Title: Time-Varying Incentives in the Mutual Fund Industry
1Time-Varying Incentives in the Mutual Fund
- Jacques Olivier
- HEC Paris
- Anthony Tay
- Singapore Management University
- Existing empirical literature on mutual fund
flows - Ippolito (1992), Gruber (1996), Chevalier and
Ellison (1997), Sirri and Tufano (1998), Del
Guercio and Tkac (2002), Lynch and Musto (2003),
Barber, Odean and Zheng (2005), Gallaher, Kaniel
and Starks (2006) and Huang, Wei and Yan (2007) - Because of fee structure, investor flows shape
the incentives of mutual fund managers - Crucial property of flows convex function of
past performance, which provides incentives for
strategic risk-shifting - Chevalier and Ellison (1997), Brown et al. (1996)
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- Central result of this paper
- Convexity of the flow-performance relationship
varies with economic activity - The stronger is economic activity, the more
convex is the flow-performance relationship
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- 5 issues
- (i) Is the effect economically significant?
- 1 GDP growth implies (more than) twice as much
convexity as on average - -1 GDP growth implies no convexity whatsoever
(and even some concavity) - (ii) Is the effect driven by abnormal years?
- NO removing years with deep recessions or strong
booms leaves the result unchanged
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- 5 issues (continued)
- (iii) Through which channel does economic
activity affect the nature of the
flow-performance relationship? - GDP growth, NOT market returns
- Aggregate flows, NOT volatility
- Consistent with consumption smoothing
disposition effect - (iv) Does the time variation of the
flow-performance relationship affect decisions of
fund managers? - YES strategic risk-shifting occurs only when GDP
growth is high - Effect of GDP growth dominates that of market
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- 5 issues (continued)
- (v) Other reasons why we care about the result
- Rationalizes existing results on mutual fund
performance over the business cycle - Methodological aspects
- Time-varying risk premia (more tentative)
7Data and Methodology (1)
- No-load US domestic equity mutual funds appearing
in CRSP survival bias free mutual fund database
between 1980 and 2006 - Exclude multiple classes, index funds, funds of
funds, funds closed to investors, funds that
never reached 10M of total net assets - Flow variablei,t Dollar Flowi,t TNAi,t
(1ri, t) TNAi, t-1 - Where TNAi,t represent Total Net Assets at the
end of year t
8Data and Methodology (2)
- Rank (or relative performance) year-by-year
ranking of fund managers according to their
(1-factor) alpha - Measure between 0 (worse performer) and 1 (best
performer) - Following Sirri and Tufano (1998), divide
performance in three regions - TOP top quintile (relative performance from 0.8
to 1) - MIDDLE middle three quintiles (from 0.2 to 0.8)
- BOTTOM bottom quintile (below 0.2)
- Estimate piecewise linear regression of current
flows on past performance - Robustness checks
- Rank managers by their excess returns or by their
4-factor alphas - Use 1-factor alphas themselves instead of the
9Data and Methodology (3)
- Standard flow-performance regression (e.g. Sirri
and Tufano, 1998) - Where
10Data and Methodology (4)
- Interpretation of the standard regression
- There is convexity if and only a1 a3 is
positive and significant - In other words, if and only if flows react more
to differences in performance of good performers
than to differences in performances of lousy
11Data and Methodology (5)
- What we test in this paper
- Does the difference a1 a3 vary with economic
activity? - Our basic regression
12Data and Methodology (6)
- Interpretation Business cycle effects measured
by deviations (in percentage) of real US GDP
growth from its sample mean - Year-fixed effects take care of impact of
business cycle on the intercept - Slope effects captured by interaction variable
13Data and Methodology (7)
- Interpretation of coefficient on performance
impact of performance on flows when US GDP growth
is equal to its sample mean - Interpretation of coefficient on interaction
variable how does a 1 deviation of GDP growth
change the (total) impact of performance on
14Data and Methodology (8)
- Tests of convexity
- Flow-performance relationship is convex on
average if and only if - a1 is (significantly) larger than a3
- A 1 increase of GDP growth rate increases
convexity if and only if - a4 is (significantly) larger than a6
15Data and Methodology (9)
- Unbalanced Panel Data
- Year fixed effects though year dummy variables
- Standard errors clustered by funds
- Methodological remark
- Usual methodology used in mutual fund flows
literature Fama-Mac Beth regressions - Assumes that slope coefficients in each annual
regression drawn from the same distribution - Not valid if systematic time variation at
business cycle frequency in slope coefficients - Comparable to point made 10 years ago in the
asset pricing literature (conditional vs.
unconditional CAPM)
16Basic Results (1)
17Basic Results (2)
18Basic Results (3)
- Interpretation
- Flow-performance relationship convex on average
- Stronger reaction of flows to good performance
when economic activity is strong - Stronger convexity of the flow-performance
relationship when economic activity is strong - Order of magnitude a /- 1 change of GDP growth
(more than) doubles / eliminates the convexity in
the flow-performance relationship
19Robustness Checks
20Economic Interpretation (1)
21Economic Interpretation (2)
- Candidate 1 flow composition effect
- Step 1 convexity of new inflows and of portfolio
rebalancing flows - Investors look for positive alpha funds
- Positive alpha funds concentrated in upper tail
of the distribution - Step 2 outflows are a flat or concave function
of performance - Concentration of portfolios short-sale
constraints - Disposition effect
- Step 3 more outflows when economic activity is
weak - Consumption smoothing
22Economic Interpretation (3)
- Candidate 2 volatility effect
- Step 1 convexity driven by investors looking for
positive alpha funds - Step 2 volatility is countercyclical
- Step 3 performance is less informative about
skill when volatility is high (more noise)
23Economic Interpretation (4)
24Implications (1)
- Tournament Hypothesis
- Brown et al. (1996), Chevalier and Ellison
(1997) convexity of flow-performance
relationship provides incentives for poor
mid-year performers to take on more risk - Empirical evidence on risk-shifting very mixed
depending on samples - Kempf et al. (2008) cost of switching jobs imply
more risk-shifting under good than under bad
market conditions - 2 issues
- No direct estimate of cost of switching jobs and
relative magnitude compared to high-powered
incentives in the industry - Could go either way (foregone bonuses)
25Implications (2)
- Conditional Tournament Hypothesis
- When the flow-performance relationship is convex,
then poor mid-year performers have incentives to
increase the risk of their portfolios - Thus, more risk-shifting when economic activity
is strong - If risk-shifting mostly driven by the
flow-performance relationship then no impact of
market conditions on risk-shifting once business
cycle effects are accounted for
26Implications (3)
- Conditional Tournament Hypothesis (continued)
- Negative coefficient of interaction variable
poor performers increase their risk even more
when GDP growth is high - Year fixed effect and fund clustered standard
27Implications (4)
28Implications (6)
- Conclusion
- Behavior of fund managers is consistent with
time-series properties of the flow-performance
relationship - Reconciles insights of seminal papers in the
field with conflicting empirical evidence - Once time-varying nature of incentives are
accounted for, only mild support for impact of
employment risk - Some evidence in favor of market timing by fund
29Other Reasons to Care About the Result
- Kosowski (2006) Funds have significantly larger
alphas during recessions than during booms - This paper provides a possible rationale for the
result more distortion of incentives of mutual
fund managers during booms - Mechanism supported by Huang et al. (2008)
risk-shifting destroys value - Asset pricing literature Non constant discount
factors - This paper provides a (very) specific example
where business cycle variations generate
endogenously shifts to risk aversion of agents
(fund managers)