miRNAs and biomarkers - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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miRNAs and biomarkers


miRNAs and biomarkers Gabriella Sozzi * * The MILD trial ..... In this large study the diagnostic performance of the plasma-based miRNA test was retrospectively ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: miRNAs and biomarkers

miRNAs and biomarkers
  • Gabriella Sozzi

  • diagnostic microRNAs in lung tumors
  • stratifying lung cancer molecular subtypes (
    Landi L. et al)
  • prognostic microRNAS in tumors
  • miRNA expression profiles to predict clinical
    outcomes of resectable SCLC patients (Nan Bi et
  • MicroRNAs associated with survival in malignant
    pleural mesothelioma patients (Kirschner et al)
  • diagnostic microRNAs in biological fluids
  • sputum miRNA expression profiles for the
    detection of non-small cell lung cancer (Razzak
    et al)
  • plasma miRNA test for lung cancer screening
    (Sozzi et al)
  • Biomarker-Driven Programs for Lung Cancer
  • General considerations (Massion P.)

small noncoding RNAs that regulate gene
expression by binding complementary sequences of
target mRNAs and inducing their degradation or
translational repression Evolutionary
conserved One miRNA has multiple targets
microRNA a new class of biomarkers
Diagnostic/prognostic miRNAs in lung cancer
Diagnostic miRNA signatures
Prognostic miRNAs
let-7a, miR-221, miR-137, miR-372 miR-182 Yu
et al., 2008
?let-7a, -34a, 34c, 25, -91
Landi et al., 2010
Lung cancer meta-signature miRNAs
Urmo Vosa Int. J. Cancer 2013
  • Urmo Võsa
  • Int. J. Cancer 2013
  • 20 published miRNA studies
  • 598 tumor and 528 non-cancerous samples
  • 15 miRNA metasignature
  • robust rank aggregation method

microRNA plasma/serum-based biomarkers for
cancer detection?
  • Blood-based miRNA studies are in their infancy
  • miRNA remain rather intact and stable in
  • Simple universally applicable assay for
    quantification (i.e. qRT-PCR)
  • In lung cancer plasma/serum levels of miRNAs
    might have diagnostic (Silva, ERJ 2010 Shen, Lab
    Invest 2010 Foss, J TO 2011 Boeri PNAS 2011
    Bianchi EmboMolMed 2011 Hennessey, PLoS One
    2012) and prognostic value (Hu, JCO, 2010).

miRNAs have been found packaged in exosomes
derived from multivesicular bodies (7) or be
exported in the presence of RNA-binding proteins
(i.e. Ago-2)(8) or might be exported
microvesicles shed during membrane blebbing (9).
Once in the extracellular space, these miRNAs
could be taken up by other cells, degraded by
RNases, or excreted(10).
MO 16.01 Different Micro-RNA Expression In Lung
Adenocarcinoma With Molecular Driver Events
Lorenza Landi1
Pierluigi Gasparini2, Stefania Carasi 2, Carmelo
Tibaldi1 , Luciano Cascione2, Greta Alì3, Armida
DIncecco1, Jessica Salvini1, Gabriele Minuti1 ,
Antonio Chella3 , Gabriella Fontanini3, Federico
Cappuzzo1 and Carlo M.Croce2 1 Istituto Toscano
Tumori, Dipartimento di Oncologia, Livorno
Italy 2 The Ohio State University, Comprehensive
Cancer Center, Department of Molecular Virology,
Immunology and Medical Genetics, Columbus, OH,
USA 3 Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria Pisana,
Pisa, Italy  
  • Trial Background
  • Oncogenic driving mutations identify lung
    adenocarcinoma with different prognosis and
    sensitivity to targeted therapy
  • Recent studies have suggested that miRNAs could
    be useful for stratifying lung cancer subtypes,
    however miRNAs deregulation in NSCLC with ALK
    translocation, EGFR or KRAS mutations is largely
  • Aim
  • Identify miRNA signature differences according to
    the presence of specific oncogenic driver
  • Methods
  • Retrospective analysis of a cohort of 67 NSCLCs
    matched with 17 normal lung tissues
  • RNA was isolated from FFPE using the Recover ALL
    kit (Ambion) and miRNA levels were analyzed using
    the NanoString miRNA V2 panel
  • Data were processed according to manufacture
    guidelines. We used Limma to test for
    differential expression analysis data
  • The miRNAs expression between tissues for all
    RT-qPCR was analyzed using the parametric t-test
    (unpaired,2-tailed for validation)

