficiently. Data indicates this may be the case
for HTR2, B-actin, and GAPDH. - RT Enzyme that performed best with these targets
was SuperScript III. - No advantage was noted in using an RT enzyme
without RNase activitiy(SuperScript III, MMLVH,
and ThermoScript)
A. Stahlbergs, et. Al., Clinical Chemistry 50
1678-1680, 2004 10.1373/clinchem.2004.035469
39Normalization Strategies
Goal To compensate for differences in starting,
RT/PCR efficiency, differences in samples
(contaminants), and pipetting
- Normalize starting amount of RNA
- Choose endogenous control that does not change
due to treatment or exposure. No one internal
reference gene is suitable for all experimental
conditions and each must be tested - Geometric averaging of multiple internal control
genes (GeNorm). J Vandesomple, et.al., Genome
Biol. 2002 Jun 183(7) - Normalization to quantified cDNA
- J. Libus and H Storchova, BioTechniques 41
156-164, August 2006
40Normalization Strategies cont.
- Choose an endogenous or housekeeping gene that is
abundant and constantly expressed in samples - Most of the common ones used, such as GAPDH, are
the least reliable. - Always a good idea to test the stability of the
housekeeping gene with the sample types (i.e.,
treated and untreated) - More than one can be applied
41Number of Normalizing Genes Used
70 0f Respondents Evaluate Only 1 Normalizing
NARG Survey 2007
42Battery of HKGS Determine Stable HKG
- Human
- 18s, HPRT, B2M, B-Act
- Mouse
- 18s, HPRT, B2M, GAPDH
- Rat
- 18s, more to add?
43Housekeeping Gene Parameters used in choosing a
stable HKG
- Our Core QC lt1 Ct differential between control
vs. experimental
44Endogenous (Housekeeping) Control One Size Does
Not Fit All
Good Choice
Bad Choice
Usually normalize to one housekeeping gene
45HPRT gt 1 Ct differential
18s rRNA gt 1 Ct differential
?-Actin lt1 Ct differential, is stable and
chosen as endogenous control
46Quantitation is Important in Identifying a Stable
Housekeeping Gene
18s rRNA B-2 Micro. HPRT.
47PCR Arrays
48PCR Arrays Discount Pricing through the
Facility64 to date
- Extra Cellular Matrix and Adhesion Molecules
- Neuroscience
- Signal Transduction
- Stem Cell and Development
- Toxicology and Drug Metabolism
- Apoptosis
- Biomarkers
- Cancer
- Cell cycle
- Common diseases
- Cytokine and Inflammatory Response
49Apoptosis Array Content
TNF Ligand Family Fasl (Tnfsf6), Tnf, Tnfsf10,
Tnfsf12, Tnfsf5, Tnfsf7. TNF Receptor Family
Fas (Tnfrsf6), Ltbr, Tnfrsf10b, Tnfrsf11b,
Tnfrsf1a, Tnfrsf5. Bcl-2 Family Bad (Bbc2),
Bag1, Bag3, Bak1, Bax, Bcl2, Bcl2l1, Bcl2l2,
Bcl2l10, Bid, Bnip2, Bnip3, Bnip3l, Bok, Mcl1.
Caspase Family Casp1, Casp2, Casp3, Casp4,
Casp6, Casp7, Casp8, Casp9, Casp12, Casp14. IAP
Family Birc1a, Birc1b, Birc2, Birc3, Birc4,
Birc5. TRAF Family Traf1, Traf2, Traf3. CARD
Family Apaf1, Bcl10, Birc3, Birc4, Card4, Card6,
Card10, Casp1, Casp2, Casp4, Casp9, Cradd, Nol3,
Pycard (Asc), Ripk1. Death Domain Family Cradd,
Dapk1, Fadd, Fas (Tnfrsf6), Ripk1, Tnfrsf10b
(TRAIL-R), Tnfrsf11b, Tnfrsf1a. Death Effector
Domain Family Casp8, Cflar (Cash), Fadd. CIDE
Domain Family Cidea, Cideb, Dffa, Dffb. p53 and
DNA Damage-Induced Apoptosis Akt1, Apaf1, Bad
(Bbc2), Bax, Bcl2, Bcl2l1, Bid, Casp3, Casp6,
Casp7, Casp9, Trp53 (p53), Trp53bp2, Trp53inp1,
Trp63, Trp73. Anti-Apoptosis Akt1, Api5, Atf5,
Bag1, Bag3, Bcl2, Bcl2l1, Bcl2l10, Bcl2l2,
Birc1a, Birc1b, Birc2, Birc3, Birc4, Birc5,
Bnip2, Bnip3, Casp2, Cflar, Dad1, Dsip1, Fas
(Tnfrsf6), Hells, Il10, Lhx4, Mcl1, Nfkb1, Nme5,
Pak7 (Arc), Pim2, Polb, Prdx2, Rnf7, Sphk2, Tnf,
Tnfsf5 (CD40L), Zc3hc1 (Nipa).
50Sensitivity Testing Different Concentrations of
Same Sample
Distribution of Ct Values
51Reproducibility Testing
52Quality Control Checks
- High and Low Expressing Housekeeping Genes
- RT and PCR efficiency
- - ?Ct AVG CtRTC AVG CtPPC should be lt5
- - AVG CtPPC should be 20 2
- gDNA contamination
- gt4 (human, mouse), gt10 (rat) indicates less
- than 1 gDNA contamination
53Operational Policies
- Investigator purchase Plates
- Users of facility get discounted pricing, see
staff - Make sure to order A designation
- Submit RNA
- Must be tested for integrity
- Must perform DNase treatment
- STRONGLY Recommend gDNA contamination test
- Facility can provide designated primer sets for
gDNA test - Facility performs cDNA and PCR reactions
- Data uploaded to biodesktop
- In PCR Array excel worksheet (train users on
VCC DNA Analysis Facility
UVM Microarray facility
MaryLou Shane Romaica Omaruddin Meghan Brown
Scott Tighe