Title: Why you should buy YObykes
1Why should you buy YObykes?
2Because YObykes are the smartest electric bikes
made ever!
3Because YObykes are economical!
- Lower capital investment compared to petrol
scooters - Low running cost No Petrol / CNG / Diesel, just
charge and ride - Hassle-free and low maintenance cost Electric
bikes are not fitted with parts like oil filters,
air filters, clutch plate, gearbox etc. that
attract regular wear tear, hence with less
parts (majorly electric parts), electric bikes
are easy and cheap to maintain - Tax saving opportunity for Corporates Electric
bikes are eligible for deprecation at 80 p.a.
5Because YObykes are eco-friendly!
- Zero tail pipe emission and hence no air
pollution - PUC not required
- No noise pollution
- Helps keep your city clean and green
- Contributes to organizations Corporate Social
Responsibility initiatives for environment
7Because YObykes are convenient!
- Being light weight and having features like no
kick, no gears/clutch, makes it convenient for
all age groups - Electric scooters can be charged easily wherever
normal power supply is available, no hassle of
visiting fuel station anymore! - Ample storage space
- Technologically advanced features (for 2W only)
9Because YObykes are safe!
- YObykes have safe speed, making them apt for
students and elders - Ideal speed for city traffic
- YObykes are light weight and hence safe to ride
11For more information, visit www.yobykes.in
Thank you