MO 16.01 Different Micro-RNA Expression In Lung
Adenocarcinoma With Molecular Driver Events -
Landi L
Patient Characteristics
other histology included patients with clear
cell carcinoma EGFR wild type (wt) included
patients EGFR wt and KRAS wt and ALK negative
Codon 12 exclusively defined by break-apart
FISH assay.
MO 16.01 Different Micro-RNA Expression In Lung
Adenocarcinoma With Molecular Driver Events -
Landi L
hsa-miR-515 family expression in normal versus
tumor and according to molecular events
hsa-miR-515 family Normal ALK pos EGFR WT EGFR mut KRAS mut
miR-520d-5phsa-miR-518a-5phsa-miR-527 5.3 5.2 2.7 2.0 1.4
miR-520h 4.9 5.3 2.8 3.0 2.0
miR-548d-3p 5.7 5.0 2.6 2.5 1.3
miR-548q 5.5 3.7 2.0 1.8 1.3
miR-549 7.1 5.7 2.5 1.8 1.5
p lt 0.001
MO 16.01 Different Micro-RNA Expression In Lung
Adenocarcinoma With Molecular Driver Events -
Landi L
  • miRNAs profile significantly differs in lung
    cancer patients with ALK translocation, EGFR
    mutations and KRAS mutations
  • Prognostic and predictive role of several miRNAs
    are currently under investigation
  • miRNAs expression could represent an useful tool
    to refine diagnosis of oncogene addicted NSCLC
  • Targeting miRNAs could represent a potential
    strategy to modulate sensitivity to biological

MO 16.01 Different Micro-RNA Expression In Lung
Adenocarcinoma With Molecular Driver Events -
Landi L
MicroRNA Signature Predicts Survival in
Resectable Small Cell Lung Cancer
Nan Bi, Jianzhong Cao, Yongmei Song, Jie Shen,
Wenyang Liu, Jing Fan, Guogui Sun, Tong Tong, Jie
He, Yuankai Shi, Xun Zhang, Ning Lu, Qimin Zhan,
and Luhua Wang Cancer Hospital and Cancer
Institute, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences
Peking Union Medical College, Beijing 100021,
Study Design
Training set (n42)
RNA isolation
Testing set (n40)
Normal Lung (n3)
Micro- array
Identifying miRNA signature associated with
overall surivival
42 patients
miRNA analysis
Good prognosis
Internal validation
Bad prognosis
40 patients
Results (3)-Training Set (N42)
The expression levels of miR-886-3p and miR-150
are lower in SCLC tumors than those in normal
lung tissues.
Results (3)-Training Set (N42)
miRNA signature 0.545microRNA150
Low risk (N21) MST not reached
High risk (N21) MST 12.6 months
Results (5)-Test Set (N40)
Low risk (N20) MST not reached
High risk (N20) MST 18.9 months
Results (6)- MiRNA Signature Predicts PFS in
both Training and Test Groups
Low risk
Low risk
High risk
High risk
Test group (N40)
Training group (N42)
Results (7)- Multivariate Regression Analysis of
MiRNA Signature and Survivals in Test Set (N40)
Variable Hazard Ratio 95CI P value
Overall survival
miRNA signature (low risk vs high risk) 0.26 0.10-0.69 0.007
Age (60 vs lt60) 1.96 0.77-5.02 0.16
Gender (female vs male) 1.12 0.11-11.71 0.92
Smoking status (no smoking vs smoking) 0.57 0.07-4.49 0.60
Progression-free survival Progression-free survival Progression-free survival Progression-free survival
miRNA signature (low risk vs high risk) 0.36 0.15-0.86 0.02
Age (60 vs lt60) 1.45 0.60-3.52 0.41
Gender (female vs male) 1.15 0.11-11.73 0.91
Smoking status (no smoking vs smoking) 0.45 0.06-3.46 0.44
  • A miR-150/miR-886-3p signature was correlated
    with the survivals in 42 resectable SCLCs and
    validated independently with another 40 SCLC
  • The expression levels of both miR-150 and
    miR-886-3p were lower in tumors than in normal
    lung tissues, indicating both of them could serve
    as tumor suppressor genes in SCLC.
  • MicroRNAs may serve as promising prognostic
    markers as well as noval therapeutic targets for
  • Larger sample size and function studies are
    warranted to validate our ?ndings.

