Leadership: What Kind of Leader Do I Need to Be? Want to Be?

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Leadership: What Kind of Leader Do I Need to Be? Want to Be?


Leadership: What Kind of Leader Do I Need to Be? Want to Be? Andrew Graham School of Policy Studies Queens University – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Leadership: What Kind of Leader Do I Need to Be? Want to Be?

Leadership What Kind of Leader Do I Need to Be?
Want to Be?
  • Andrew Graham
  • School of Policy Studies
  • Queens University

What Well Be Doing Together
  • Getting Started What does leadership mean to you
    and what is it about your work context that
    affects how you lead?
  • Some Basics about Leadership
  • Getting off the white horse and into the real
  • Yes, the vision thing is important, as a start
  • Context molds how and what you lead
  • You can lead from behind, beside and up front
  • Some Really Good Ways to Fail as a Leader
  • Leading Yourself
  • You as your organizations key resource
  • How to treat yourself as a resource

What is Leadership where you live?
  • Lets discuss leadership and what you see it as
  • Take it to your home and not in some imaginary or
    ideal world.
  • Lets go..

You need to work on your leadership style when.
  • Your staff is openly challenging your open door
  • The Chair of the Board calls yours office to
    speak to yours assistant, not you.
  • Every time you come out of the your office the
    conversations stop and everyone is blushing.
  • The social committee keeps asking you what youd
    like to do for your retirement party.
  • They keep moving the executive meeting without
    telling you.

You need to work on your leadership style when.
  • The motto hanging on your wall is If it aint
    broke, I havent touched it yet.
  • You adhere to the KISS principle Keep It
    Stupid, Simple.
  • In the latest cost-cutting exercise, people are
    referring to you as the fat that wields the
  • The only way that can get people to come to a
    meeting in your office is by keeping your fridge
    stocked with beer.
  • Youre envious of the job security of a
    contestant on The Apprentice.

Distinguishing Leadership From Managing
  • Managing
  • Engages in day-to-day caretaker activities
    Maintains and allocates resources
  • Exhibits supervisory behaviour Acts to make
    others maintain standard job behaviour
  • Administers subsystems within organizations
  • Asks how and when to engage in standard practice
  • Goes for the brain
  • Leadership
  • Formulates long-term objectives for reforming the
    system Plans strategy and tactics
  • Exhibits leading behaviour Acts to bring about
    change in others congruent with long-term
  • Innovates for the entire organization
  • Asks what and why to change standard practice
  • Goes for the heart

Distinguishing Leadership From Managing
  • Leadership
  • Creates vision and meaning for the organization
  • Uses transformational influence Induces change
    in values, attitudes, and behaviour using
    personal examples and expertise
  • Uses empowering strategies to make followers
    internalize values
  • Status quo challenger and change creator
  • Managing
  • Uses transactional influence Induces compliance
    in manifest behaviour
  • Acts within established culture of the
    organization using rewards, sanctions, and formal
  • Relies on control strategies to get things done
    by subordinates
  • Status quo supporter and stabilizer

Leaders Make Pathways
Leader identifies employee needs.
Leader connects rewards with goal(s)
Appropriate goals are established.
Participative behavior
Supportive behavior
Leader provides assistance on employees path
toward goals.
Employees become satisfied and motivated and
accept the leader.
Both employees and organization better
reach their goals.
Effective performance occurs.
The Working Leader
  • So much research and theory focus on the leader
    bringing his or her organization along, to new
    levels, out of the depths into a new tomorrow, a
    better world.
  • Leadership is also a set of functions that
    leaders fulfill to make their organization
    effective within both the larger organization and
    the overall environment
  • Known as the action/functional concept of
  • We will focus our review of leadership at the
    coal face not the pulpit

What Then is a Working Leader and what does she
  • Focus is on critical performance issues around
  • Implementation
  • Execution
  • Operating capabilities and competencies
  • Coordination
  • Systems issues

Who does what with whom, when and where in order
to get the work done effectively and the
continuous reworking of these as circumstances
change and problems arise.
Some characteristics of a working leader
  • The working leader is constantly juggling
    connections to get things done.
  • The working leader understands her operation well
    enough to understand its dependencies.
  • The working leader is engaged. She must get into
    the messy fray of who should be doing what in
    the process the soft issues of people and
    relationships become entwined with the hard
    issues of resources and technology

Roles of the Working Leader
  • Building Relationships
  • Networking
  • Gathering emotional intelligence
  • Supporting
  • Explaining
  • Fixing misunderstandings