MicroRNAs miR-17-5p, miR-21 and miR-210 are
associated with survival in malignant pleural
mesothelioma patients undergoing extrapleural
Michaela B Kirschner1, Yuen Yee Cheng1, Steven
C Kao1,2, Brian C McCaughan3,4, Nico van
Zandwijk1, Glen Reid1 1Asbestos Diseases
Research Institute, University of
Sydney 2Department of Medical Oncology, Sydney
Cancer Centre 3Cardiothoracic Surgical Unit,
Royal Prince Alfred Hospital Sydney 4The Baird
Institute and Sydney Medical School, University
of Sydney
Patient characteristics
  • Patients undergoing EPP in Sydney between 1994
    and 2009
  • Series previously used to assess NLR and
    Calretinin (Kao et al, JTO, 2011)
  • Complete Cohort 85
  • Patients with RNA 64

Training Set (microarrayRT-qPCR)
Test Set (RT-qPCR)
Variables Long survivors (N8) Short survivors (N8)
Median Age (range) 51.5 (37 64) 62 (47 70)
Gender Male Female 6 2 6 2
Histological Subtype Epithelioid Biphasic 8 0 8 0
Stage I II III IV 0 1 7 0 0 0 8 0
Induction Chemotherapy Yes No 0 8 0 8
Median survival (mo) 57.2 ( 45.83 90.48) 6.4 (1.94 8.28)
Variables All patients (N48)
Median Age (range) 58 (22 - 74)
Gender Male Female 37 11
Histological Subtype Epithelioid Biphasic 31 17
Stage I II III IV 2 8 32 6
Induction Chemotherapy Yes No 13 35
Median survival (mo) 15.28 (0.07 81.18)
Kaplan-Meier and Multivariate Analysis
  • Classic prognostic factors (N48)
  • Female gender (49.8 mo vs 14.6 mo in males,
  • Epithelioid histology (18.17 mo vs 12.16 mo in
    biphasic, p0.048)
  • Cox-Regression for each microRNA combined with
    classic prognostic factors (Histology, age,
    gender, stage)

Hazard Ratio 95 CI p-value
miR-17-5p Low High 2.26 1.04 4.93 1 (ref) 0.041
Factor Hazard Ratio 95 CI p-value
miR-21 Low High 4.12 1.86 9.14 1 (ref) lt0.001
Factor Hazard Ratio 95 CI p-value
miR-210 Low High 1.46 0.73 2.89 1 (ref) 0.283
Conclusions and Future Directions
  • Lower expression levels of three microRNAs in
    tumour tissue are associated with longer survival
    of patients undergoing EPP
  • miR-17-5p and miR-21 remain significant in a
    multivariate model including classic prognostic
  • Those microRNAs have the potential to assist in
    better selection of patients considered for EPP
  • Validation in independent samples sets is
  • Combination of several microRNAs as potential
    prognostic signature

miRNAs in biological fluids
  • P2.20-011 A prospective clinical study
    evaluating stage dependent sputum micro-RNA
    expression profiles for the detection of
    non-small cell lung cancer
  • Authors  Rene Razzak1, Eric L.R. Bédard1, Julian
    O. Kim2, Sayf Gazala1, Linghong Guo2, Sunita
    Ghosh2, Anil A. Joy2, Tirath Nijjar2, Eric Wong1,
    Wilson H. Roa2 1University of Alberta, Edmonton,
    AB/CANADA, 2Cross Cancer Institute, Edmonton,

Our objective was to utilize an efficient,
cost-effective panel consisting of 3 miRNAs
(miR-21, miR-210 and miR-372) for prospective
validation as a potential means of accurately
detecting NSCLC. This panel was selected based on
retrospective analysis of 11 miRNAs our group had
previously undertaken using separate NSCLC and
control cohorts.
  • 21 early NSCLC ( Stage II) patients, 22 advanced
    NSCLC ( Stage III) patients and 10 control
    subjects were prospectively accrued. A single
    sputum sample was obtained through spontaneous
    expectoration from each study participant.
  • miR-21, miR-210 and miR-372 expression was
    conducted on each sputum sample and normalized to
    an endongenous control (U6) relative to a MRC-5
    reference sample, using RNA reverse transcription
    and Quantitative real-time Polymerase Chain
    Reaction (RT-qPCR).
  • Statistical evaluation consisted of unsupervised
    hierarchical cluster analysis of the
    experimental-normalized miRNA expression profiles
    using within-group linkage.

Comparing early NSCLC to controls, the use of
miR-21, miR-210 and miR372 expression yielded a
diagnostic sensitivity of 66.7 and a specificity
of 90.0. Advanced NSCLC patients had an improved
sensitivity of 81.8 with the same specificity of
The utilization of miR-21, miR-210 and miR372
sputum expression might provide a sensitive and
specific means of detecting NSCLC. The potential
linkage between their expression and NSCLC stage
may account for the higher sensitivity observed
in the advanced NSCLC group. Future use of this
promising panel on a larger population will be
required to establish its potential application
as a screening tool.

Plasma miRNA test for lung cancer screening
Gabriella Sozzi
2005 - 2011
Smoking cessation Lung function assessment
blood sampling
4,000 Smokers 50 years
gt 100,000 biological samples
  • LDCT

Pastorino U. et al., Eur J Cancer Prev. 2012
Study Design Aims
  • Diagnostic performance of miRNA test (3 levels,
    H-I-L risk MSC classifier) for lung cancer
    detection across LDCT and observational arms
  • Combination of LDCT and plasma miRNA test
  • Prognostic value of the miRNA assay

Sozzi G. et al., in press
Diagnostic and prognostic performance of MSC
Total MSC (risk of lung cancer) MSC (risk of lung cancer) MSC (risk of lung cancer)
Total High (H) Intermediate (I) Low (L)
All subjects 939 63 (6.7) 159 (16.9) 717 (76.4)
No lung cancer 870 32 (3.7) 130 (14.9) 708 (81.4)
Lung cancer 69 31 (44.9) 29 (42.0) 9 (13.0)
performance SE87, SP81, PPV27, NPV99 SE87, SP81, PPV27, NPV99 SE87, SP81, PPV27, NPV99
Lung cancer deaths 19 12 (63.2) 6 (31.6) 1 (5.3)º
Lung cancer, stage I? 37 14 (37.8) 19 (51.4) 4 (10.8)
Lung cancer, stage II-III? 12 5 (41.7) 4 (33.3) 3 (25.0)
Lung cancer, stage IV? 19 11 (57.9) 6 (31.6) 2 (10.5)
SE, SP, PPV and NPV were calculated combining
pre-specified MSC High and Intermediate versus
Low risk. P0.0366, based on the
Cochran-Armitage test for trend in the proportion
of deaths across strata of MSC risk groups among
subjects with lung cancer. º plasma sample
obtained 30 months before disease detection. ?
tumor stage information was not available in one
patient.p0.49 for association of MSC with tumor
Sozzi G. et al., in press
Time dependency analysis of diagnostic
performance of MSC, at 6, 12, 18 and 24 months
intervals between blood sampling and lung cancer
diagnosis ( according to Heagerty PJ )
Months from blood sampling to lung cancer detection SE SP PPV NPV
6 83 80 18 99
12 86 81 22 99
18 86 81 23 99
24 87 81 25 99
Sozzi G. et al., in press
Modulation of the miRNA signatures in plasma
samples collected pre-disease, at time of disease
and after surgery (disease-free) from 20 pts
miRNAs returning at the normal levels after surgery miRNAs remaining deregulated after surgery
660 451
106a 197
17 142-3p
Median time 18 months (4-46)
Median time 20 months (5-28)
Patient developing a second primary lung cancer
At surgery
Patient developing surrenal metastases
Biomarker-Driven Programs for Lung Cancer
Pierre P. Massion, MD Thoracic
Program Vanderbilt University Nashville, TN WCLC
Oct 30th, 2013
Biomarkers in the natural history of lung cancer
Disease non-measurable
Lung nodules
Diagnostic BM
BM of risk
BM of Response