Roles of the Working Leader
  • Managing Conflict
  • Managing conflict and team building (within and
    outside the organization)
  • Most conflicts occur within work routines,
    especially where they interface with other work
    routines (mutual interdependence is a key factor)

Roles of the Working Leader
  • Influencing People
  • Getting people on board either internally or
  • Matching organizational objectives to other
  • Creating a climate of co-operation and mutual
    value added in problem solving
  • Taking a stand or defending turf

Roles of the Working Leader
  • Getting decisions made (not just making
  • Internal decision-making making sure there is a
    link to a specific decision and an actual outcome
  • Influencing necessary decision out of the
    leaders control horizontally and vertically
  • Creating effective reward/payback systems to
    ensure a flow of positive outcomes (you scratch
    my back and Ill scratch yours)

Roles of the Working Leader
  • Moving and Leveraging Information Flow
  • Understanding what is happening within the
    organization to influence desired outcomes
  • Understanding what is happening elsewhere that
    has an impact on the organizations desired
  • Making sure that the organization understands if
  • Selling, explaining, get the organizations
    concerns listened to
  • Clarifying roles
  • Reducing inter-organizational friction

Some Key Tasks of a Working Leader
  • Defining the task
  • Involving the key players in generating creative
    ideas, seeking consensus on options and providing
  • Clarifying how we will know when we have
    achieved the task.
  • Communicating and explaining this to all involved
    Identifying contingency arrangements
  • Constantly building work arounds or alternative
    ways of doing the same thing
  • Briefing, Cajoling, Begging, Beseeching

Some Key Tasks of a Working Leader
  • Distributing resources, bartering resources
    across units, fighting for more resources
  • Setting or negotiating standards limited or
    defining expectations, prescising delivery of
    goods and services and time, setting limits on
    sharing, defining scope of control.

Some Key Tasks of a Working Leader
  • Controlling Watching the organization and its
    dependent organizations at work, checking
    progress through monitoring systems and
    intervening when required to ensure the work flow
    keeps on course.
  • Evaluating Building formal and informal ways to
    assess issues as they emerge or as primal
    indicators emerge that trouble is on the way (it
    is, by the way)
  • Giving feedback and identifying ways of improving.

Some Key Tasks of a Working Leader
  • Motivating Understanding the needs of the
    organization and individuals and using these to
    build further commitment.
  • Sensing dissatisfaction and removing or reducing
    these factors.

Then again, maybe being a leader is just about
herding kittens
Bad Leadership and how to get some
  • A good leader can do bad and a bad leader can at
    a minimum do very little harm
  • So why does having good leadership matter? Why
    does have a good leader doing good matter even
  • The costs moral, financial and human of bad
    leadership in pursuit of good causes is extremely
  • In addition, we only learn about what good
    leadership should look like through an
    understanding what bad leadership both
    technical and ethical looks like.

Types of Bad Leadership
  • Incompetent leadership the leader and at least
    some followers lack the will or skill to sustain
    effective action
  • Rigid Leadership the leader and at least some
    followers are stiff and unyielding. Although they
    may be competent, they are unable or unwilling to
    adapt to new ideas, new information or changing
  • Intemperate Leadership the leader lacks
    self-control and is aided and abetted by
    followers who are unwilling or unable effectively
    to intervene.

Types of Bad Leadership
  • Callous Leadership - the leader and at least
    some followers are uncaring or unkind. Ignored or
    discounted are the needs, wants and wishes of
    most members of the group or organization,
    especially subordinates.
  • Corrupt Leadership - the leader and at least
    some followers lie, cheat, or steal or facilitate
    same in others. To a degree that exceeds the
    norm, they put self-interest ahead of the public

Types of Bad Leadership
  • Insular Leadership - the leader and at least
    some followers minimize or disregard the health
    and welfare of the the other i.e. those
    outside the group or organization for which they
    are directly responsible.
  • Evil Leadership - the leader and at least some
    followers commit atrocities. They use pain as an
    instrument of power.

Based on Barbara Kellerman Bad Leadership What
It is, How It Happens, Why it Matters
Managing You
  • The Leaders Key Resource

The Leaders Asset Base
The Leaders Asset Base- Revisited
Why Manage You?
  • Leadership is an active and positive force.
  • It is also a highly personal and personable
  • Effective leaders use all of their resources to
    get things done and done well huge draw on
    their creativity
  • The big secret is the degree to which they manage
    themselves as one of those key resources

Why Manage You?
  • Leadership itself is a balancing act of art,
    craft and science
  • Each leader has a different set of talents and
    abilities that blend to make them unique
  • To meet your needs and that of your organization
    you need to understand yourself, your impact on
    the organization and where things work and do not
    and find compensatory strategies