Screening programs
Early Lung cancer diagnostic biomarkersSullivan-P
epe, JNCI 2001- EDRN
Candidates Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Phase 4 Phase 5
  Discovery, Prediction Assay validation Retro-longitudinal Prospective screening Cancer Control
MALDI TOF MS profiling x x x     
Autoantibodies x x x   x  
Specific antigens /proteins x x x     
miRNA x x  x     
DNA methylation Blood x  x      
Circulating Tumor cells x        
TUMOR/airway epith Preinvasive histo/cytology x x x    
DNA methylation x x  x    
RNA airway signature x x  x    
MALDI MS profiling x x      
Chromosome aberrations x  x      
DNA Methylation Sputum x x  x    
DNA CN -FISH x  x      
VOCs x x
Indeterminate Pulmonary Nodules (6-15 mm)
High Prob
Low probability
How good should the biomarker be?
  • Better than standard of care.
  • What are the metrics?
  • Performance of the test PPV NPV
  • ROC curves (TPR vs FPR). C index comparison
  • Net reclassification Improvement (NRI) index
  • Change in decision making.
  • De-emphasize Sensitivity and Specificity
  • Irrelevant (except in early phase of marker
  • Not stable across populations
  • Require dichotomization of marker values (loss of
  • No information on added value
  • Not actionable metric PPV or NPV are.
  • Independent of the prevalence of the cancer.

Pecot, CEBP 2012
Plasma C4d levels (a stable complement split
product) in early stage lung cancerPhase 2
C4d in plasma samples from early lung cancer
Ajona et al, JNCI 2013
C4d levels in screening detected lung cancer
Ajona et al, JNCI 2013
A Blood-Based Proteomic Classifier for the
Molecular Characterization of Pulmonary
NodulesPhase 3
  • Shotgun Proteomic analysis of tumors.
  • Selected candidate proteins for testing in the
  • Developed 13 multiple reaction monitoring MRM
    assays. LRP1, BGH3, COIA1, TETN, TSP1,
  • Training and testing algorithm.

Li et al. Sci Transl Med. 2013 Oct
13 MRM predictor of lung cancer among 247 lung
nodules 4-30 mm (prev 15)
A negative test implies a gt2 fold decrease risk
for cancer. High NPV of the test would obviate
1/4 patients with benign nodules from a biopsy
Li et al. Sci Transl Med. 2013 Oct
7 Autoantibody signature Phase 4
CAGE, GBU 45, HER2, p53, c-myc, NY-ES0-1 and MUC1
Boyle, Annals of Oncology 2010 Lam, Cancer Prev
Res 2011 Chapman Tum. Biol. 2012 Jett, Lung
Cancer 2013 in press
7 Autoantibody signatureEarlyCDT- Lung Oncimmune
189 nodules tested with the 7 AAB test
Cases Controls   Sensitivity 44.2
Profile 19 17 36 Specificity 88.4
Profile - 24 129 153 PPV 52.8
43 146   NPV 84.3
Prevalence 0.23
RR 3.36
In nodules 8-20 mm, the RR is 4.6
P2.20-006 Autoantibodies to a panel of lung
cancer-associated antigens can provide
significant discrimination between malignant and
non-malignant lung nodules P. Massion
Personalizing the management of indeterminate
pulmonary nodules
Clinical utility of a diagnostic biomarkerstudy
Outcomes Early stage Futile Thorac. Survival Decr
ease cost
3 mo CT F/U
Randomize IPNs
SOC (Guidelines)
No test
3 mo CT F/U
Randomization of nodules based on the use of a
biomarker test. Proves that biomarker
affects patients outcome Proves that biomarker
test affects patients outcome when compared with
unselected use of same Standard Of Care.
  • Many early detection candidate biomarkers exist
  • Few are validated or tested in preclinical
    setting. Priority to validate existing
  • We need to de-emphasize Sensitivity and
    Specificity and emphasize NPV or PPV with change
    in decision making.
  • BM should provide knowledge about added value and
    therefore should be integrated to clinical,
    laboratory and imaging routine data.
  • To demonstrate clinical utility requires
    significant investment in effort and resources
    towards biomarkers driven clinical trial.
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