Know Your Strengths
  • You can perform only from strength
  • Knowing what that is may often be difficult
  • Leaders get less direct and helpful feedback than
    they probably need
  • You need to create some form of feedback loop to
    get information/ preferably off-line or drawing
    on the experience of others
  • You need to analyze your strengths and weaknesses
    by clinical

Feedback Analysis Dont Wait for it.
  • Spend some time when big things happen and note
    what outcomes you expect
  • Go back 9 months later and note what actually
  • You get very busy and forget and only hear when
    things go wrong
  • Doing this consistently will give you great
    feedback on what you do well there will be lots
    of people to tell you what you do wrong

Work on Your Strengths
  • Forget the all singing, all dancing uber
    performers they are not there and are spread too
  • Work on improving your strengths
  • Your weaknesses will either be fixed through
    feedback or never go away
  • Sort out where your intellectual firewalls are to
    learning about both your strengths and weaknesses

Work on Your Manners
  • Civility is the grease that keeps friction down
    and things moving
  • Managers too often get caught up in the rush of
    events and ignore the people along the way
  • There is always a tomorrow in management and,
    surprise, a lot of the same people will be around
    then too
  • please and thank you work miracles

Discover Your Performance Personality
  • Do you read or listen when you learn things and
    get the facts?
  • Do you read people or read notes?
  • How do you learn best? Academically or
  • How do you think a problem through? On your own?
    By writing? By talking it through?
  • Do you act alone or with others?

Discover Your Performance Personality
  • Are you best leading or best following or best as
  • Are decisions your thing or is advice your thing?
  • How are you in high stress environments?
  • Do you like big organizations or small ones?

Product Warning Tamper at Risk
  • Understanding your work personality takes work
  • Do not try to change yourself for its own sake
  • Do try to build your strengths and work on your
  • Just being aware is a major plus

The Values Test
  • To what degree do you know your values?
  • To what degree are your values and that of your
    organization compatible?
  • Are your strengths compatible with your values?

Knowing Where You Belong
  • Successful careers are not planned they follow
    opportunities that you create and your strengths
    permit and your values make work
  • The right fit is a hard thing to find and there
    is not a priori answer can be by trial and
  • Often means knowing what you do not want to do
    before really knowing what you want to do
  • Choose your boss carefully they wont change
    after you take the job

Where Can I Do My Bit?
  • Making a contribution is part of the new work
    paradigm not just doing as others tell you but
    where can you make a difference?
  • It means sorting out the key things you can do in
    your time on the job you are always passing
    through, even when you are in the same job a long

Leaders Carry Unique Responsibilities for
  • You have to know the strengths and weaknesses of
    those working for you and those for whom you work
  • You have to manage communications, the heart
    blood of modern organizations and knowledge work

So, to things like Vision and Value, add..
  • Verve yes, you have to make things exciting
    from time to time
  • Prescience get those antennae out
  • Common sense
  • Flexibility and adaptability

Manage All Your Resources
  • Manage time yours and others as one of the
    most precious resources plan and reflect on how
    you are doing this
  • Always find unique skills in your employees to
    use and celebrate

Manage All Your Resources
  • Networking and advocating for your workplace
    sends major signals throughout the organization
    bad-mouthing your boss or workplace often makes
    you look bad
  • Information needs management, not just
    information technology computers are still as
    stupid as they always were they are just faster
    at it.

Avoid Becoming a One Dimensional Person
  • Develop and nurture parallel or separate
    interests it broadens your perspective
  • Think about the second half of your life same
    old, same old does not work
  • Plan for boredom
  • Avoid bringing home to work or work to home
    without some guidelines, delineations or rules
    for doing so

Avoid Becoming a One Dimensional Person
  • Build in safe houses for yourself (mentors and
    coaches work for some, exercise or hobbies for
  • Never under-estimate the powerful relationship
    between mind, emotions, capacity and body,
    fitness and well-being

Dont Take Yourself Too Seriously.. Signs for a
spouse that your marriage to an executive is in
trouble when he/she.
  • Refers to your wedding day as a swearing-in
  • Valentines Day card has bullet points.
  • Develops an agenda for the long week-end at the
  • Refers to parental guidance as achieving
    downstream impact.
  • Refers to your kids as major files.

Dont Take Yourself Too Seriously.. Signs for a
spouse that your marriage to an executive is in
trouble when he/she.
  • Refers to those intimate moments as win-win
  • Refers to the bathroom as a robust system where
    the situation is fluid.
  • Prepares key messages for dinner conversation.
  • Designates mother-in-law as stakeholder
  • Refers to first-born as the template.

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